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Genre: Personal Finance / Topic: Savings
Strand: Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells
Programme: Your Money, Your Future
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Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Pensions and Retirement

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Pensions and Retirement
If you’re thinking about retiring, what things should you look out for? Sarah Pennells is joined by Rowena Griffiths, from Female Adviser, and Michelle Cracknell, from the Pensions Advisory Service, and Jamie Jenkins, from Standard Life. Together they look at what to do with your pension once you retire, analysing the difficult jargon in more detail and simplifying the daunting paperwork in pension forms.

Rowena Griffiths, Michelle Cracknell, Jamie Jenkins

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money Your Future: Financial Spring Cleaning

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money Your Future: Financial Spring Cleaning
With the tax year coming to a close, many people are looking to spring clean their finances. Sarah Pennells talks to Alison Steed, founder of the money saving website, James Jones of Experian and Terry Donohoe of debt advice charity StepChange, to advise you on the best way to sort your finances.

Alison Steed, James Jones, Terry Donohoe

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: The Budget 2016

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: The Budget 2016
Sarah Pennells discusses the 2016 budget announced by George Osborne earlier this week with guests Jane Moore, from ICAEW, Richard Blanco, a spokesperson of the National Landlord Association and Independent Landlord, Caroline Le Jeune, of London tax accountants Blick Rothenberg and Clair Walsh, an Independent Financial Adviser at Aspect8. Together they go over the recent announcements in this week's budget, looking at the main announcements, and how they could they could affect long-term investments.

Jane Moore, Richard Blanco, Caroline Le Jeune, Claire Walsh

Sarah Pennells (1)

Changes In Taxes

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Changes In Taxes
Sarah Pennells and her guests Chris Deams, from Cervello Financial Planning, Anita Monteith from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, and Rachel Springall from MoneyFacts, discuss changes in taxes to savings, ISAs and dividends. With some major tax changes taking place on the 6th April this year, how will this affect companies or those who are self-employed?

Rachel Springall, Chris Deams, Anita Monteith

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Working in Retirement

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Working in Retirement
Sarah Pennells is joined in the studio by Rachael Saunders from Business In the Community, and over the phone by Michelle Cracknell of The Pensions Regulatory Service and Fiona Tait of Royal London. Sarah and her guests talk about working in retirement and setting up a small business whilst receiving your pension . Sarah and her guests discuss the practicalities of setting up a business in retirement, as well as looking at what the rules say about receiving your pension whilst still at work.

Rachael Saunders, Michelle Cracknell, Fiona Tait

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Pensions Awareness Day

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Pensions Awareness Day
Sarah Pennells is joined in the studio by Malcolm McLean from Barnett-Waddingham and Claire Walsh from Aspect8 as well as on the phone with Jonathan Bland from Pension Geeks and Robert Cochran of Scottish Widows to talk about pensions and the Pensions Awareness Day 2015 Campaign.

Malcolm Mclean, Claire Walsh, Jonathan Bland, Robert Cochran

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Pension Scams

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Pension Scams
Sarah Pennells is joined in the studio by pensions experts Alan Higham from Pensions Champion, and Michelle Cracknell, the Chief Executive of The Pension Advisory Service to discuss pension scams, what to look out for, where to go if you think you are victim to a pension scams and how to make sure your pension scheme is above board.

Alan Higham, Michelle Cracknell

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Children's Money

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Children's Money
Sarah Pennells is joined by Dean Brauer from Go Henry, Julie Hutchison from Standard Life and Ingrid McCleave from The Family Bank to discuss children's bank accounts, savings accounts, ISAs and trust funds.

Dean Brauer, Julie Hutchison, Ingrid McCleave

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Seeing the World in Retirement

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Seeing the World in Retirement
Sarah Pennells is joined by a host of guests to discuss the topic of seeing the world in retirement, from making sure your home and pets are safe whilst you're away, to financially planning your trip, to making the most of your travels with volunteer projects and work opportunities abroad.

Lamia Walker, Richard Peacocke, Martin Lock, Heilwig Jones

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Employee Share Scheme

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Employee Share Scheme
Sarah Pennells is joined by four money experts from Equiniti, WEALTH at work, Money Advice Service and Aurora Financial Solutions, to talk about employee share schemes They discuss what they are, how exactly they work and who can benefit from them on Your Money, Your Future.

Phil Ainsley, Jonathan Watts-Lay, Andrew Johnson, Daren O'Brien
