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Genre: Politics / Topic: UK
Strand: Morning Money
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Ed Bowsher

Alan Sked speaks to Share Radio about the upcoming Brexit referendum

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Ed's Macro-Economic View

Alan Sked speaks to Share Radio about the upcoming Brexit referendum
Ed spoke to a Eurosceptic pioneer, Dr Alan Sked who is a professor at the LSE and also founded the UK Independence Party more than twenty years ago. He's no longer a member of UKIP, but he's still a strong opponent of the EU.

Ed Bowsher

Mike Indian of DeHavilland joins us to look at the PMQs and last night's debate between David Cameron and Nigel Farage

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Ed's Macro-Economic View

Mike Indian of DeHavilland joins us to look at the PMQs and last night's debate between David Cameron and Nigel Farage
Mike Indian, Senior Political Analyst of DeHavilland joined Ed Bowsher to discuss the latest UK political news. They discussed Brexit, today's PMQ's, snoopers charter and a potential decision on Heathrow.

Marc Shoffman

Questions of Faith: Tax Avoidance

Marc Shoffman
Original Broadcast:

Questions Of Faith

Questions of Faith: Tax Avoidance
Marc Shoffman focuses on the ongoing issue of tax avoidance after it was revealed that the Church of England is investing in Google. The 2015 annual report from the Church Commissioners, which is the investment arm of the Church of England, revealed Alphabet Inc, parent company of the search engine, was among its top 20 holdings. Edward Mason, Head of Responsible Investment for the Church Commissioners, Toby Quantrill, Principal Adviser for Economic Justice at Christian Aid, and Mark Harper, Adviser for Trinity Wealth Management, join Marc to discuss this issue.

Edward Mason, Toby Quantrill, Mark Harper

Colin Bloom

Share Politics: Republicans Overseas

Colin Bloom
Original Broadcast:

Share Politics

Share Politics: Republicans Overseas
Kate Andrews, from Republicans Overseas, joins Colin Bloom to discuss the current situation with the US Elections. Kate explains how Hilary Clinton is likely to be the Democratic candidate against the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump. She also discusses the competition between Bernie Sanders and Clinton ahead of the campaign.

Kate Andrews

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Trade unions and the European Union

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Trade unions and the European Union
John Edmonds, Chair of the Trade Union Forum Management Committee, looked ahead to History & Policy's Trade Union Forum on 'Trade Unions and the European Union'. Ahead of the EU referendum, the Trade Union Forum explores the roles that trade unions have had in previous EU public debates.

Chris Bailey, John Edmonds

Juliette Foster

The Weeks Update: Updates on the democrat vote in the US election with Jeff Faux and Prof John Weeks

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

The Weeks Update

The Weeks Update: Updates on the democrat vote in the US election with Jeff Faux and Prof John Weeks
We begin with a clip of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders speaking after his victory in Indiana over rival Hillary Clinton, as they slug it out for the Democratic nomination in the US presidential elections. Although Mrs Clinton as good as has the top prize in her pocket, Mr Sanders has refused to make life easy for her. Despite trailing by an average of seven points in opinion polls and losing bigger states on the east coast, his latest victory shows that he still appeals to disaffected mid-west voters. So...does Bernie Sanders have any further rabbits to pull from a hat...or could Hilary Clinton yet outfox him by inviting him onto her ticket as her running mate? In the studio is Jeff Faux, author of The Servant Economy and founder of the "Economic Policy Institute in Washington", and Professor John Weeks, Share Radio's regular economics commentator.

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Tightening the screws further on tax havens & offshore finance

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Tightening the screws further on tax havens & offshore finance
Ahead of an international corruption summit being hosted by David Cameron in London this week, the Head of Campaigns at ActionAid UK, Murray Worthy, joined Sarah Lowther and Chris Bailey. ActionAid has been campaigning for the reform of global tax rules to tackle tax dodging in the world's poorest countries.

Chris Bailey, Murray Worthy

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: How will the mayoral election results and Brexit affect the property market?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 8:00

Morning Money: How will the mayoral election results and Brexit affect the property market?
The UK's housing market isn't functioning like it should, with too few affordable properties for sale or rent. As well as that, the market is vulnerable to shocks and political pressure, like the London mayoral election results and Brexit. Ryan Prince is VP at Realstar, a private renting company, and he gives his take on the state of the market.

Rachel Winter, Ryan Prince

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: Marketing and Brand Transparency

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: Marketing and Brand Transparency
Nick Peters speaks to Debbie Morrison of ISBA, which represents British advertisers, about how advertising agencies must be much more transparent in their dealings with brands. Nick also discusses with Ian Barber, of Advertising Association, that the industry needs to persuade society of the value advertising delivers, to counter growing public and political mistrust. While, Marketing Week Magazine journalist, Mindi Chahal looks at the reasons why UK companies lag behind their US counterparts when it comes to customer service.

Debbie Morrison, Ian Barber, Mindi Chahal

Nick Peters

Morning Money: The UK elections, a Turkish crisis & a Spanish election date

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 8:00

Morning Money: The UK elections, a Turkish crisis & a Spanish election date
Ryan Heath, Senior EU Correspondent and Associate Editor at Politico Europe, discussed the UK elections and the crisis in Turkey after the country's Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, said he will stand down. What will this mean for the EU - Turkish migrant deal? Ryan also touched on the Spanish elections, which has been confirmed for June 26.

Ryan Heath
