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Programme: Morning Money
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Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Why is Britain affecting the French presidential election?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money

Morning Money: Why is Britain affecting the French presidential election?
With six months to go to the French presidential election, an increasingly acrimonious campaign has become divided over the topic of Brexit. While the mainstream candidates bicker over how kindly the EU should treat the UK in the negotiations, the Front National leader Marine Le Pen continues to rise in the polls. Share Radio's Robert Van Egghen reports.

Robert Van Egghen

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: “Brexit is having a different impact depending on where you are”

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money

Morning Money: “Brexit is having a different impact depending on where you are”
Consumer confidence has grown in parts of the UK, hitting five year highs post-Brexit. But the figures aren't clear cut as consumer sentiment is being weighed on by the mostly "remain voting" London staying pessimistic. Has Brexit negatively affected some areas of the country economically whilst favouring others? Share Radio's Matt Cox has been speaking to Julian Jessop, Chief Global Economist at Capital Economics.

Matt Cox, Julian Jessop

Nigel Cassidy

The latest SNP conference news: Is a "hard Brexit" pushing Scotland towards another independence referendum?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money

The latest SNP conference news: Is a "hard Brexit" pushing Scotland towards another independence referendum?
As Nicola Sturgeon announced the move towards a second independence referendum for Scotland, much of the SNP conference seems to have been centred around Brexit and the effects it will have on the Scottish people. Maurice Smith, Share Radio's Scotland correspondent discussed the latest news from the conference floor.

Jeremy Batstone-Carr, Maurice Smith

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Maurice Smith Share Radio's Scottish Correspondent talks to us live from the SNP Conference

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money

Morning Money: Maurice Smith Share Radio's Scottish Correspondent talks to us live from the SNP Conference
Maurice Smith, Share Radio's Scottish Correspondent joins us live from the SNP Conference, which starts today. What will be on the agenda?

Maurice Smith

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Gina Miller brings Brexit to the High Court today to challenge MPs right to trigger Article 50

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money

Morning Money: Gina Miller brings Brexit to the High Court today to challenge MPs right to trigger Article 50
Gina Miller brings Brexit to the High Court today to challenge MPs right to trigger Article 50. Share Radio reporter Matt Cox spoke to Gina to find out more.

Matt Cox

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: The commuters taking Southern Rail matters into their own hands

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money

Morning Money: The commuters taking Southern Rail matters into their own hands
Passengers are enduring overcrowding, delays and chaos on Southern trains as a strike by RMT union members continues. So as the deadlock continues, the Association of British Commuters has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise £25,000 in order to legally challenge the Department for Transport over their dealings of the Southern disruption. They ended up raising over £26,000 and campaign co-ordinator Emily Yates, Co-Founder of the Association of British Commuters, joined Share Radio Morning Money.

Chris Bailey, Emily Yates

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Is the government unprepared for a robotic revolution?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money

Morning Money: Is the government unprepared for a robotic revolution?
Advances in robotics and Artificial Intelligence hold the potential to fundamentally reshape the way we live and work. Yet the Government does not yet have a strategy for developing the new skills citizens will need to flourish in a world where AI is more prevalent. That is the conclusion of the Science and Technology Committee Robotics and Artificial Intelligence report published today. So what issues are raised? Oliver Smith, Senior Technology Reporter at The Memo, joined Share Radio to discuss.

Chris Bailey, Oliver Smith

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Putin backs efforts for an oil production cap

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money

Morning Money: Putin backs efforts for an oil production cap
Oil rose to its highest level in a year after Russian president Vladimir Putin said that he backed efforts for a production cap in the clearest sign yet that the country would join any global supply pact. Speaking at an energy conference in Istanbul, Mr Putin said he hoped that the OPEC producers’ group would agree on output curbs for member nations at its next ministerial meeting in November. For more, Kevin Baxter, Global Commodities Spot Editor at the Wall Street Journal, joined Share Radio.

Chris Bailey, Kevin Baxter

Nigel Cassidy

How will Presidential politics affect the US markets in the run-up to election day?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money

How will Presidential politics affect the US markets in the run-up to election day?
Chris Towner, Chief economist at HiFX discusses the upcoming US elections, the Presidential debat, and how current political events will affect the US markets.

Chris Bailey, Chris Towner

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: What does the Paris Climate Deal mean for business?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money

Morning Money: What does the Paris Climate Deal mean for business?
A global agreement to combat climate change has been forged, in a deal which will formally start on November 4. Ahead of the US presidential election, Donald Trump opposes the accord whilst Hillary Clinton strongly supports it, but what does it mean for business? Paul Simpson, CEO of environmental non-governmental organisation CDP, explained.

Sara Sjölin, Paul Simpson
