Share Sounds. presented by Gavin Oldham related to Personal Finance

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Genre: Personal Finance
Strand: Share Radio Breakfast
Presenter: Gavin Oldham
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Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Resolution in need of foundations

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Resolution in need of foundations
The Resolution Foundation's paper 'ISA ISA Baby' released last week drew a scathing response from This Is Money, and understandably so. Their analysis of the inadequate attention given to building savings and investment in low-income families was very much on target, but they chose to accompany it with an ill thought-out and uninformed attack on the most successful long-term savings and investment plan in the United Kingdom, the Individual Savings Account. The route to a more egalitarian form of capitalism is not by attacking aspiration by penalising those who are successful and thrifty. Savings are not just for a rainy day — they bring economic freedom. Background music: 'Resolution' by Wayne Jones

Gavin Oldham

Sharefound: Good News for 16-18 year-olds in Wales!

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Young Money

Sharefound: Good News for 16-18 year-olds in Wales!
On 31 August '21 The Share Foundation hosted a virtual event for young people in Wales, to help them find money that the government put away in a Child Trust Fund for when they reached 18. All young people born in the UK from 1st September 2002 should have one of these accounts, but huge numbers don't know anything about them! With Welsh-speaking help from Jac, this audio podcast of the virtual event tells you all about your good fortune, and invites you to register at so that Sharefound can help link you with your money. Please share! And if you want to join a virtual event yourself, please visit and register for your choice of date: they're taking place each fortnight.
