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Genre: Politics
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Colin Bloom

Share Politics: Grexit

Colin Bloom
Original Broadcast:

Share Politics

Share Politics: Grexit
Colin Bloom discusses the recent Greek referendum and what it means, with Editor of Greek, English language newspaper "Athens Views", Jason Iliou.

Jason Iliou

Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: John Grant on the Heathrow expansion recommendation

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: John Grant on the Heathrow expansion recommendation
John Grant, Executive Vice President of OAG, speaks to Sandra Kilhof and Guy Kilty after The Airports Commission recommended an expansion of Heathrow Airport rather than Gatwick.

John Grant

Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: Nikos Chryssochoidis on the latest from Greece

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Nikos Chryssochoidis on the latest from Greece
After missing the deadline to pay €1.5 billion to the IMF, stock broker Nikos Chryssochoidis brings us the latest on Greece.

Nikos Chryssochoidis

Simon Rose

The Evening Show Best Of The Week: 22-26 June 2015

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Evening Show

The Evening Show Best Of The Week: 22-26 June 2015
Every week we cherry-pick the the best content from each strand so you don't miss a thing.

Dennie Van Dolden, Norman Murphy, Will Goodhart, Andy Sylvester, Michael Stubbings, Claer Barrett

Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: Nick Malkoutzis explains the latest developments in Greece

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Nick Malkoutzis explains the latest developments in Greece
Nick Malkoutzis, Editor of economic analysis website, speaks to Sandra Kilhof and Guy Kilty about the latest situation in Greece, following the closure of all banks and the introduction of capital controls.

Nick Malkoutzis

Colin Bloom

Share Politics: LGBT Pride

Colin Bloom
Original Broadcast:

Share Politics

Share Politics: LGBT Pride
Colin is joined in the studio by, Sally Hitchiner, Founder and Director of Diverse Church and Colin Coward, Director of Changing Attitudes, to discuss the recent pride celebrations and what's happening in the world with the LGBT community.

Sally Hitchiner, Colin Coward

Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: Dan Hodges on migrants, Scotland and the US

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 8:00

Morning Money: Dan Hodges on migrants, Scotland and the US
Dan Hodges, Political Commentator at The Telegraph, joins Share Radio for his weekly discussion on the latest political and international stories. This week, he talks to Sandra and Mark about Calais' migrant crisis, Scotland's crown estate and the USA's new spy scandal.

Dan Hodges

Colin Bloom

Share Politics: Anti-Austerity March

Colin Bloom
Original Broadcast:

Share Politics

Share Politics: Anti-Austerity March
Ed Rennie and Andy Silvester join Colin today to discuss the recent Anti-Austerity march.

Ed Rennie, Andy Silvester

Colin Bloom

Share Politics: George Galloway

Colin Bloom
Original Broadcast:

Share Politics

Share Politics: George Galloway
Colin Bloom talks to George Galloway, from The Respect Party, about his bid to become London Mayor

George Galloway

Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: Tom Elliott discusses the Greek crisis

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Tom Elliott discusses the Greek crisis
Tom Elliott, International Investment Strategist at the deVere Group, speaks to Sandra Kilhof and Sara Sjölin about Greece and discusses what will happen if they leave the Eurozone and what their potential departure could mean for the markets.

Sara Sjölin, Tom Elliott
