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Genre: Personal Finance / Topic: Savings
Strand: Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells
Programme: Your Money, Your Future
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Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Autumn Statement

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Autumn Statement
This week we discuss Phillip Hammond's Autumn Statement, where he announced changes to salary sacrifice schemes, new money for housing and the leaked ban on letting agent's fees. Joining Sarah are, Jane Moore, from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Debbie Lovewell-Tuck, editor of Employee Benefits magazine, Sue Warwick who's an Independent Housing Specialist at Infusion Living and Richard Connolly, the CEO of Rentplus.

Jane Moore, Debbie Lovewell-Tuck, Sue Warwick, Richard Connolly

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Investing in a post-truth environment

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Investing in a post-truth environment
In the wake of Brexit and Donald Trump being elected, what should you take account of and what should you ignore when it comes to investing? Sarah Pennells is joined by Louise Oliver, a Chartered Financial Planner at Piercefield Oliver, Lisa Stanley-Mann from Good with Money, and Share Radio's own Senior Analyst, Ed Bowsher, to guide you through investments and what to look out for in a post-truth environment.

Louise Oliver, Lisa Stanley-Mann, Ed Bowsher

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money Your Future: What's the best thing for senior care?

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money Your Future: What's the best thing for senior care?
Sarah and her guests Clare Jefferies from HomeInstead, Janet Davies of Symponia and Bill Calderbank, Chairman of the Society of Later Lafe Advisers. consider the pros and cons of senior care at home and residential care, what the costs and how to fund it, and the responsibilities and financial burdens on family members.

Clare Jefferies, Janet Davies, Bill Calderbank

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Employee Share Ownership Schemes

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Employee Share Ownership Schemes
It is reported that two million people currently own shares in their employer due to employee share ownership schemes, but what does this actually mean? To find out Sarah is joined by Malcolm Hurlston, chairman of the Employee Share Ownership Center and by Debbie Lovewell-Tuck from the Employee Benefits magazine.

Malcolm Hurlston, Debbie Lovewell-Tuck

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Understanding Financial Jargon

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Understanding Financial Jargon
When was the last time you read all the small print that comes with a plan or policy? And if you read it, did you understand it? Sarah Pennells and her guests talk through financial jargon and try and demystify some of the important terms you may not be familiar with. Financial Journalist Simon Read explains what terms that can catch people out while Ian Lees, author and financial IFA, looks at investment charges, what they mean and why they matter. Rod Jones, from USwitch, looks at energy companies and the issues revolving around exit fees.

Simon Read, Rod Jones, Ian Lees

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money Your Future: What Should You pay for Financial Advice?

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money Your Future: What Should You pay for Financial Advice?
If you've invested money in a private pension or in an investment fund, you'll be paying some sort of regular fee and charges. And, depending on the type of investment fund, those charges could be quite high. If you've taken advice from a professional financial adviser, you'll also have to pay for his or her time. But what's a fair charge and when do the charges become a rip off? Sarah Pennells speaks to Tom Wilcox-Jones, from independent financial advisers Blackstone Moregate, Gina Miller, founder of True and Fair Campaign, from SCM Private and founder of and Claire Walsh, Head of Advice at IFA Promotions, to find out more.

Tom Wilcox-Jones, Gina Miller, Claire Walsh

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Multi-Generational Living

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Multi-Generational Living
Figures show that an increasing number of people in their 50s and 60s are getting their elderly parents to move in with them, moving into their home, or are pooling their money to buy a property that they can all live in together. It can be a good option for some families, but there are some disadvantages. So, what do you need to think about if you're considering asking your parent to live with you and what are the pros and cons? Sarah Pennells is joined by Christine Webber, an author, broadcaster and psychotherapist, Adrian Kidd from Plan Your and Deborah Stone who's the founder of the website

Adrian Kidd, Christine Webber, Deborah Stone

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Robo Advice and Automating Your Money

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Robo Advice and Automating Your Money
Sarah Pennells explores the definition of robo-advice, its pros & cons, and why more and more companies are using them when giving advice about your money. Keith Churchouse, from Saidso, and Jason Butler, founder of Bloomsbury Wealth Management, explain what happens if a customer is wrongly advised. Michelle Pearce, from Wealthify, looks at how customers pay when using this type of service, while Lesley James, from Simplified Money, defines what kind of help robo-advice actually offers to customers.

Keith Churchouse, Jason Butler, Michelle Pearce, Lesley James

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Do It Yourself

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Do It Yourself
Sarah Pennells is joined by Mike Edwards, founder of the DIY Doctor, Michael Holmes, property expert for The Homebuilding & Renovating Show and chair of NaCSBA (The National Custom & Self Build Association) and Simon Warpole, home insurance expert at Aviva, to talk about the practical repairs you can do to your home, and how to cut costs, as well as making sure you're covered by insurance for any DIY disasters!

Mike Edwards, Michael Holmes, Simon Warsop

Sarah Pennells (1)

Your Money, Your Future: Tax Planning

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Your Money, Your Future

Your Money, Your Future: Tax Planning
Sarah Pennells looks at tax planning after it emerged that David Cameron's mother had given him £200,000, following the Panama Papers information leak. So when does tax planning go wrong? Emily Deane, from the The Society of Trusts and Estates Practitioners, and Mike Hodges, from Saffrey Champness, look at how you can reduce your inheritance tax, the role of trusts and keeping money offshore.

Mike Hodges, Emily Deane
