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Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: A look ahead to the Anti-Corruption Summit

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: A look ahead to the Anti-Corruption Summit
Rachel Davies, Acting Head of Advocacy & Research at Transparency International UK, joined Nigel Cassidy and Louise Cooper ahead of David Cameron welcoming world leaders to London, for the kick off of the much vaunted London Anti-Corruption Summit. Has the summit lost any credibility now that Cameron has singled out two summit attendees?

Louise Cooper, Rachel Davies

Juliette Foster

The Weeks Update: Updates on the democrat vote in the US election with Jeff Faux and Prof John Weeks

Juliette Foster
Original Broadcast:

The Weeks Update

The Weeks Update: Updates on the democrat vote in the US election with Jeff Faux and Prof John Weeks
We begin with a clip of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders speaking after his victory in Indiana over rival Hillary Clinton, as they slug it out for the Democratic nomination in the US presidential elections. Although Mrs Clinton as good as has the top prize in her pocket, Mr Sanders has refused to make life easy for her. Despite trailing by an average of seven points in opinion polls and losing bigger states on the east coast, his latest victory shows that he still appeals to disaffected mid-west voters. So...does Bernie Sanders have any further rabbits to pull from a hat...or could Hilary Clinton yet outfox him by inviting him onto her ticket as her running mate? In the studio is Jeff Faux, author of The Servant Economy and founder of the "Economic Policy Institute in Washington", and Professor John Weeks, Share Radio's regular economics commentator.

Nick Peters

Morning Money: How do you put a price on a confusing presidential process?

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: How do you put a price on a confusing presidential process?
Market analysts are now readying themselves for a showdown between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the presidential elections, and Matt Cox spoke to Colin Cieszynski, Chief Market Analyst at CMC Markets Canada, who explained how to price the battle into the markets.

Matt Cox, Colin Cieszynski

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: When could a Fed rate rise come?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: When could a Fed rate rise come?
The Federal Reserve left interest rates unchanged on Wednesday, moving the focus to the next Federal Open Market Committee meeting in June. But the latest FOMC statement is little changed from the last one, and provides no strong clue about the likely decision at the June meeting. So when can we expect an interest rate hike? Richard de Meo, Founder & MD of corporate forex broker Foenix Partners, offered his views.

Louise Cooper, Richard de Meo

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Trump takes giant stride towards Republican nomination

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Trump takes giant stride towards Republican nomination
Donald Trump has taken another step towards the Republican nomination, with a clean sweep of victories in Tuesday’s primary elections. Share Radio’s Sarah Lowther spoke to Politico reporter, Ben Schreckinger, about whether Trump is right to declare himself the presumptive Republican nominee.

Ben Schreckinger

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Are increasingly low oil prices pressuring Gulf Cooperation Council countries?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Are increasingly low oil prices pressuring Gulf Cooperation Council countries?
Khalid Howladar, SVP Senior Credit Officer at Moody's Financial Institutions Group, talked with Nigel Cassidy and Louise Cooper, after Moody's held a half day conference in London on Wednesdsay, about Gulf Co-operation Council region banking.

Louise Cooper, Khalid Howladar

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: US Elections - Can Trump make it in New York?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: US Elections - Can Trump make it in New York?
Today the state of New York votes in their Presidential primary. Riding high in the polls, Donald Trump is expected to triumph in the Republican primary - a welcome boost to his campaign after a rocky few weeks and a heavy defeat in Wisconsin. Share Radio's Robert Van Egghen reports on whether this will be the week the Trump campaign gets back on track.

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Could an economic crisis unravel Vladimir Putin's rule?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Could an economic crisis unravel Vladimir Putin's rule?
Beset by its longest recession in 20 years, Russia is losing the economic prosperity that many Russians had regarded as the hallmark of Vladimir Putin's rule. But the Russian leader, who was heavily implicated in the Panama tax papers, remains hugely popular and a strong figure abroad. Robert Van Egghen examines whether further economic issues could unravel Putin's rule.

Robert Van Egghen, Sergey Aleksashenko

Rita Lobo

Questions of Faith: Military Spending

Rita Lobo
Original Broadcast:

Questions Of Faith

Questions of Faith: Military Spending
From Libya to Daesh, and the debate over the future of Trident, there always seems to be money for war. But are there better ways to spend it? Marc Shoffman speaks to Andrew Smith, from the Campaign Against Arms Trade, looks at whether action against military spending is necessary, while Shuaghan Dolan, from Conscience, explores how the government could deal with global issues such as Isis. Reverend Mark Woods, contributing editor of Christian Today, also explains whether you are pacifist if you are religious.

Andrew Smith, Shuaghan Dolan, Reverend Mark Woods

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: Brands and Marketing

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: Brands and Marketing
As Apple turns 40 this week, Adrian Day, Independent brand consultant and Associate Consultant for Brand Consultancy, explains to Nick Peters how the brand constantly reinvents itself, while also sticking to core original principals. Adam Reynolds, from Intermarketing Agency, also discusses Donald Trump’s marketing tactics to advertise and promote himself and his campaign during the US election. Finally, Nick speaks to Richard Armstrong, Chief Strategy Officer and Founding Partner of Kameleon, looks at brands and the crossover between branding and advertising in online content and how this could potentially mislead the customers.

Adrian Day, Adam Reynolds, Richard Armstrong
