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Genre: Personal Finance / Topic: Family Finance
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Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Have we turned the corner on high inflation or it could it bounce back?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Have we turned the corner on high inflation or it could it bounce back?
Inflation falling, wages rising, mortgage rates fall back a bit and fixed savings rates seem to be peaking at 6% - all without a recession (yet)! Is the oasis in sight, or is this a mirage? Georgie Frost, Simon Lambert and Helen Crane review the prospects looking forward. Also, Rishi Sunak vows to keep the 'triple lock' on pensions, but can we afford it?

Helen Crane

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Taxman customer service troubles unmasked and probate problems in the spotlight

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Taxman customer service troubles unmasked and probate problems in the spotlight
Join the latest episode from Georgie Frost, Lee Boyce, Tanya Jefferies and guest Angharad Carrick: business owners experience difficulties with HMRC service — the challenge of being an executor — interest rates rise again, but is it the right call? Plus, the team discuss fake lawns.

Angharad Carrick

Vicky Sayers

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Is money still a man’s prerogative?

Vicky Sayers
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Is money still a man’s prerogative?
Since the suffragette movement, women have had to work hard to gain autonomy in what was once very much “a man’s world”; and when it comes to finances, women are yet to achieve equality. Vicky Sayers is joined by Tamara Gillan, founder of the WealthiHer Network: created to inspire and empower women to grow and protect their wealth. They discuss the continuing economic inequality of the sexes, and the initiatives put in place by the WealthiHer Network to work towards equality. originally recorded 20 March 2020

Tamara Gillan

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Was hiking interest rates again the right move or is the Bank of England in panic mode?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Was hiking interest rates again the right move or is the Bank of England in panic mode?
The Bank of England’s bumper 0.5% rate hike this week was the 13th rise in a row. After sitting on their hands for more than a decade, ratesetters have been shaken out of their slumbers by an inflation storm. By historic standards 5% is not high for interest rates, but unfortunately for borrowers we also started from a historic low and have gone from 0.1% to here in just 18 months. The belated headlong rush into raising rates is also the exact opposite of what the Bank of England spent years assuring homeowners would happen: the party line used to be ‘gradual and limited’. The Bank is hiking rates to try to crush inflation but at the same time this affects a much smaller slice of homeowners than it once did and rapid rise in mortgage costs is crushing a generation of homeowners. So, was another rate rise a wise move? How bad is the pain for borrowers? Is this not a patch on the '80s, or just as bad? Has the Bank of England even given its rate rises long enough to take effect? On this rate rise special podcast, Georgie Frost, Lee Boyce and Simon Lambert tackle all that and more.

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Miles Baron Ahead of National Bingo Day

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Miles Baron Ahead of National Bingo Day
Adam Cox is accompanied by Miles Baron, CEO of the Bingo Association, in anticipation of National Bingo Day. Together, they delve into the enduring popularity of this game in the United Kingdom. Miles elaborates on the significance of the National Bingo Game and shares exciting developments on the horizon. Furthermore, he unveils the nation's luckiest bingo halls.

Miles Baron

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Money for nothing: Is universal basic income a good idea?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Money for nothing: Is universal basic income a good idea?
Universal basic income is a controversial idea and not just because it's money for nothing. Paying everyone a set amount every month as a baseline level of income has intrigued economists and central bank geeks for years. Supporters say it has the power to improve physical and mental health and the economy and society, but critics say it's the start of a slippery slope to state dependency and control. A new proposed trial for 30 people in the UK to get £1,600 a month has put the topic back on the agenda. So — is universal basic income a good or bad idea? Georgie Frost, Lee Boyce and Simon Lambert discuss it on this episode. Also — why aren't our energy bills lower if wholesale prices have plummeted? What can you do if you are caught in the mortgage storm? And finally, which UK shares have done best and worst so far this year?

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Should we stop dragging people into tax designed for the rich?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Should we stop dragging people into tax designed for the rich?
Almost five times as many people will soon be paying 40% tax than in the early 1990s, when it was seen as a tax bracket reserved for the rich, the Institute for Fiscal Studies warned this week. It said that fiscal drag triggered by freezing the higher rate tax threshold would pull 7.8 million people into its net by 2027. The study suggested that the threshold would have to be almost doubled from its current level, at £50,271, to almost £100,000 to return the tax band to the level intended for it. Alongside the report, came the IFS’s warning that 40% tax had stopped being the preserve of high-earning professionals and was now hitting electricians, plumbers, teachers, nurses and more. The taxman nabbing 40p of every pound earned from a pay rise rather than 20p comes at a time when workers are running to stand still, with inflation at just above 10%. So, is it time the government stopped taxing by stealth and using tools like fiscal drag – instead raising thresholds with inflation or wages? And is it time to hike the higher rate threshold and pull people back down to basic rate tax? Georgie Frost, Lee Boyce and Simon Lambert discuss the thorny issue of tax and who counts as wealthy. The debate moves on to inheritance tax – another levy designed for the very rich but now hitting the wealthy middle classes. Why is IHT so unpopular when most don’t pay it and does it need reform? Plus, how much have you lost to inflation, will you get Nationwide’s new £100 Fairer Share bung, and finally, would you buy food two years past its best before date for big savings?

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: How high will interest rates go — and why are they still going up?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: How high will interest rates go — and why are they still going up?
And there it was, another interest rate hike. Another quarter point move up seems almost commonplace now, but cast your mind back to the era after the financial crisis and we had to wait nearly ten years for the base rate to climb above its 0.5% 'emergency level'. It cut first and then base rate got all the way to the heady heights of 0.75%, before it was cut again when Covid hit. Yet, less than 18 months since the Bank of England started raising rates in December 2021, base rate has rocketed from 0.1% to 4.5%. The rate itself is still relatively low in historic terms, but the magnitude of the rise is not. So, are the Bank's ratesetters right to keep voting for hikes, has the full pain been felt yet, and why would you do this when all the forecasts suggest inflation is soon to nosedive? Georgie Frost, Tanya Jefferies and Simon Lambert discuss the latest rate rise and how high interest rates will go. Plus, is the return of the 100% mortgage absolute madness, a helping hand for trapped renters, or something in the middle of all that? Why people should claim pension credit or help their friends or relatives? And finally, not only will it lack the crisp one-liners of Succession, but an inheritance drama is not something you want to get into, so how can people avoid one?

Tanya Jefferies

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: It's got easier to win big on the Premium Bonds but should you invest?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: It's got easier to win big on the Premium Bonds but should you invest?
Premium Bonds are a national institution and their prize-giving place in British savers' hearts was only cemented further through the low interest rate years. But now interest rates are on the rise and Premium Bonds offer not only the chance to win £1 million but also a much better rate of return. The average prize fund rate on Premium Bonds has reached the heady heights of 3.3% - going head-to-head with top easy access savings deals. But what many savers may not realise is that their chance of winning a big prize of £100,000 or £50,000 has got much better too. So, is it time to back Premium Bonds even further, or would you be better off with a standard savings account? Georgie Frost, Sam Barker and Simon Lambert look at the numbers and the pros and cons. Plus, an even better return of up to 4.6% is offered now by five year fixed rate savings accounts, but are they worth going for and choosing over stocks and shares? This week brought yet more news of annoyingly high inflation, as CPI stubbornly stuck above 10%; but why are food prices still rising so rapidly, are supermarkets or producers cashing in, and what can you do about it? And finally, supermarkets have a new loyalty card wheeze - lower prices for those with them and more expensive groceries for those without. Sainsbury's Nectar Prices has followed Tesco's Clubcard Prices and now the Co-op has member prices too. Is this enough to change Simon's mind on loyalty cards?

Sam Barker

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Steven Bailey on Outdoor Wood Care

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Steven Bailey on Outdoor Wood Care
Adam Cox is joined by Steven Bailey, from Barrettine, to discuss why it is so important to care for wood outside, and the environmental issues that should be considered when doing so. Steven explains the best time of year to carry out woodcare projects, and how to save grey wood.

Steven Bailey
