Share Sounds. related to Politics - Europe

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Genre: Politics / Topic: Europe
Strand: Investment Perspectives
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Colin Bloom

Share Politics: UK net migration

Colin Bloom
Original Broadcast:

Share Politics

Share Politics: UK net migration
Net migration to the UK has recently hit the second highest level on record with many migrants coming from within the EU, this has raised questions about the governments policy after article 50 is triggered. Sara Macham discussed migration to the UK with Eros Rrodhe, senior consultant at Migrate UK

Eros Rrodhe

Georgie Frost

This is Money: A Stressful Week

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: A Stressful Week
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, brought to you in partnership with NS&I. It’s been quite a stressful week both real and imagined. The UK banking system was put through its paces in the Bank of England’s stress test which simulated a range of disaster scenarios from crashing house prices to rising unemployment. The biggest failure proved to be the majority tax payer owned RBS, whilst it was ‘must try harder’ for Barclays and Standard Chartered. Unfortunately not all this week’s stresses have been virtual though and rising fuel prices contributed to the collapse of GB Energy affecting 160,000 customers. When it comes to finding a new supplier there’s certainly plenty of choice at least as more and more smaller firms spring up- so just what is going on with Britain’s energy market? Georgie Frost is joined by Editor Simon Lambert and Consumer Affairs Editor Lee Boyce to find out. Also this week they look at the scams tricking people out of personal data and gig tickets as well as the meaty issue of what else is in the new plastic fiver. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce

Nigel Cassidy

“The likelihood is that Matteo Renzi will lose” – Ryan Heath of Politico on the Italian referendum

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

“The likelihood is that Matteo Renzi will lose” – Ryan Heath of Politico on the Italian referendum
Ryan Heath, Senior EU Correspondent and Associate Editor at Politico Europe, joined Share Radio Breakfast to give his weekly take on European Politics. The Italian referendum takes centre stage. Is Italian PM Matteo Renzi heading for defeat? Ryan also looks at the Austria presidential elections, and gives the latest from France.

Ryan Heath

Nigel Cassidy

Dijedon Imeri looks ahead to Sunday’s Italian referendum & the affect this will have on the market

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Dijedon Imeri looks ahead to Sunday’s Italian referendum & the affect this will have on the market
On Sunday, Italy holds a referendum. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi wants the power to streamline the country's creaking political system, reducing the power of upper house senators from blocking what he sees as essential economic reforms. But many are predicting he will lose. The worry for the markets is that a large protest vote could give the populist Five Star movement enough momentum to put Italy on a slippery slope to leave the Euro currency zone, plunging Europe into a fresh political and financial crisis. Dijedon 'Doni' Imeri is a country risk analyst for IHS Markit and he joined Share Radio Breakfast.

Sara Sjölin, Dijedon Imeri

Nigel Cassidy

The latest political news with Josh Lowe

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

The latest political news with Josh Lowe
Josh Lowe, Reporter at Newsweek, joined Share Radio for his Thursdays comment of the latest political news. We started by asking him about the news that Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson's has privately told at least four EU ambassadors that he supports freedom of movement of EU workers despite the Government's stance.

Louise Cooper, Josh Lowe

Sarah Lowther

EU ramps up the pressure – Dan Hodges on the European Union’s hardening Brexit stance

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

EU ramps up the pressure – Dan Hodges on the European Union’s hardening Brexit stance
Dan Hodges, Political commentator at the Mail on Sunday, joined Share Radio Breakfast to give his weekly politics round up. Dan discusses Corbyn, Cuba and the increasing pressure from the European Union over Brexit.

Chris Bailey, Dan Hodges

Nigel Cassidy

How would a No Vote in the Italian referendum affect Italy’s economy?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

How would a No Vote in the Italian referendum affect Italy’s economy?
On Sunday, Italian voters will go to the polls in a referendum on whether to curb the powers of the senate. The polls suggest Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who has promised to resign in the case of a No Vote, is on course to lose. As Italy's fragile banking sector struggles to stay afloat, a change of government, which could see the populist anti-EU Five Star Movement elected, will have severe repercussions for the Italian economy and the Eurozone. Robert Van Egghen reports.

Robert Van Egghen

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Spreading the Jam

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Spreading the Jam
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, presented in partnership with NS&I. This week of course the top financial story was Philip Hammond’s first, and indeed last, Autumn Statement. Just what state are the country’s post-Brexit finances in, and crucially what would the Chancellor offer to help his much referenced ‘Jams’? In the end those ‘just about managing’ certainly received a few headline policies but with predictions pointing towards low growth, high borrowing and high inflation many argue Jam spending has been spread too thin. There were also some losers with those enjoying salary sacrifice perks and letting agents coming into the crosshairs, as well as in fact the Autumn Statement itself which will now be scrapped. So what will all this mean for the pound in your pocket? Georgie Frost joins editor Simon Lambert and reporter Becky Rutt to answer just that. Also on the agenda this week they discuss Black Friday and for a slightly different purchase the opportunity to buy a road legal Formula 1 car. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Nigel Cassidy

European Parliament President Martin Schulz will not seek a third term

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

European Parliament President Martin Schulz will not seek a third term
The European Parliament's President, Martin Schulz, is to run for election in the German parliament next year, instead of seeking a third term leading MEPs. And his replacement could matter for Britain. Politico Europe's Ryan Heath said it could well be the former Belgian prime minister, who's currently due to lead the EU in the Brexit negotiations. Ryan spoke to Share Radio’s Nigel Cassidy from Brussels.

Ryan Heath

Nigel Cassidy

“This is a time Theresa May can probably afford to get some political heat from business”

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

“This is a time Theresa May can probably afford to get some political heat from business”
Josh Lowe of Newsweek joined Share Radio Breakfast for his politics round-up. There are calls for Prime Minister Theresa May to reverse her flagship boardroom reforms on executive pay. Company bosses and the Bank of England’s Chief Economist have suggested such intervention will damage the motivation and retention of good business leaders. Josh offered his view on this, as well as the reports that former Prime Minister Tony Blair wants to help block Britain's exit from the EU.

Paul Sedgwick, Josh Lowe
