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Ed Bowsher

'We were as prepared as one can be', says RUSI expert

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

'We were as prepared as one can be', says RUSI expert
Wednesday's attack in Westminster was an "attack on democracy", according to the former chairman of Parliament's security and intelligence committee. It's been confirmed that the police has made seven arrests throughout the night in London, Birmingham and elsewhere. Share Radio's Ed Bowsher was joined on the line by Emily Winterbotham, Senior Research Fellow at RUSI - the Royal United Services Institute.

Emily Winterbotham

Ed Bowsher

Should the UK be 'relaxed' about reverting to WTO rules?

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Should the UK be 'relaxed' about reverting to WTO rules?
On the latest PMQs, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn grilled Theresa May over education funding, accusing the Conservative party of breaking a manifesto pledge. Plus, Pro-Brexit ministers have said the UK should be 'relaxed' about leaving the EU with no trade deal and revert to WTO rules. To discuss this and all the major political stories, Share Radio's Ed Bowsher was joined by John Ashmore, Chief Reporter at Politics Home.

John Ashmore

Ed Bowsher

Sinn Féin's strength part of McGuinness legacy - politics with John Rentoul

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Sinn Féin's strength part of McGuinness legacy - politics with John Rentoul
Northern Ireland's former deputy first minister Martin McGuinness has died at the age of 66. Once a commander in the IRA, he later took on a crucial role in negotiating the peace process as deputy leader of Sinn Féin - but what's his legacy? Plus Labour's underlying civil war takes a fresh turn. The Independent's chief political commentator John Rentoul joined Share Radio's Ed Bowsher for more on the day's big political stories.

John Rentoul

Georgie Frost

Will greater investment see an improvement in UK rail?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Will greater investment see an improvement in UK rail?
Investment in the UK rail network means that 6,400 more train services will be running each week by 2021. Thats according to The Rail Delivery Group. The RDG say around £50bn is being spent on the network, which would result in an 11% rise in the number of weekday services. James Brydges spoke to Sim Harris, managing director of

James Brydges, Sim Harris

Ed Bowsher

Brexit is 'Theresa May’s baby' - can she deliver?

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Brexit is 'Theresa May’s baby' - can she deliver?
There's an official date - Article 50 will be triggered on March 29. But how long until negotiators start hammering out the actual Brexit deal? And what major obstacles will Theresa May face? For insight on this and more, Mike Indian, senior political analyst at DeHavilland joined Share Radio's Ed Bowsher.

Mike Indian

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Taxing times

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Taxing times
Welcome to the This is Money Show on Share Radio, brought to you in partnership with NS&I. After its controversial announcement last week Philip Hammond has finally had to U-turn on national insurance hikes in an attempt to win back public trust. Whilst the Budget provoked considerable backlash less publicised has been changes in road tax coming in April which will see some drivers paying as much as seven times more. Meanwhile across the pond the US Fed has raised interest rates with attention now turning to what the Bank of England will do next. Speculating on where all this leaves our finances Georgie Frost is joined by Editor Simon Lambert and Personal Finance Editor Rachel Rickard Straus. Plus is a castle, a Star Wars themed cinema and beer Fridays really what it takes to be named Britain’s best boss? This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Simon Lambert, Rachel Rickard-Straus

Ed Bowsher

'Delaying the Scottish referendum is not in UK's interest', says Prof John Curtice

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

'Delaying the Scottish referendum is not in UK's interest', says Prof John Curtice
Nicola Sturgeon's plan for a second Scottish independence referendum for 2018 was rejected by Theresa May who said "now is not the time". To find out whether the Scottish will vote for independence, Share Radio's Alexi Phillips spoke with Professor John Curtice from the University of Strathclyde.

John Curtice

Ed Bowsher

Will Osborne use the Evening Standard to attack Theresa May?

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Will Osborne use the Evening Standard to attack Theresa May?
Former Chancellor George Osborne has just been appointed as the new Editor of the Evening Standard. Osborne is expected to take up his role in May while still remaining the MP for Tatton. Plus, Nicola Sturgeon said May's rejection of a second Scottish referendum is 'completely outrageous and unacceptable'. Asa Bennett, Assistant Comment Editor at the Telegraph, joined us to discuss the latest political news.

Asa Bennett

Ed Bowsher

Will there be a George Osborne 'bump' for the Evening Standard?

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Afternoon

Will there be a George Osborne 'bump' for the Evening Standard?
George Osborne has been appointed as Editor of the London Evening Standard - and says he plans to retain his seat in Tatton. But will he be able to do the job with little journalistic experience? Ian Murray, ex-president of the Society of Editors and former Editor in Chief of the Southern Daily Echo, gave us his take.

Ian Murray

Georgie Frost

How far away are driverless cars from appearing on British roads?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

How far away are driverless cars from appearing on British roads?
This is Future Tech where we look at the latest innovations and gadgets, and discuss all things technology related. This week we talk driverless vehicles. Companies such as Uber and Google are never far from the headlines in the race to market the technology. Recently California approved the road testing of self-driving cars but according to the House of Lord's Science and Technology Committee, who this week published their report into autonomous vehicles, it’s still a long road before they appear on British roads. Share Radio’s Tom Hill brings this report.

Tom Hill, Lord Selborne, Professor Neville Stanton
