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Genre: Politics / Topic: UK
Strand: Share Radio Breakfast
Programme: Questions Of Faith
Presenter: Rita Lobo
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Rita Lobo

Questions of Faith: Military Spending

Rita Lobo
Original Broadcast:

Questions Of Faith

Questions of Faith: Military Spending
From Libya to Daesh, and the debate over the future of Trident, there always seems to be money for war. But are there better ways to spend it? Marc Shoffman speaks to Andrew Smith, from the Campaign Against Arms Trade, looks at whether action against military spending is necessary, while Shuaghan Dolan, from Conscience, explores how the government could deal with global issues such as Isis. Reverend Mark Woods, contributing editor of Christian Today, also explains whether you are pacifist if you are religious.

Andrew Smith, Shuaghan Dolan, Reverend Mark Woods

Rita Lobo

Questions Of Faith: The UK Muslim community

Rita Lobo
Original Broadcast:

Questions Of Faith

Questions Of Faith: The UK Muslim community
The Prime Minister has launched a £20m initiative aimed at helping female members of the Muslim community with their language skills in an attempt to integrate them into the community and help tackle extremism. The initiative urges an end to "passive tolerance" of practices which he says leave many Muslim women facing discrimination and isolation. Muslim women who fail to improve their English face being refused permission to stay in the UK. Muslim women have been fighting back following those comments on Twitter with the ironic hashtag #traditionallysubmissive. In this episode of Questions Of Faith we take a look at the positive contributions the Muslim Community make to the UK culture and economy.

Sukaina Hirji, Halima Khanom

Rita Lobo

Questions of Faith: Climate Change

Rita Lobo
Original Broadcast:

Questions Of Faith

Questions of Faith: Climate Change
Rita Lobo and Marc Shoffman are joined by Shanza Ali from the Muslim Climate Action campaign and Jean Leston from Christian environmental group Operation Noah, to discuss climate change and whether it is up to faith groups to lead on tackling the issue, only on Questions of Faith. With guest Imam Mansoor Ahmad Clark explaining the significance of change in Islam.

Marc Shoffman, Imam Mansoor Ahmad Clark, Shanza Ali, Jean Leston
