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Georgie Frost

This is Money: Was that as good as it gets for savers this time round?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Was that as good as it gets for savers this time round?
This is Money with Georgie Frost, editor Simon Lambert and Product and Knowledge editor Sarah Davidson. Autumn is here and with it an ill wind through the savings market. Why are things looking so bleak and are there any warm spots to be found out there? There’s a hurricane happening in politics, the team offer some tips on how to weather the Brexit storm…find out if we should really be stock piling food and take a look at how Labours Right to Buy plans would work for renters and buy-to-letters. Plus just how much better for the environment are electric vehicles? And don’t forget you can stay up to date with all the latest, breaking money news, just go to or download the app.

Simon Lambert, Sarah Davidson

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Can consumer power help the planet?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Can consumer power help the planet?
It's fair to say environmental issues have moved to the forefront of the agenda in recent times. This week, editor Simon Lambert, assistant editor Lee Boyce and host Georgie Frost take a look at potential changes you can make to help the pound in your pocket turn a little greener. Simon explains his rallying cry for us to be his acronym 'Layby' rather than being labelled 'Nimbys'. Layby – or look after your back yard – is a movement to look after the country we live in. When it comes to investing, there is a growing movement where savers who want to combat climate change invest a small amount of money in the very companies eco-activists traditionally rally against, such as fossil fuel giants Shell and BP – so why? What can you do to be a more eco-friendly tourist? And finally… it's hard enough trying to predict how rapidly a normal car will depreciate, but estimating the loss of value of an electric vehicle is a whole other ball game. We reveal all.

Lee Boyce, Simon Lambert

Vicky Sayers

The Money Nuggets Show: Why women need to talk more about money

Vicky Sayers
Original Broadcast:

The Money Nuggets Show

The Money Nuggets Show: Why women need to talk more about money
It’s no secret that women are a little behind when it comes to talking about money. For many women, talking about money can be very uncomfortable. Money is important; there’s no question about it, it gives us economic power – particularly if you’re in a relationship or job that you hate. Financial Times Money Mentor Lindsay Cook, and Lyndsay Wolfe, a Financial Planner from Wolfe Financial Planning, join Esther Mukuro to discuss why it is important to talk about money and how to get the money conversation started.

Lindsay Cook, Lyndsay Wolfe

Georgie Frost

This is Money: From May and Hammond, to Johnson and Javid

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: From May and Hammond, to Johnson and Javid
This is Money with Georgie Frost, editor Simon Lambert and assistant editor Lee Boyce. On this week's episode: From May and Hammond, to Johnson and Javid. Top Gear for your finances, or a slip into reverse? Simon and Lee run through what Boris Johnson’s government will mean for your money and your future. Will the new PM really manage to succeed where those before him have failed, and tackle the social care crisis once and for all? Also: why you may want to think twice before logging into that public wifi; how you can fight the financial Fosh; why going classic may be a better investment when it comes to convertibles; and the team celebrate the mundane … motors, that is!

Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Who’s afraid of a no-deal Brexit?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Who’s afraid of a no-deal Brexit?
This is Money with Georgie Frost and Editor Simon Lambert. On this week's episode the team discusses about Brexit. Depends who you talk to but the OBR and Chancellor Philip Hammond have this week been painting another, rather bleak picture. But how likely is a no deal? What would it really mean for your money? Also, advice on investments is making a return to the High Street — backed by one of Britain's biggest banks. Will others follow suit? Plus, the pair get all romantic....talking faking your divorce to avoid tax and if you ditch the man, can you keep the engagement ring?

Simon Lambert

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Is well-being the new GDP?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Is well-being the new GDP?
If you’ve been listening to the Weekly Economics Podcast for a while, you’ll know that we think there’s much more to economics than GDP. But it still dominates the way politicians and much of the press talk about the economy. Now though, there are lots of new proposals for measuring what counts. So what should replace GDP? And how would it change society? That’s our big question today, that Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is discussing with Guardian economics correspondent Richard Partington and NEF fellow Annie Quick.

Ayeisha Thomas-Smith, Richard Partington, Annie Quick

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Generation left

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Generation left
The polls show that while previous generations became more conservative with age, millennials are staying left wing for longer. And age and education now seem to be the big dividing line in our politics, replacing class as the key division. So what’s going on? And what are the political implications of Generation Left? That’s our big question on the Weekly Economics Podcast this week and to help us answer it, Ayeisha is joined by Keir Milburn, author of Generation Left, and lecturer in political economy and organisation at University of Leicester, and Shelly Asquith, a political advisor at Unite the Union.

Ayeisha Thomas-Smith, Keir Milburn, Shelly Asquith

Matt Dickson

Policy Matters: The future of social mobility

Matt Dickson
Original Broadcast:

Policy Matters

Policy Matters: The future of social mobility
In this episode of Policy Matters, hosts Franz Buscha and Matt Dickson discuss the recently published ‘Augar Review’ of Post-18 education and funding; explaining what it is, how it came about, and what the main recommendations are. Franz and Matt consider the impact changes the HE funding system might have on students, in particular whether this would be a good or bad thing for social mobility, and whether or not politics may intervene to prevent these recommendations being implemented in any case. In light of recent public debate around whether social mobility should even be a policy objective, the discussion moves on to considering what social mobility entails and how it relates to the broader concept of social justice.

Franz Buscha

New Economics Foundation

NEF: What should the climate movement do next?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: What should the climate movement do next?
It’s been a busy year for the climate movement since last summer’s scorching heatwave. Extinction Rebellion shut down the streets, the school strikes saw thousands of young people take a stand, and the Green New Deal has shot to the top of the political agenda – for now, at least. Last month Parliament passed a motion to declare an ​‘environment and climate change emergency’. Meanwhile, Theresa May is trying to use the last weeks of her premiership to build some sort of legacy, including a new target for net zero climate emissions by 2050. So, against that backdrop, what should the climate movement do next? Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined this week by Hannah Martin from Greenpeace and Green New Deal UK.

Ayeisha Thomas-Smith, Hannah Martin

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Algorithms of Oppression

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Algorithms of Oppression
Algorithms have a huge influence on the way that we see the world. We increasingly understand news through social media. But the algorithms that underpin our every interaction with the digital world are not neutral. They are created by humans, and reflect the biases of the people who write them. We hosted Safiya Umoja Noble, author of Algorithms of Oppression, to discuss her recent book with Kirsty Styles for this live episode of the podcast. Content warning: in this episode there is discussion of sexual content and pornography that some listeners might find offensive.

Safiya Umoja Noble, Kirsty Styles
