Share Sounds. presented by Georgie Frost related to Personal Finance - Savings

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Genre: Personal Finance / Topic: Savings
Strand: Morning Money
Presenter: Georgie Frost
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Georgie Frost

Richard Parkin from Fidelity on new state pension proposals

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Richard Parkin from Fidelity on new state pension proposals
Should we take our state pension early? Under new government proposals, we all could be given that choice. A new report has outlined changes that could move the state pension age up or even allow people to take their pension early. To find out, Share Radio reporter, Tom Hill, spoke to Richard Parkin from Fidelity.

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Top Trumps

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Top Trumps
Welcome to This is Money, the podcast, presented in partnership with NS&I. Editor Simon Lambert and Personal Finance Editor Rachel Rickard Straus join Share Radio’s Georgie Frost in the studio to go through the week’s biggest money stories. And this week it’s all about inflation, and the news is leaving us all a little … deflated. Yes, that nebulous indicator, inflation has jumped to its highest level in 2 years - hitting spenders and savers alike. Blame Brexit if you like, and a lot of people have done, but is that really it? Michael O’Leary of Ryanair certainly is blaming the referendum as he hikes prices in even more obscure ways. And then, we’re looking at the banks: they’re slashing rates, deceiving switchers, and worst of all; this week it seems they don’t even know how to keep our money safe! Meanwhile, we take a look at the treasury's U-Turn to allow retired savers to cash in their annuities. Is Chancellor Hammond just doing all he can to obliterate Chancellor Osborne’s legacy, or dare I say it, could there be an actual plan in place? Surely not, that’s madness. At the other end of the show, Simon reckons we need a tax break on savings interest, what little we have, someone’s bought a car with Apple Pay and everyone’s amazed for some reason, and the new Churchill fiver sees even more inflationary trading. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost, in partnership with NS&I.

Rachel Rickard-Straus, Simon Lambert

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Is Marmitegate Toast?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Is Marmitegate Toast?
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, presented in partnership with NS&I. This week, we're finally seeing the real-world of effect of Brexit: Marmite is gone from Tesco's shelves! Well, digital shelves at least, and it seems the supermarket giant and its main supplier Unilever have sorted out their differences for now, so you can rest easy. But if the battle is over for now, we can't be so sure about the war. As companies are squeezed from all sides by a falling pound and the soaring popularity of online delivery, can it lead to anything but higher prices at the checkout? Editor Simon Lambert and Consumer Affairs Editor Lee Boyce joined Georgie Frost this week to examine Marmite-gate, and see what it portends. They also took a look at Sterling's effect on holidaymaker's plans, the latest round of cuts at the beleaguered Lloyds, and what if anything we can know about housing prices in the future. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost, in partnership with NS&I.

Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce


In partnership with

Georgie Frost

Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 14/09/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher on The News Review 14/09/16
Georgie Frost is joined in the studio by Share Radio's senior analyst Ed Bowsher. Today they discuss yesterday's price war between Unilever and Tesco as well as the news banks are planning on a further cut to interest rates. Plus the latest proposed reforms to pensions. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Floored by Politics

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Floored by Politics
A week is a long time in politics - UKIP; Fracking protesters; and the pound all got a pummeling, didn't they? Welcome to the This is Money podcast, produced in partnership with NS&I. This week, Share Radio’s Georgie Frost is joined by Editor Simon Lambert and journalist Ellie Lawrie to take a look at the week’s biggest financial stories. And we start with the speech. Which speech? Don’t be silly. Theresa May capped off the Conservative Party conference with an entreaty for the Tories to be the Peoples Party, but more importantly for our purposes, the PM gave some strong signals of protectionism and increased toughness on Business. Energy, pensions, transport – few sectors escaped her view. And we’re in no doubt about a Hard Brexit now, so how are May and Chancellor Hammond going to navigate this one? To further complicate matters is a near-perfect negative correlation between a plunging Sterling and a soaring FTSE. What are we to make of this? We’ll also be admonishing you to get your affairs in order, that is write a will. Few things ruin a family quicker than money, and family disputes over inheritances are on the rise in this country. We want to make sure your estate is dealt with in the way you intend, without breaking up the home. We’ll also be looking at ways of spending a windfall, the hyper-hyper-inflation of the new £5 note, and … you hear that? The carols are here early, and it’s time for a look-ahead to the toys on every kids’ Christmas list this year. (Sorry, but you really ought to get started early this year, they’re not cheap). This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost, in partnership with NS&I.

Simon Lambert, Ellie Lawrie


In partnership with

Georgie Frost

Money Saving Expert: Megan French joins us to discuss the week's best deals

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Money Saving Expert: Megan French joins us to discuss the week's best deals
Consumer writer Megan French talks us through keeping down the cost of bills and what consumer rights we have to return products. Plus a roundup of the best deals from Money Saving Expert.

Megan French

Georgie Frost

Sara Benwell, digital editor of Pensions Insight and Engaged Investor on The News Review 22/09/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Sara Benwell, digital editor of Pensions Insight and Engaged Investor on The News Review 22/09/16
Georgie Frost is joined in the studio by Sara Benwell, digital editor of Pensions Insight and Engaged Investor. Today they discuss the latest statistics allaying fears of a post-Brexit recession as well as all the small print on the Government's new Lifetime ISA. Plus why UK car manufacturing is at a record high. All these stories and more on The News Review.

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Soy Lattes or Despair? Take your pick.

Georgie Frost
This is Money: Soy Lattes or Despair? Take your pick.
Welcome to This is Money, presented in partnership with NS&I. On this episode we're seeing the quicksand deepening for savers, as another base rate cut looms, and savings rates plummet through the floor. Bad news especially those under 30, the so-called Millenials or YOLO Generation. But is it their fault they know so little about money, and have even less hope for the future? We'll also be looking at some spare change that could bring you a mint, critical illness insruance that doesn't necessarily cover you for critical illnesses, and the greatest weapon in the fight against scammers: Information. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost, in partnership with NS&I

Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce

Georgie Frost

Financial planner David Braithwaite from Citrus Financial on The News Review 08/09/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Financial planner David Braithwaite from Citrus Financial on The News Review 08/09/16
Georgie Frost is joined by financial planner David Braithwaite from Citrus Financial. Today they discuss allegations the governor of the Bank of England over-egged economic warnings over Brexit as well as future predictions for house prices. Plus with the ongoing controversy over Sports Direct they look at the rise of zero hour contracts. All these stories and more on The News Review.

David Braithwaite

Georgie Frost

Lisa Hardstaff from Equifax and Share's senior analyst Ed Bowsher discuss financial confidence.

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Your Money Your Rights

Lisa Hardstaff from Equifax and Share's senior analyst Ed Bowsher discuss financial confidence.
Despite the fears around Brexit the latest stats suggest the referendum decision has had little impact on our shopping habits. In fact consumer confidence bounced back in August as we abandoned our plans to save. So just how confident are the public in their finances and should we be more cautious?

Lisa Hardstaff, Ed Bowsher
