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Genre: Politics
Strand: Share Radio Evening Show
Programme: Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells
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Sarah Pennells (1)

Women and Money: What will benefit and tax credit changes mean for you?

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells

Women and Money: What will benefit and tax credit changes mean for you?
The start of the new tax year earlier this month didn't only mean changes to taxes and the introduction of a lifetime ISA, it also resulted in some big changes to benefits. Critics say that some of these changes will leave families much worse off. And some of the changes, such as the introduction of the so-called 'rape clause' are pretty controversial.

Kelly Jones, Andrew Bazeley

Sarah Pennells (1)

Are businesses 'sleepwalking' into disaster over Brexit?

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells

Are businesses 'sleepwalking' into disaster over Brexit?
According to new data from the Cranfield School of Management and the British Standards Institution businesses are 'sleepwalking' into disaster as Brexit approaches. They also found less than one-third of CEOs were confident of leading their firms to long term success. The report argues companies aren't taking enough risks because of 'rigid' ways of thinking. To discuss the findings James Brydges spoke to Howard Kerr, CEO of the British Standards Institution.

Howard Kerr

Sarah Pennells (1)

30% of UK jobs could be at risk from automation.

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells

30% of UK jobs could be at risk from automation.
According to research from Price Waterhouse Coopers up to 30% of existing UK jobs are susceptible to automation with transport, manufacturing or retail amongst the most at risk. Whilst this might boost overall productivity it does present problems for those in some of the industries at threat. To find out more about the future of the job market with automation Share Radio's Tom Hill spoke to John Hawksworth, chief economist at PwC.

Tom Hill, John Hawksworth
