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Genre: Politics / Topic: Europe
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Kate Andrews

IEA: A History of Fake News

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: A History of Fake News
“Fake news” has been sweeping the nation – or has it? Today we’re joined by Kate Andrews, News Editor at the IEA and Head of Education Dr Steve Davies. Steve argues that, unlike what many in the mainstream media would have you believe, “fake news” is nothing new. In fact, trawling through history, we see that “Fake news” has been around in innumerable ways, shapes and forms, for centuries – even millennia. There is no one kind of fake news, and Kate and Steve examine some of the major distinctions between them, particularly in regards to intention and trust in mainstream. Finally, they examine how to spot fake news – and what we can all do to halt its dissemination and create a higher standard of debate.

Dr Steve Davies

Kate Andrews

IEA: Are There Limits to Free Speech?

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Are There Limits to Free Speech?
Are there limits to free speech – and if so, where should they be set? In this week’s podcast, Dr Steve Davies, Head of Education at the IEA and News Editor Kate Andrews examine this question. They take a look at free speech on social media, and at universities, where issues like ‘safe spaces’ and ‘no platforming’ are increasingly controversial. Yet, the situation is rather more complex than it might seem. Though, Steve argues, speech should be as free as possible – private institutions and private individuals also have a right to determine what speech they permit on their own property. And public funding of institutions can also complicate matters.

Dr Steve Davies

Kate Andrews

IEA: Countdown, One Year Till Brexit

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Countdown, One Year Till Brexit
Exactly one year from today, Britain will officially quit the EU. But what do we know so far, and what happens next? Today joined by Julian Jessop, Head of the IEA’s Brexit Unit, and Shanker Singham, Director of the IEA’s new International Trade and Competition Unit. Interviewed by Digital Officer Madeline Grant, the pair answer some of the most pressing questions about Brexit – including what, if anything, we’ve managed to negotiate so far, how our economy has fared until now, the future of the Irish border, and whether there is any chance of Brexit being overturned.

Julian Jessop, Shanker Singham, Madeline Grant

Kate Andrews

IEA: How Much Should We Worry About Inequality?

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: How Much Should We Worry About Inequality?
How much should we worry about inequality? With ongoing Corbyn-mania in UK politics, and the popularity of books like Thomas Piketty’s Capital in The 21st Century, it seems like we’ve never cared more about promoting equality of outcome. But is our concern justified? Is economic disparity a characteristic of modernity – or a persistent feature of human civilisation? On our podcast this week, Dr Steve Davies, Head of Education at the IEA, and News Editor Kate Andrews, examine this controversial topic.

Dr Steve Davies

Kate Andrews

IEA: Puritans, reflections on the nanny state and the modern-day feminist movement

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Puritans, reflections on the nanny state and the modern-day feminist movement
Today we’re joined by author and academic Dr Joanna Williams, and the IEA’s Head of Lifestyle Economics Christopher Snowdon, to discuss freedom and feminism in the 21st century. Right now, the authoritarians seems to be winning the battle of ideas, following a raft of new nanny state legislation over the last few years – with ever more draconian schemes in the pipeline. Interviewed by the IEA’s Kate Andrews, Chris and Joanna take a look at what all of this means for ordinary consumers – and whether we can expect a backlash against the nanny state, embodied by groups like Public Health England. They also examine what is becoming an increasingly puritanical culture around feminism, and what the future holds for the movement in the wake of the ‘Me Too’ campaign.

Dr Joanna Williams, Christopher Snowdon

Kate Andrews

IEA: Shanker Singham and the Politics of Trade

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Shanker Singham and the Politics of Trade
In the latest instalment of our podcast series, Live From Lord North Street, News Editor Kate Andrews discusses trade arrangements and customs unions post-Brexit with Shanker Singham, who is joining the IEA as the director of our new International Trade and Competition unit. The pair examine Theresa May’s recent speech – one of six in a series dubbed the ‘Road to Brexit’ – in which the PM set out five key tests with which to judge an eventual deal with the EU. They also examine the future of regulation outside of the European Union, and potential alternatives to full regulatory alignment.

Shanker Singham

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Universal Basic Income or Universal Basic Services?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Universal Basic Income or Universal Basic Services?
Universal basic income is now one of the most fashionable concepts in progressive politics. With automation increasing and wages stagnating, the theory is that giving everyone a set amount of money each year will liberate them to do what they want with their lives – and keep them out of poverty. But some people think universal basic income is an utopian impossibility. Others think it’s dangerous. So there’s a proposal for another solution: universal basic services. Instead of giving people money, why not guarantee all of the public services they need to live a full life? Ayeisha Thomas-Smith explores the two ideas with Barb Jacobson, Co-ordinator of Basic Income UK, and Anna Coote, New Economics Foundation Principal Fellow.

Ayeisha Thomas-Smith, Barb Jacobson, Anna Coote

New Economics Foundation

NEF: What if Russia cuts off our gas?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: What if Russia cuts off our gas?
A nerve agent attack on an ex-Russian spy and his daughter in Salisbury has led to a retaliation by the UK government – expelling diplomats and ramping up a war of words. With Putin winning another huge election victory last week, some people are worried that we’re entering a new Cold War. Meanwhile, UK gas supplies have run low thanks to the recent winter freeze. What if Russia were to switch off our gas? Has it done it to other countries? And how would we get by? Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by Dave Powell, who leads on the environment for NEF, and Dustin Benton, policy director for the environmental think tank Green Alliance.

Ayeisha Thomas-Smith, Dave Powell, Dustin Benton

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: What on earth has been going on in Italy and what does it mean for your money?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: What on earth has been going on in Italy and what does it mean for your money?
Global financial markets have been flying up and down and all over the place this week, and it’s all to do with one boot-shaped country in the Mediterranean. Italy has found itself embroiled in a power struggle between Eurosceptic populists – winners of the March general election – and the pro-EU establishment. The ramifications have spread across the globe and will affect Britons from big-time investors to anyone building up a pension pot. Also in this episode, This is Money editor Simon Lambert, presenter Georgie Frost and personal finance editor Rachel Rickard Straus talk about what you can do to stop your dream house move falling through, and whether proposals to make tax on savings and dividends simpler will work – or just see savers pay more tax. And finally, in troubled times for the high street, the team look at one retailer bucking the trend.

Simon Lambert, Rachel Rickard-Straus

Ed Bowsher

The Week That Was: 1st of March

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

The Week That Was

The Week That Was: 1st of March
Helal Miah from The Share Centre explained the background to this week’s biggest story: Comcast’s takeover bid for Sky. He also looked at updates from Associated British Foods, which owns Primark and Twinings Tea, as well as ITV and advertising giant, WPP. Looking ahead, Helal focused on expected updates from online takeaway firm, Just Eat, and Rolls Royce.

Helal Miah
