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Programme: Ed's Macro-Economic View
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Ed Mitchell

"The calls for EU treaty changes are completely unrealistic" says Tim Knox of the CPS

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

Ed's Macro-Economic View

"The calls for EU treaty changes are completely unrealistic" says Tim Knox of the CPS
Tim Knox, Director of the Centre for Policy Studies, joins us to discuss the election results and what the Conservatives are likely to do with their slim majority.

Tim Knox

Ed Mitchell

Could Finland be the first country to exit the Eurozone?

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

Ed's Macro-Economic View

Could Finland be the first country to exit the Eurozone?
Share Radio's Robert Van Egghen reports on Finland's struggling economy and whether the country will be the next to leave the Eurozone

Ed Mitchell

Is there a democratic deficit in Japan?

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

Ed's Macro-Economic View

Is there a democratic deficit in Japan?
Kristin Surak, Senior Lecturer at SOAS, University of London, discusses whether Japan's shift into a milataristic and nationalistic power means a weakening of democracy

Kristin Surak

Ed Mitchell

Wednesday Politics: What to expect from Cameron's Brussels negotiations with Mike Indian & Annie Scanlan

Ed Mitchell
Original Broadcast:

Ed's Macro-Economic View

Wednesday Politics: What to expect from Cameron's Brussels negotiations with Mike Indian & Annie Scanlan
Mike Indian, Senior Analyst at DeHavilland, and Annie Scanlan, EU Analyst at DeHavilland, join us in the studio to discuss David Cameron's attempts to win over doubting national leaders for his EU reform package

Mike Indian, Annie Scanlan
