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New Economics Foundation

NEF: The Rent is Too High

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: The Rent is Too High
More and more of us are renting for longer – not by choice, but by necessity. In cities especially, more people are renting into their thirties, forties and beyond, sometimes raising children in rented flats with no long-term security. Rents are sky high. Saving for a deposit can take a decade or longer. And for many people, property ownership seems unachievable. But what if we could do something about it? Could rent controls be the answer? To help answer this question, Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by Hanna Wheatley, researcher at the New Economics Foundation and co-author of a NEF report on rent controls, and Eva Freeman, private renter and member of the London Renters Union.

Hanna Wheatley, Eva Freeman

Simon Rose

How did we get here? A history of UK politics: The Commons Speaker

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

How did we get here? A history of the UK’s political parties.

How did we get here? A history of UK politics: The Commons Speaker
Simon Rose is joined by political commentator and author of The Groucho Tendency blog, Mike Indian, to discuss how UK politics has got to where it is today. In this episode, Simon and Mike discuss the history and role of the Commons Speaker.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

How did we get here? A history of the UK’s political parties: The Labour Party

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

How did we get here? A history of the UK’s political parties.

How did we get here? A history of the UK’s political parties: The Labour Party
Simon Rose is joined by political commentator and author of The Groucho Tendency blog, Mike Indian, to discuss how UK politics has got to where it is today. In this episode, Simon and Mike discuss the history of the Labour Party.

Mike Indian

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Deal or no deal?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Deal or no deal?
This is Money with Georgie Frost, editor Simon Lambert and Pensions reporter Tanya Jeffries. In this week's episode: Deal or no deal? It’s crunch time for Brexit – but where is it all heading? Does anyone know?! So is it time to batten down the hatches, or should you be greedy while others are fearful? Also today – the end of the road for the WASPI campaign after losing a landmark case at the High Court? But we do have some good state pension news… Plus all change at the top – as Tesco gets the Boots and rags to riches motors, what are the classics of the future?

Simon Lambert, Tanya Jeffries

Simon Rose

How did we get here? A history of the UK’s political parties: The Liberal Democrats

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

How did we get here? A history of the UK’s political parties.

How did we get here? A history of the UK’s political parties: The Liberal Democrats
Simon Rose is joined by political commentator and author of The Groucho Tendency blog, Mike Indian, to discuss how UK politics has got to where it is today. In this episode, Simon and Mike discuss the history of the Liberal Democrats, from roots in both the Liberal Party and the SDP right up to the modern day.

Mike Indian

Simon Rose

How did we get here? A history of the UK’s political parties: The Conservatives

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

How did we get here? A history of the UK’s political parties.

How did we get here? A history of the UK’s political parties: The Conservatives
Simon Rose is joined by political commentator and author of The Groucho Tendency blog, Mike Indian, to discuss how UK politics has got to where it is today. In this episode, Simon and Mike discuss the history of the Conservative Party, from its inception right up to the modern day.

Mike Indian

Franz Buscha

Policy Matters: The effects of class differences even within elite professions

Franz Buscha
Original Broadcast:

Policy Matters

Policy Matters: The effects of class differences even within elite professions
In this episode of Policy Matters, hosts Matt Dickson and Franz Buscha talk to Sam Friedman, Associate Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics and a member of the Social Mobility Commission. Sam explains his recent research highlighting how those from working class backgrounds find themselves earning less than colleagues from more privileged families, even when they have the same qualifications and work in the same elite professions. Going beyond the numbers to understand this ‘class pay gap’, Sam describes the numerous interviews he undertook with elite professionals from different backgrounds and what this revealed about the hidden mechanisms that operate, often rewarding privilege rather than merit or ability. The discussion then moves on to the dominance of private schools – and especially a particular group of private schools – in the elite strata of society and considers the sorts of policies that might help to make Britain a more meritocratic society.

Sam Friedman

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Was that as good as it gets for savers this time round?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Was that as good as it gets for savers this time round?
This is Money with Georgie Frost, editor Simon Lambert and Product and Knowledge editor Sarah Davidson. Autumn is here and with it an ill wind through the savings market. Why are things looking so bleak and are there any warm spots to be found out there? There’s a hurricane happening in politics, the team offer some tips on how to weather the Brexit storm…find out if we should really be stock piling food and take a look at how Labours Right to Buy plans would work for renters and buy-to-letters. Plus just how much better for the environment are electric vehicles? And don’t forget you can stay up to date with all the latest, breaking money news, just go to or download the app.

Simon Lambert, Sarah Davidson

Vicky Sayers

The Money Nuggets Show: Why women need to talk more about money

Vicky Sayers
Original Broadcast:

The Money Nuggets Show

The Money Nuggets Show: Why women need to talk more about money
It’s no secret that women are a little behind when it comes to talking about money. For many women, talking about money can be very uncomfortable. Money is important; there’s no question about it, it gives us economic power – particularly if you’re in a relationship or job that you hate. Financial Times Money Mentor Lindsay Cook, and Lyndsay Wolfe, a Financial Planner from Wolfe Financial Planning, join Esther Mukuro to discuss why it is important to talk about money and how to get the money conversation started.

Lindsay Cook, Lyndsay Wolfe

Georgie Frost

This is Money: From May and Hammond, to Johnson and Javid

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: From May and Hammond, to Johnson and Javid
This is Money with Georgie Frost, editor Simon Lambert and assistant editor Lee Boyce. On this week's episode: From May and Hammond, to Johnson and Javid. Top Gear for your finances, or a slip into reverse? Simon and Lee run through what Boris Johnson’s government will mean for your money and your future. Will the new PM really manage to succeed where those before him have failed, and tackle the social care crisis once and for all? Also: why you may want to think twice before logging into that public wifi; how you can fight the financial Fosh; why going classic may be a better investment when it comes to convertibles; and the team celebrate the mundane … motors, that is!

Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce
