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Genre: Politics / Topic: UK
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Presenter: New Economics Foundation
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New Economics Foundation

NEF: Can we bring down house prices without crashing the economy?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Can we bring down house prices without crashing the economy?
It’s one of the biggest contradictions in British politics. Across the country, baby boomers who own a house cheer as the value of their property rises. Meanwhile their millennial children watch on in horror, as owning their own home increasingly falls out of their reach. Politicians talk about building more homes but very few of them talk about directly reducing house prices. If house prices are too high for people to be able to buy houses, how can we bring them down? And can we do it without upsetting homeowners and crashing the economy? Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by Joe Beswick, who leads on housing for the New Economics Foundation, and housing campaigner Beth Stratford, a PhD researcher at the University of Leeds.

Ayeisha Thomas-Smith, Joe Beswick, Beth Stratford

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Brexit and the People

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Brexit and the People
Brexit dominates the news agenda. But with all the talk of the single market, impact assessments and trade deals, it sometimes feels as if this debate is only happening in the comment pages of newspapers, or the corridors of Westminster. What happened to the people? The Weekly Economics Podcast is back with a special episode: a discussion we recorded live in London at the end of 2017, between political theorist Maurice Glasman, activist Ruth Ibegbuna, and the academic Rob Ford. The question journalist Mary Riddell put to them was: where are the people in the Brexit debate?

Maurice Glasman, Ruth Ibegbuna, Rob Ford, Mary Riddell

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Power and Devolution

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Power and Devolution
Rachel Laurence and Annie Quick join Laurie Macfarlane to discuss inequality, democracy and the North/South divide in this episode of the New Economics Foundation podcast from the archive.

Rachel Laurence, Annie Quick, Laurie Macfarlane

New Economics Foundation

NEF: The Future of Migration

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: The Future of Migration
How do we combat hate and racism in British society? Marc Stears is joined by Nazek Ramadan of Migrant Voice and John Page from Hope Not Hate to discuss. This is an archive episode of NEF asking how we can create a new economy where people can really take control of their lives.

Marc Stears, Nazek Ramadan, John Page

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Can we save the planet despite Trump?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Can we save the planet despite Trump?
What more does the environment have to do to become an election issue? Joining our host Ayeisha Thomas-Smith this week are Dave Powell, Subject Lead on Environment at the New Economics Foundation, Fernanda Balata, who leads NEF’s work on coastal economies and Andrew Pendleton, Principal Director of Policy and Advocacy at NEF to discuss the environment, the election and the prospects for saving our planet.

Ayeisha Thomas-Smith, Dave Powell, Fernanda Balata, Andrew Pendleton
