Share Sounds. presented by Nigel Cassidy related to Personal Finance - Weekly Shopping

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Genre: Personal Finance / Topic: Weekly Shopping
Presenter: Nigel Cassidy
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Nigel Cassidy

Is the rise of budget supermarkets killing off our high-end supermarkets like Waitrose? Fraser McKevitt of Kantar Worldpanel gives his analysis

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Is the rise of budget supermarkets killing off our high-end supermarkets like Waitrose? Fraser McKevitt of Kantar Worldpanel gives his analysis
Supermarkets, everyone has their favourite. However some new players in the market have definitely shaken things up. We've seen the rise of 'budget' supermarkets such as Aldi and Lidl becoming the new popular way to shop, Aldi recently overtook Co-op to become the UK's fifth largest grocer. So where does this leave the more 'high-end' supermarkets such as Waitrose? It was reported yesterday that Waitrose is planning to close some of it's stores, so could this mean the beginning of the end of the 'middle-class' supermarket? Fraser McKevitt, head of retail and consumer insight at Kantar Worldpanel gave Share Radio his analysis.

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Deloitte's Ben Perkins talks about the Q1 consumer tracker which shows falling confidence

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Deloitte's Ben Perkins talks about the Q1 consumer tracker which shows falling confidence
UK consumer confidence fell in the first three months of 2016, according to the latest Consumer Tracker from business advisory firm, Deloitte. To discuss the findings, Ben Perkins, Head of Consumer Business Research at Deloitte, joined Nigel Cassidy and Chris Bailey.

Chris Bailey, Ben Perkins

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Greg Liset discusses Barclaycard’s new report on SME’s and Black Friday takings

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money

Morning Money: Greg Liset discusses Barclaycard’s new report on SME’s and Black Friday takings
The countdown to Black Friday has begun. It’s the day when stores offer big discounts, and it has become one of the top shopping events of the year, both in the US and UK. But it's divided opinion, not just among customers but firms too, with many saying the real damage is being done to small businesses. IMRG and Barclaycard have released a new report on how SME's can maximise their Black Friday takings, and Matt Cox has been hearing from Barclaycard's Head of Small Business, Greg Liset.

Matt Cox, Greg Liset

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: More gloom for the economy as retail sales plunge

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: More gloom for the economy as retail sales plunge
Retail sales volumes have declined more rapidly in July than at any time in the last four years, according to a survey by the CBI. The British Retail Consortium said jobs were being shed in the months leading up to the referendum. To analyse the findings of the survey, Richard Perks, Retail Analyst at Mintel, joined Nigel Cassidy and Paul Sedgwick.

Paul Sedgwick, Richard Perks

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: What has made consumers more cheerful?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: What has made consumers more cheerful?
The latest spending data from Barclaycard shows that consumer spending jumped 3.6% in May, after weak figures in March and April. But what are the reasons behind this? Paul Lockstone, Managing Director from Barclaycard, joined to discuss.

Chris Bailey, Paul Lockstone

Nigel Cassidy

November's retail sales figures - what do the numbers show?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

November's retail sales figures - what do the numbers show?
The latest retail sales data for November is in and, as widely expected, Black Friday and other retail sales days boosted the numbers. The figures are nearly 6% higher than the same period last year. But do the figures tell the whole story of what’s going on in retail, especially in light of Brexit, and with sterling in flux? Matt Cox found out more from Mintel’s Retail Analyst, Richard Perks.

Matt Cox, Richard Perks

Nigel Cassidy

Safeway and Austin Reed to return to the high street – Richard Perks explained the comeback

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Safeway and Austin Reed to return to the high street – Richard Perks explained the comeback
Black Friday is on and bargain hunting shoppers may spend an estimated £2 billion trying to beat expected new year price rises. And according to the online retailing association IMRG, well over half the spend will be done online. So it might seem surprising to find that two old pre-internet age stores are being revived on the High Street. Safeway and Austin Reed are both staging a comeback, so Matt Cox has been hearing from Mintel’s Retail Analyst, Richard Perks, about the return of these old names.

Matt Cox, Richard Perks

Nigel Cassidy

Share Radio Breakfast: It’s the world's biggest online shopping day of the year

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Share Radio Breakfast: It’s the world's biggest online shopping day of the year
Its China's Singles Day, also known as "bare sticks holiday". What began as an antidote to Valentine's Day has now become a spending fest, with Chinese consumers shelling out almost £6bn online last year. Matthew Crabbe is Director of Research in the Asia Pacific region for industry researchers Mintel. He told Share Radio that this year's singles day promises to put Black Friday in the shade.

Matthew Crabbe

Nigel Cassidy

There’s life left on the UK High Street after all

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

There’s life left on the UK High Street after all
There's life left on the UK High Street. UK retail sales rose at their fastest annual rate in 14 years in October. But retailers really can’t afford to have a bad Christmas as it’s the time of year when most of their money is made. Richard Perks is a Retail analyst at Mintel, and he joined Share Radio Breakfast to discuss those strong figures, whilst also looking ahead to Black Friday and Christmas trading.

Paul Sedgwick, Richard Perks

Nigel Cassidy

Will this year’s Black Friday be the biggest yet? Fergal Gara of Amazon UK discussed

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Will this year’s Black Friday be the biggest yet? Fergal Gara of Amazon UK discussed
When it first crossed the Atlantic, Black Friday was a one day affair when we sat back in amusement watching punch-ups over cheap TVs. Now, hundreds of household name retailers are already dangling Black Friday carrots in front of our noses. Last year, sold more than 7.4 million items on the day at a rate of 86 items per second and are expecting to beat that this year. Fergal Gara is a Director of Amazon UK, and he joined Share Radio Breakfast to discuss the event.

Paul Sedgwick, Fergal Gara
