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Genre: Politics
Programme: Company Casebook
Presenter: Linda Lewis (1)
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Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: Ellwood Atfield

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: Ellwood Atfield
Linda Lewis talks to Gavin Ellwood, Director at Ellwood Atfield, a unique team of headhunters operating out of the Westminster village.

Gavin Ellwood

Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: Full Fact

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: Full Fact
With less than a week to go until the EU referendum Linda Lewis meets Will Moy, Director of Full Fact, and his team in action. Fact-checking as an industry is growing, and Britain is in the lead when it comes to finding innovative ways to pay for it. Will explains why it was important to set the company up, and how they work with journalists, academics and political parties on a daily basis to deliver accurate facts and figures.

Will Moy
