Share Sounds. presented by Sarah Lowther related to Politics - World

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Genre: Politics / Topic: World
Strand: Share Radio Evening Show
Presenter: Sarah Lowther
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Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Will the new transatlantic "Privacy Shield" be effective at defending your data?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 8:00

Morning Money: Will the new transatlantic "Privacy Shield" be effective at defending your data?
Discussions surrounding 'Privacy Shield' are ongoing - it's a new transatlantic agreement that will allow data to flow freely between the EU and US, whilst also ensuring that data is properly protected. Companies have waited months for the deal, after its predecessor, the US Safe Harbor Agreement, was struck down by European courts in October 2015. But so far only Microsoft, CA Technologies and Workday have signed up. Joe Aldridge looks into the new agreement by speaking with Peter Church, a Counsel and data privacy expert at law firm Linklaters.

Chris Bailey, peter Church

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Hillary Clinton nominated & terrorism in France – Dan Hodges talks politics

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 8:00

Morning Money: Hillary Clinton nominated & terrorism in France – Dan Hodges talks politics
Dan Hodges, Political Commentator at the Mail on Sunday, discussed the latest in the world of politics. History has been made in America, after Hillary Clinton became the first woman to be nominated as a presidential candidate. And it's emerged one of the terrorists who attacked a French church was under surveillance by intelligence agents.

Chris Bailey, Dan Hodges

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: “The strategy of Japan is that we don’t have opposition” – Seijiro Takeshita

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: “The strategy of Japan is that we don’t have opposition” – Seijiro Takeshita
On Sunday, Japanese voters will go to the polls in the triennial upper house election. The contest is for only half the seats, and voters are expected to vote for the political status quo or not vote at all. To discuss this and more, Seijiro Takeshita, Professor of Management and Information at University of Shizuoka in Japan, joined Share Radio.

Chris Bailey, Dr Seijiro Takeshita

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: What does the UK voting to leave the EU mean for quantitative easing?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: What does the UK voting to leave the EU mean for quantitative easing?
Radix, "the think tank of the radical centre", launches with a report and an event on Quantitative Easing, featuring Sir Vince Cable. Dr Joe Zammit-Lucia is Co-Author of the paper: 'Quantitative Easing - The Debate That Never Happened'. He joined Share Radio to offer his views on why the UK voted to leave the EU, and what this means for quantitative easing.

Chris Bailey, Joe Zammit-Lucia

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: What can we expect the OPEC meeting to deliver?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: What can we expect the OPEC meeting to deliver?
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is holding its next ministerial meeting on Thursday in Vienna. Some analysts expect OPEC members to constrain supplies and raise the world price of oil, but others aren't expecting much to change at all. So what can we expect? Matt Cox has been speaking to Kevin Baxter, Global Commodities Spot News Editor at the Wall Street Journal, to find out.

Matt Cox, Kevin Baxter

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Trump takes giant stride towards Republican nomination

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Trump takes giant stride towards Republican nomination
Donald Trump has taken another step towards the Republican nomination, with a clean sweep of victories in Tuesday’s primary elections. Share Radio’s Sarah Lowther spoke to Politico reporter, Ben Schreckinger, about whether Trump is right to declare himself the presumptive Republican nominee.

Ben Schreckinger

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: US Elections - Can Trump make it in New York?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: US Elections - Can Trump make it in New York?
Today the state of New York votes in their Presidential primary. Riding high in the polls, Donald Trump is expected to triumph in the Republican primary - a welcome boost to his campaign after a rocky few weeks and a heavy defeat in Wisconsin. Share Radio's Robert Van Egghen reports on whether this will be the week the Trump campaign gets back on track.

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Brazil's economy in the doldrums

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Brazil's economy in the doldrums
Brazil is due to present its budget, but with GDP forecasts due to shrink by 4% for the second consecutive year, and the unemployment rate rising sharply, the country is struggling to deal with the end of the commodity boom. The biggest party in congress has now also voted to abandon President Dilma Rousseff’s ruling coalition. Robert Van Egghen looked into the country's struggles.

Robert Van Egghen, Riordan Roett

Sarah Lowther

Presidential candidates are coming to blows over the economy - With Robert Van Egghen

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money

Presidential candidates are coming to blows over the economy - With Robert Van Egghen
The presidential race is heating up, and now candidates are starting to trade blows over the US economy. Share Radio's Robert Van Egghen reports.

Robert Van Egghen

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: A good night for Trump on Super Tuesday?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: A good night for Trump on Super Tuesday?
With the results coming in from Super Tuesday, in which 11 US states have voted to choose their presidential candidates, the pitched battle for the White House between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is moving closer to becoming reality as both are leaping further ahead in the battleground states. Sarah Lowther has been speaking to Edward-Isaac Dovere, Politico's Senior White House reporter in Washington, about the results.

Edward-Isaac Dovere
