Share Sounds presented by Gavin Oldham related to Mindfulness

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Genre: Mindfulness
Strand: Share Radio Evening Show
Presenter: Gavin Oldham
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Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Stepping Forward — Together

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Stepping Forward — Together
Isolation and insecurity as a result of reducing levels of in-person contact are causing problems in all walks of life, but particularly for young people in care. Getting started in adult life isn't just about learning the technical skills, but building self-confidence, communication skills and hope for the future. The performing arts — singing, dancing, acting and backstage — can provide these transferable skills with the real enjoyment of working together with others. So The Share Foundation has just launched its new programme 'Stepping Forward' in partnership with Tring Park School and the Rothschild Foundation. Background music: 'Communicator' by Reed Mathis

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Humanity's Stupidities

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Humanity's Stupidities
The 2025 Doomsday Clock is set at just 89 seconds before midnight by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, but it's not just the potential for nuclear catastrophe that is rearing its head: climate change and biodiversity are causing deep concerns, and even if we can struggle through this difficult period, the legacy that we're leaving to future generations is awful. It's said that charity begins at home, but the treatment of our own young people is not encouraging in this respect: debts abound, both at the personal and public levels. With so many current-day challenges, the big question is how to encourage people — and our elected leaders — to take a longer-term perspective? Background music: 'Lost In Prayer' by Doug Maxwell The Doomsday Clock is created and managed by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Dishonesty on a Pedestal

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Dishonesty on a Pedestal
More than seven million people tuned in for the explosive finale of the third series of hit BBC series 'The Traitors', an entertaining romp through the psychological effects of dishonesty. The BBC has succeeded in making adjustments so that dishonesty doesn't always win, but the finale showed clearly how it evaporates trust. In a wider context, it's becoming increasingly clear that social media is driving people apart by enabling people to express views and aggression 'at arms length' — the removal of fact-checking is another significant step backwards. Does social media drive people apart? We should not delay in seeking more research on the question. Background music: 'Hidden Agenda' by Kevin MacLeod — 'Hidden Agenda' by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Image source: Wikipedia

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: A Matter of Life and Death

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: A Matter of Life and Death
Matters of life and death featured strongly in the House of Commons last Friday. thanks to Kim Leadbeater's Private Members' Bill on assisted dying — it's curious how the new UK parliament has developed such a fixation on 'end of life'. The Government's plans for inheritance tax might encourage people towards a serious look at philanthropy — register to join Philanthropy Impact's webinar on Donor Advised Funds, starting at 12 noon this Wednesday 4th December. Background music: 'Wandering Soul' by Asher Fulero Image source: Philanthropy Impact

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Time

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Time
What does time mean for you? A busy diary, rushing people, stress and anxiety — 'never enough hours in the day'? If so, there's plenty of that to watch on the Sky Movies channel. Or do you see it as one of the crowning glories of creation which makes all life possible? Nobel Prize winner Kip Thorne helped to unravel its mysteries in 'The Life Scientific' following his input on 'Interstellar', and thus inspired our thought for this week. Background music: opening with grandfather clock chimes, closing with 'Take Your Time' by Dan Lebowitz

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Learning takes a Lifetime

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Learning takes a Lifetime
We all have so much to learn from others as well as from our own experience. In his April 2015 Track Record, Sir Martin Jacomb, who died on 8th June, referred to Gordon Richardson, Bank of England Governor from 1973 to 1983, as his mentor, but it was Martin himself who was my fount of wisdom. Everyone, even Prime Ministers, could benefit from a mentor, and I was fortunate indeed to learn from Martin. Background music: introduction for Share Radio's Track Record programme

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Recognising Individual Achievement

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Recognising Individual Achievement
Individual achievement is recognised in many walks of life, and that recognition spurs people on to achieve even greater things. With education, good exam results and university entrance are celebrated, but this doesn't do much for those who find it difficult to get started in the first place. That's why The Share Foundation's introduction of incentivised learning is so important for young people in care, achieving an attitudinal transformation as they progress through the six-step Stepladder course. We need acceptance of incentivised learning to break the cycle of deprivation. Background music: 'Everything Has a Beginning' by Joel Cummins

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: The Illusion of Legacy

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: The Illusion of Legacy
Voyager-1's legacy includes greetings in 55 languages, 35 sounds from life on Earth (such as whale songs, laughter, etc.), 90 minutes of music including everything from Mozart and Bach to Chuck Berry and Blind Willie Johnson, all dating back to its launch in 1977. There are also 115 images of life on Earth and recorded greetings from then-US President Jimmy Carter (1924– ) and then-UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim (1918–2007). It would take about 70,000 years to reach the nearest star to our solar system. In contrast, most tombstones in British graveyards date from well before the Voyager-1 launch, but for most of them it's no longer possible to discern who they commemorate or when they were erected. Burial grounds occupy over 19,000 acres in England, but the legacy they seek to preserve is forgotten within a very small number of generations. Background music: 'Elegy' by Wayne Jones

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Logic and Reason in the Spotlight

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Logic and Reason in the Spotlight
In so many respects the news that greets us each day seems devoid of logic and reason. Whether it's international conflict, short-termist governments or the denial of reality, we are led to believe that we can walk on water indefinitely and set aside intellectual thought. But the biggest challenge is to bring logic and reason into the public square for young people, at a time when their perspectives have been stunted by the pandemic and social media. It is this new generation which will have to deal with the mess we're leaving behind: let's help them to participate actively. Background music: 'Intellect' by Yung Logos

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Memory and Copyright

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Memory and Copyright
The science of memory and how it shapes us is the central question in Dr. Charan Ranganath's new book. It's an absolute truism that memory is deeply personal and individual to each one of us, but does it really vest in the neurons in our brain, or in our soul? In contrast, human creativity is not the possession of intermediating corporations but a collage gathered from right across the great human family. Antiquated copyright legislation is really showing strains as generative AI emulates the thinking process: it's time to overhaul copyright law, and for everyone to share the benefits. Background music: 'In Memory of Jean Talon' by Mini Vandals
