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Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Educational Choice

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Educational Choice
As Rishi Sunak steps into the lead role in British politics, we look at the educational choices which have paved the way for him, and discuss how the search for a more egalitarian form of capitalism can reconcile opportunity for all with individual freedom. The degree to which parents take responsibility for that education, as Rishi's parents did for him, is critical — and that poses a significant question for the huge numbers of young people who are not enjoying a traditional family upbringing. Background Music: 'Everything Has a Beginning' by Joel Cummins

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Generational Disconnect

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Generational Disconnect
Janice Turner's strikingly clear article in Saturday's Times (13/8/22) sets out why young people from low income households have such a struggle finding stability and economic security, after years of student debt, soaring house prices, and a much higher risk of split parents. In 2010 David Willetts' book 'The Pinch' was published, setting out the huge generational divide at that time: but over the past 12 years, the position has deteriorated significantly. Will Liz Truss call for change? Background music: 'Land of My Fathers' by The 126ers Links via

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Sacrificing the economy to NHS universality

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Sacrificing the economy to NHS universality
Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak are both understandably focused on the UK economy, challenged by massive public debt and soaring inflation, but who will tackle the 'elephant in the room' of the gargantuan health and social care budget, which has resulted from seventy years addiction to socialist universality? We update our proposal first made in June 2018, since when the cost per adult of health and social care has doubled. Background music: 'Addicted' by VYEN

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: There has to be a role for the unconventional

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: There has to be a role for the unconventional
People come in all shapes and sizes, and there are many people who have that strange combination of seemingly boundless energy and inherent unpredictability which are found in Mr Johnson. People who are more measured and reliable find them intensely frustrating, but there should still be a place for unconventional people, albeit not as prime minister. In this episode we find other examples in history of unconventional individuals who were also not accepted by many of the people with whom they worked, and we look not so much at weighing their offences but counting their merits in asking how the undoubtable strengths of someone like Boris can work for the benefit of all. Background music: 'Enable the Tiger' by JAde Wii

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: The need to re-discover Conservative values

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: The need to re-discover Conservative values
Will Johnny go marching home, after this awful set of mid-term elections for the Conservatives? He has the intelligence needed to steer this country forward, as he's shown with both Brexit and the Covid-19 vaccine strategy. However, he has a major handicap: he not only lacks a firm foundation in Conservative values, but he's also prone to falling foul of the cult of personality. As he can't seem to get to grips with this handicap, the Conservative Parliamentary Party should take steps to build a new leadership to move it forwards, closely aligned to its core values. Background music: 'Johnny comes marching home' by Cooper Cannell

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Prime Minister's Question Time

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Prime Minister's Question Time
With Simon Rose taking a well-earned break and with an action-packed PMQ on Wednesday, please enjoy 55 minutes of democratic challenge at its best. Christian Wakeford (circled in the image) has just switched sides from Conservative to Labour, Sir Keir Starmer's on the warpath, and Boris is fighting back - at last. Enjoy!

Simon Rose

The Bigger Picture: Liberal Democrats - the long journey to Chesham & Amersham

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: Liberal Democrats - the long journey to Chesham & Amersham
The news that Sarah Green has wrested the constituency of Chesham and Amersham off the Conservatives for the first time in its history merits a look back over the Liberal Democrat's long decline. The centre ground is not an easy place to be in politics, and the new MP has needed the frequent sight of HS2 bulldozers and stormtroopers to get her majority - but she's done it. This look-back over Liberal Democrat history with Simon Rose and Mike Indian was first published in October 2019, just before the last General Election.

Mike Indian

Peter Urwin

Economist Questions: A ‘Good’ and ‘Efficient’ Workplace: Tricky Balancing Act?

Peter Urwin
Original Broadcast:

Economist Questions

Economist Questions: A ‘Good’ and ‘Efficient’ Workplace: Tricky Balancing Act?
Research into workplace productivity and management practice is often focused on the links between ‘Good’ and ‘Efficient’ practices. ‘Good’ covers employee-friendly policies; for instance, those providing opportunities for better Work Life Balance. In contrast, ‘Efficient’ practice includes the use of KPIs, setting clear performance expectations and tackling underperformance where it is identified. In this episode Peter Urwin and Professor Richard Saundry discuss this, drawing on their own understanding as researchers and experiences as line managers. The operational reality is that managers hold a position between the interests of their organisation and those who work for them – how do they balance the (often competing) need to create both efficient and good workplaces?

Prof. Richard Saundry

Matt Dickson

Policy Matters: The long shadow of early life health

Matt Dickson
Original Broadcast:

Policy Matters

Policy Matters: The long shadow of early life health
In this episode, hosts Matt Dickson and Franz Buscha are joined by Sonia Bhalotra, Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick. Sonia has a prodigious volume of research on topics relating to the creation of human capital, early child development, gender inequality, intergenerational mobility, and the impact of early life health on later life outcomes. Sonia discusses her research on the impact of the advent of antibiotics in the US in the 1930s on child pneumonia, and how this had long-lasting impacts on children’s education and labour market outcomes. She explains how improvements in child health and mortality have implications not just for the children themselves, but also for women’s fertility decisions and labour supply. The discussion then turns to the trade-off between the “quality” and the quantity of children that a family have – including the surprising news that having twins is not as random as we might have assumed. Finally, they touch on Sonia’s research into the long-term benefits of treating maternal depression, which highlights how a non-drug therapy can have profound and long-lasting impact on maternal health and wellbeing.

Sonia Bhalotra

Tamara Gillan

The Talk by the WealthiHer Network: How women and girls are most impacted by Covid-19

Tamara Gillan
Original Broadcast:

The Talk by the WealthiHer Network

The Talk by the WealthiHer Network: How women and girls are most impacted by Covid-19
This month, the WealthiHer Network is proud to partner with the UN Girl Up Foundation, to talk about how women and girls have been most impacted by Covid-19 and what can be done to redress the balance. Joining Tamara Gillan is Hallie Hudson, Director of Development, Girl Up and Bethel Kyeza, Co-president Girl Up London to discuss how girls around the world are overcoming inequality and how Girl Up are helping them to become the leaders of tomorrow.

Hallie Hudson
