Share Sounds. presented by Adam Cox related to Personal Finance

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Genre: Personal Finance
Strand: Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells
Presenter: Adam Cox
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Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: The Cost of Inknorance

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: The Cost of Inknorance
Adam Cox talks to Charlie de la Haye from Epson UK regarding new research revealing the UK’s ignorance when it comes to the cost of printer ink. Some believe that ink is more expensive than scorpion venom, (the world’s most expensive liquid), and some believe that it’s less expensive than champagne, when printer ink is much more expensive. With students heading back to university en masse at this time of year, it means that many students will either overspend on ink by up to a thousand pounds over a 3-year degree or potentially avoid printing essential work to keep costs down. They discuss how new printing technology could help students save a lot of money.

Charlie de la Haye

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: The Road to Zero Emissions

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: The Road to Zero Emissions
Adam talks to Rob Lindley, the Managing Director of Mitsubishi Motors about new research that reveals that since only 1% of new cars are fully electric it’s looking unlikely that the government will meet it’s target for zero emissions on the roads by 2050. They discuss how technology such as PHEV (plug-in hybrid vehicles) enable motorists to drive half their miles in fully electric mode while giving them the reassurance that they wont be stranded. Rob highlights that currently the government is giving mixed messages when it comes to PHEVs and that more needs to be done. While incentives encourage some deterrents like Ultra Low Emission Zones (ULEZ) can also encourage drivers to seek greener vehicles.

Rob Lindley

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: The Apathy for EPC’s

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: The Apathy for EPC’s
Adam talks to Lauren Vasquez, an engineer for British Gas about research that suggests that first time buyers don’t investigate the energy efficiency of their first home purchase. This is surprising since many first time buyers are financially stretched with the cost of the deposit and the monthly mortgage and initial home buying costs. The unknown energy costs of the property could cause additional stress on an already stressful financial decision. Lauren offers some tips on how to make sense of an Energy Performance Certificate and how to make homes more energy efficient.

Lauren Vasquez

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: The Psychology of Our Homes

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: The Psychology of Our Homes
Is your home your haven, or is it in desperate need of some TLC? With research revealing that less than a third of us love the homes we live in, Adam Cox is joined by two experts to find out why. Interior designer Georgina Burnett – otherwise known as “The Home Genie” – and DIY Executive Director for BHETA, Paul Grinsell, are on hand to discuss how we can get inspired to improve our homes.

Georgina Burnette

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: The Anti-Scam Lady

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: The Anti-Scam Lady
Adam is joined by US based private investigator Tammy Sorrento who is the founder of Fireball Approves. Tammy was nearly scammed out of thousands when looking for a holiday rental property. Her near miss lead her to go after the property scammers. Tammy explains that fraudsters go on rental sites and duplicate the advert and aim to take the money for a property that they don’t own. The victims are then lefts thousands out of pocket and may never see their money again. Tammy explains that UK based holiday makers are particularly at risk as they aren’t able to physically view the property. She also gives a few tips of the red flags that could expose a fraud and how to avoid them.

Tammy Sorrento

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Saving Millennials

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Saving Millennials
Adam talks to Destiny Onisile and Jessica Tonwe, two millennials, about their attitudes to saving money to coincide with British Savings Week. They discuss how ignorance and confusion lead to a reluctance to save and how student debt create poor financial habits that can make debt attractive and saving something they believe is for older generations. They also explore if there’s anything that would encourage young people to save or learn about finance.

Destiny Onisile, Jessica Tonwe

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Prevention is Better Than Cure

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Prevention is Better Than Cure
Adam talks to cardiologist Rick Shakes and Founder of Prescan Eddy Van Heel about why we have regular check ups in several areas of our life such as car MOT’s and regular dental check ups but rarely have a thorough health check that can look for the warning signs of serious medical issues such as cancer, heart disease and others. The founder of Prescan also reveals that his own company detected a form on cancer early enough to avoid what would otherwise be a potentially deadly outcome. They discuss why we have a tendency to bury our head in the sand when it comes to the most precious commodity – out health!

Rick Shakes

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Increasing the Value of Your Home

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Increasing the Value of Your Home
Following new research which reveals that two thirds of us don’t love the home we live in, Adam Cox talks to Will Jones and Andrew Weiss of BHETA. They discuss the emotional aspect of home ownership, home improvements and renting, as well as how a bit of courage and enthusiasm could be an opportunity to create huge equity in your property – and to climb the property ladder.

Will Jones, Andrew Weiss
