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Genre: Politics
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Ed Bowsher

The Week That Was: 1st of March

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

The Week That Was

The Week That Was: 1st of March
Helal Miah from The Share Centre explained the background to this week’s biggest story: Comcast’s takeover bid for Sky. He also looked at updates from Associated British Foods, which owns Primark and Twinings Tea, as well as ITV and advertising giant, WPP. Looking ahead, Helal focused on expected updates from online takeaway firm, Just Eat, and Rolls Royce.

Helal Miah

Ed Bowsher

The Bigger Picture: The left/right divide is dying

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture: The left/right divide is dying
Professor Tim Evans of Middlesex University explains why the left/right divide is becoming less and less important. Voters’ primary concern is no longer tax, spending and the size of the public sector. Instead votes are now split around ‘internationalism’ which means attitudes to immigration, trade and the like. Tim also looks at whether the UK needs to spend more money on ‘digital defence’ as well as the decline of the traditional British establishment.

Tim Evans

Kate Andrews

IEA: Deconstructing Industrial Strategy

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Deconstructing Industrial Strategy
Hastened by sluggish productivity growth, the once unfashionable idea of a centrally planned Industrial Strategy is back on the political agenda in Britain. But will it have the desired effect? Joining us today is the IEA’s Head of Transport Dr Richard Wellings, along with Head of Tech Policy Diego Zuluaga. The pair take a look at how industrial strategies have historically fared around the world, and examine the extent to which we can rely on the free market to deliver the infrastructure we need – and where government should fit into all this.

Dr Richard Wellings, Diego Zuluaga

Kate Andrews

IEA: Occupational Hazard – How UK licensing laws harm employment

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Occupational Hazard – How UK licensing laws harm employment
Britain takes a uniquely restrictive approach to occupational licensing. Around one in five UK employees requires a licence from government to practice their chosen occupation – a proportion which has doubled in the last fifteen years. Len Shackleton, IEA editorial fellow and author of a recent report into occupational licensing, sat down with us this week to discuss the current situation. He examines whether the government’s approach is necessary or desirable – particularly in a world of technological change, with algorithms, robotics and artificial intelligence increasingly able to perform some of the functions of the established professions.

Len Shackleton

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Brexit and the People

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Brexit and the People
Brexit dominates the news agenda. But with all the talk of the single market, impact assessments and trade deals, it sometimes feels as if this debate is only happening in the comment pages of newspapers, or the corridors of Westminster. What happened to the people? The Weekly Economics Podcast is back with a special episode: a discussion we recorded live in London at the end of 2017, between political theorist Maurice Glasman, activist Ruth Ibegbuna, and the academic Rob Ford. The question journalist Mary Riddell put to them was: where are the people in the Brexit debate?

Maurice Glasman, Ruth Ibegbuna, Rob Ford, Mary Riddell

Matthew Cook

Inside Business: The History of Scandal

Matthew Cook
Original Broadcast:

Inside Business

Inside Business: The History of Scandal
In this episode of Inside Business, Matthew Cook gets to grips with some of the biggest corporate scandals of the past few decades. He is joined by BBC Business reporter, Howard Mustoe, to discuss Enron, the Bank of Credit Commerce International, and more.

Howard Mustoe

Kate Andrews

IEA: Should Britain stay in the Customs Union?

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Should Britain stay in the Customs Union?
The question of whether Britain should stay in the EU’s customs union has dominated the news cycle recently – with the CBI and other high profile voices suggesting that remaining in the Customs Union would be consistent with Britain’s vote to Leave the EU. But would this be a political possibility? And would it be wise?We’re joined by Julian Jessop, the IEA’s Chief Economist and Head of the Brexit Unit, to give us update on these developments. Julian explains what the Customs Union is, how it differs from the Single Market, and explores some of the pros and cons of staying in it.

Julian Jessop

Kate Andrews

IEA: Fake News, dealing with misinformation in the age of Tech Giants and new media

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: Fake News, dealing with misinformation in the age of Tech Giants and new media
“Fake news” – a favourite term of Donald Trump – was voted 2017’s ‘word of the year’. Indeed, the spread of fake news has been cited as a serious threat to democracy, free debate and the Western order – with many believing it’s made further regulation of social media inevitable. And yet, in a world where social media has allowed anyone to create and disseminate information, there is still little agreement on what it is, how much of a problem it is, and what to do about it. Today the IEA’s Chief Economist Julian Jessop and News Editor Kate Andrews discuss the new media landscape – which has shifted dramatically in recent years with the growth of hugely influential tech companies like Apple and Google. The pair discuss, what, if anything, governments and Tech Giants should do to address the spread of fake news, and what the future regulatory landscape will look like.

Julian Jessop

Ed Bowsher

Share Interviews: Charlie Mullins

Ed Bowsher
Original Broadcast:

Share Interviews

Share Interviews: Charlie Mullins
Charlie Mullins, founder and chairman of Pimlico Plumbers, talks to Ed Bowsher about his plans to run for Mayor of London in 2020.

Charlie Mullins

Kate Andrews

IEA: NHS Crisis Talks

Kate Andrews
Original Broadcast:

IEA show

IEA: NHS Crisis Talks
The IEA’s Head of Health and Welfare Dr Kristian Niemietz discusses the UK’s national treasure- also known as the National Health Service. In the wake of yet another winter crisis, Kristian explains how other countries manage to avoid system shutdowns every year, mainly through the use of market mechanisms that lead to better efficiencies, and in turn, better patient outcomes. Interviewed by the IEA’s News Editor Kate Andrews, Kristian also addresses the issue of funding, noting that more cash can lead to a more generous healthcare system, but it is not obvious that it would help to solve the bread-and-butter issues facing the NHS, like A&E waiting times and cancer survival rates. Kristian lays out his ideal healthcare system, which he thinks could be a legitimate contender for ‘envy of the world’.

Dr Kristian Niemietz
