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Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: The environmental impact of a potential Brexit

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: The environmental impact of a potential Brexit
Arguments have been made for and against leaving the EU on a political and economic basis, but what about an ecological one? An EU Referendum debate due to take place will look at the environmental impact of a Brexit. Matt Cox spoke to Martin Harper, the Director of Conservation at UK charity the RSPB, who explained natures relationship with politics and how the system currently works.

Matt Cox, Martin Harper

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Could an economic crisis unravel Vladimir Putin's rule?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Could an economic crisis unravel Vladimir Putin's rule?
Beset by its longest recession in 20 years, Russia is losing the economic prosperity that many Russians had regarded as the hallmark of Vladimir Putin's rule. But the Russian leader, who was heavily implicated in the Panama tax papers, remains hugely popular and a strong figure abroad. Robert Van Egghen examines whether further economic issues could unravel Putin's rule.

Robert Van Egghen, Sergey Aleksashenko

Rita Lobo

Questions of Faith: Military Spending

Rita Lobo
Original Broadcast:

Questions Of Faith

Questions of Faith: Military Spending
From Libya to Daesh, and the debate over the future of Trident, there always seems to be money for war. But are there better ways to spend it? Marc Shoffman speaks to Andrew Smith, from the Campaign Against Arms Trade, looks at whether action against military spending is necessary, while Shuaghan Dolan, from Conscience, explores how the government could deal with global issues such as Isis. Reverend Mark Woods, contributing editor of Christian Today, also explains whether you are pacifist if you are religious.

Andrew Smith, Shuaghan Dolan, Reverend Mark Woods

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: Brands and Marketing

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: Brands and Marketing
As Apple turns 40 this week, Adrian Day, Independent brand consultant and Associate Consultant for Brand Consultancy, explains to Nick Peters how the brand constantly reinvents itself, while also sticking to core original principals. Adam Reynolds, from Intermarketing Agency, also discusses Donald Trump’s marketing tactics to advertise and promote himself and his campaign during the US election. Finally, Nick speaks to Richard Armstrong, Chief Strategy Officer and Founding Partner of Kameleon, looks at brands and the crossover between branding and advertising in online content and how this could potentially mislead the customers.

Adrian Day, Adam Reynolds, Richard Armstrong

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: The Piggy Banks hiding in the cupboard – tax haven story time with Fenella Fudge

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: The Piggy Banks hiding in the cupboard – tax haven story time with Fenella Fudge
The leak of millions of documents from a Panamanian law firm has drawn further attention to the use and abuse of tax havens. But how would you explain tax havens to a five-year-old? Share Radio’s Fenella Fudge, with the help of a Reddit post from Dan Gliesack, tells you all about those Piggy Banks that were hidden in the cupboard.

Fenella Fudge

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: What impact have pension freedoms had one year on?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: What impact have pension freedoms had one year on?
An overhauled state pension, being paid to new rather than existing pensioners, has begun. Meanwhile it's been a year since pension freedoms came into force. Matt Cox spoke to former pensions minister Steve Webb, Director of Policy at pension provider Royal London, about how the pension freedom act has affected the UK, pensioners and providers one year on.

Matt Cox, Steve Webb

Rita Lobo

Questions of Faith: Religion and the US Election

Rita Lobo
Original Broadcast:

Questions Of Faith

Questions of Faith: Religion and the US Election
According to a recent research by the Pew Research Center being an atheist remains one of the biggest liabilities that a presidential candidate can have. Half of American adults say they would be less likely to vote for a hypothetical presidential candidate who does not believe in God. So how big an issue is religion when it comes to choosing a Presidential candidate? Marc Shoffman is joined in the studio by Christian author Steven Sylvester, Chartered Psychologist and Author of DETOX YOUR EGO, and Ben Ryan, from Christian think tank Theos, over the phone.

Steven Sylvester, Ben Ryan

Rita Lobo

The World This Week with Pascale Davies - April 3rd

Rita Lobo
Original Broadcast:

The World This Week

The World This Week with Pascale Davies - April 3rd
The World This Week with Pascale Davies. This week we find out about the problems with the EU migrant deal with Turkey, by talking to Oz Ketaji, project coordinator for Help Refugees in Lesbos, A troubled Brazil calling for the resignation of president Dilma Rousseff and Fiona Norman talks to Mustafa Qadri from Amnesty Internatioal on their new report "The ugly side of the beautiful game" in light of the alleged human rights abuses coming from the Qatar world cup.

Mustafa Qadri, Oz Ketaji, Fiona Norman, Pascale Davies, Riordan Roett

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Will firms find a way to dodge the NLW?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Will firms find a way to dodge the NLW?
There are concerns that companies could get workers to pay for the wage increase out of their own pockets, either by offering less hours or by reducing bonuses and perks that do not come out of direct wages. Charles Cotton, from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, looks at the National Living Wage from a staff perspective.

Paul Sedgwick, Charles Cotton

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Brazil's economy in the doldrums

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Brazil's economy in the doldrums
Brazil is due to present its budget, but with GDP forecasts due to shrink by 4% for the second consecutive year, and the unemployment rate rising sharply, the country is struggling to deal with the end of the commodity boom. The biggest party in congress has now also voted to abandon President Dilma Rousseff’s ruling coalition. Robert Van Egghen looked into the country's struggles.

Robert Van Egghen, Riordan Roett
