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Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Can we turn pension saving into a fix for our finances?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Can we turn pension saving into a fix for our finances?
Savings plans to help financial resilience — are they any use? New tipping rules, and parents helping as mortgage lenders. Georgie Frost, Simon Lambert and Lee Boyce discuss (Lee also shares thoughts about his various collections over the years).

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Emma Shackleton on Behavioural Challenges in Schools

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Emma Shackleton on Behavioural Challenges in Schools
Adam Cox is joined by Emma Shackleton from Beacon School Support Limited. As behavioural challenges in schools continue to rise, experts are calling for more support to be incorporated into teacher training – and for all teachers, regardless of experience, to take part in continued learning on the topic. Emma offers her industry expertise on the matter.

Emma Shackleton

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Anna Materson on the Rise in Demand for Grammar School Places

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Anna Materson on the Rise in Demand for Grammar School Places
Adam Cox is joined by Anna Materson from Atom Learning. New data shows a 39% rise in the number of parents seeking a grammar school place for their child. Anna tells Adam all about how Atom Learning is attempting to level the playing field and is offering its 11+ exam resources to eligible pupils completely for free.

Anna Materson

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: How to manage your money — and what we do with ours

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: How to manage your money — and what we do with ours
How well do you manage your money? Where would you rate your budgeting, saving, investing and pension efforts in marks out of ten? It's not often that we think about these things but mulling them over and making improvements where needed and patting yourself on the back when deserved, is a major step on the road to financial success. Georgie Frost and Simon Lambert dial down the noise of the news and dive into how we can manage our money better instead. They discuss tips on how to budget, how to boost your savings and returns, how easy or complicated investing should be, and why a pension is the best and easiest way to get rich. They also share an honest look at their own money management and finances, revealing what they do well, what they just about get by at — and the mistakes they make. Plus, when should you decide to get the professionals in and seek financial advice or financial planning? Simon and Georgie discuss that and the costs. And financial planner Dan Beecroft, of Charles Stanley, joins the show to talk about why people seek financial advice and the questions they ask.

Dan Beecroft

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Menopause Awareness Month — Marva Williams Shares Her Story

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Menopause Awareness Month — Marva Williams Shares Her Story
It's Menopause Awareness Month! Adam Cox is joined by Marva Williams, Formulator, Menopause Coach and Counsellor & Shhh… Menopause Founder. They discuss her story with menopause and how it led her to found Shhh... Menopause.

Marva Williams

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Lucy Diamond on New Research About Fatigue

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Lucy Diamond on New Research About Fatigue
Adam Cox is joined by Lucy Diamond, a specialist dietitian who has been a part of new research regarding fatigue. A new study by Lift Activ Energy Boost has revealed that 71% of Brits admit to feeling more fatigued than 5 years ago.

Lucy Diamond

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: How to protect your finances before the Budget (and what to avoid)

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: How to protect your finances before the Budget (and what to avoid)
With just one month to go before the Budget, Georgie Frost, Simon Lambert and Lee Boyce discuss what you might consider doing to prepare for it? Give money away, use allowances (CGT, ISA, pension contributions) to the full, or leave the country? The team reminds us that 'don't panic' is often the best way forward. There's also a couple of interesting readers' questions, about ignoring a father's will and re-marriage to save tax.

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Migraine Awareness Week — Dr Peter Chadha on How Vitamin B2 Can Combat Migraines

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Migraine Awareness Week — Dr Peter Chadha on How Vitamin B2 Can Combat Migraines
It's Migraine Awareness Week! Adam Cox is joined by Dr. Peter Chadha, Chief Scientific Officer at MigraSoothe. With 1 in 5 UK adults suffering from migraines, Dr. Chadha explains how vitamin B2 can help both prevent migraines and reduce their severity.

Dr Peter Chadha

Motley Fool Money

Motley Fool Money: Amazon Can’t Be Contained (14/9)

Motley Fool Money
Original Broadcast:

Motley Fool Show

Motley Fool Money: Amazon Can’t Be Contained (14/9)
40% of everything sold online in the United States is through Amazon. Its web services division owns almost a third of the worldwide cloud infrastructure. Amazon is a goliath. Dana Mattioli is an investigative journalist at the Wall Street Journal and the author of “The Everything War: Amazon’s Ruthless Quest to Own the World and Remake Corporate Power.” Mary Long caught up with Mattioli for a conversation about Amazon’s early days and how it withstood years of sustained losses, how Amazon makes Wall Street look genteel, and the lengths that the company went to get information from competitors. Companies discussed: AMZN, TGT, EBAY. Host - Mary Long; Guest - Dana Mattioli

Dana Mattioli

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Don’t make these savings mistakes – how to make more of your cash

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Don’t make these savings mistakes – how to make more of your cash
Do you keep savings in your current account? It’s an easy trap to fall into, with a third of people admitting they do it in a recent poll. If you do keep a savings pot in a bank account you are likely to be missing out on a big chunk of interest you could otherwise earn. But even if they don’t do this, there’s two more mistakes people make — using convenient ‘insult’ accounts with their existing bank that pay pitiful interest and not using a Cash ISA and losing out to tax. Georgie Frost, Lee Boyce and Simon Lambert look at how to make more of your savings and avoid handing over returns to the bank or taxman. Plus, are you playing into the hands of shoulder surfing fraudsters or phone snatchers, why are more larger detached homes hitting the market and how can you get Steve Webb to answer your pension question on next week’s podcast?
