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Kate Andrews

IEA: Are There Limits to Free Speech?

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Are There Limits to Free Speech?
Are there limits to free speech – and if so, where should they be set? In this week’s podcast, Dr Steve Davies, Head of Education at the IEA and News Editor Kate Andrews examine this question. They take a look at free speech on social media, and at universities, where issues like ‘safe spaces’ and ‘no platforming’ are increasingly controversial. Yet, the situation is rather more complex than it might seem. Though, Steve argues, speech should be as free as possible – private institutions and private individuals also have a right to determine what speech they permit on their own property. And public funding of institutions can also complicate matters.

Dr Steve Davies

Kate Andrews

IEA: How Much Should We Worry About Inequality?

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: How Much Should We Worry About Inequality?
How much should we worry about inequality? With ongoing Corbyn-mania in UK politics, and the popularity of books like Thomas Piketty’s Capital in The 21st Century, it seems like we’ve never cared more about promoting equality of outcome. But is our concern justified? Is economic disparity a characteristic of modernity – or a persistent feature of human civilisation? On our podcast this week, Dr Steve Davies, Head of Education at the IEA, and News Editor Kate Andrews, examine this controversial topic.

Dr Steve Davies

Kate Andrews

IEA: Fake News, dealing with misinformation in the age of Tech Giants and new media

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Fake News, dealing with misinformation in the age of Tech Giants and new media
“Fake news” – a favourite term of Donald Trump – was voted 2017’s ‘word of the year’. Indeed, the spread of fake news has been cited as a serious threat to democracy, free debate and the Western order – with many believing it’s made further regulation of social media inevitable. And yet, in a world where social media has allowed anyone to create and disseminate information, there is still little agreement on what it is, how much of a problem it is, and what to do about it. Today the IEA’s Chief Economist Julian Jessop and News Editor Kate Andrews discuss the new media landscape – which has shifted dramatically in recent years with the growth of hugely influential tech companies like Apple and Google. The pair discuss, what, if anything, governments and Tech Giants should do to address the spread of fake news, and what the future regulatory landscape will look like.

Julian Jessop

Kate Andrews

IEA: A Year in Review

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: A Year in Review
What do Momentum and Moggmentum have in common? Find out in our round-up of 2017, featuring the IEA’s Director General Mark Littlewood and Communications Director Stephanie Lis. Interviewed by the IEA’s News Editor Kate Andrews, the three discuss the state of the Brexit negotiations, the problems in Parliament, Donald Trump’s America, and predictions for 2018.

Mark Littlewood, Stephanie Lis

Kate Andrews

IEA: Best of 2017

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Best of 2017
In this special Christmas edition, we look back at some of the most interesting topics discussed in 2017. Join the IEA’s News Editor Kate Andrews, along with Head of Education Dr Steve Davies, as they discuss the future of Intellectual Property Rights, how technology could help us feed the world, and the possibility of humans living until 700 years of age.

Dr Steve Davies

Kate Andrews

IEA: 100 years on from the Russian Revolution

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: 100 years on from the Russian Revolution
The 8th of November marks the centenary of the October Revolution, which transformed Russia and reshaped the course of history. 100 years on, the IEA’s Kristian Niemietz and Madeline Grant discuss what lessons, if any, we’ve learnt from socialism’s history of around the world; from the Soviet Union, to Cuba, to Venezuela. Kristian also traces the complicated relationship left-wing Western intellectuals have had with socialist regimes – and examines whether the right has also been, historically, guilty of similar revisionism.

Kristian Niemietz, Madeline Grant
