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Georgie Frost

This is Money: Beating the scammers

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Beating the scammers
This is Money in partnership with NS&I, with Georgie Frost, Assistant editor Lee Boyce and reporter George Nixon. In this week's episode, the team brings us some good news for victims of bank fraud, for renters chucked out for no good reason and savers struggling to save. However, Amazon shoppers, London house sellers and procrastinators haven't been so lucky themselves. Stay tune for the latest, breaking money news.

Lee Boyce, George Nixon

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Housing Madness

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Housing Madness
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio Podcast, brought to you in partnership with NS&I. It’s housing madness this week as the Government finally unveiled its white paper aimed at fixing Britain’s “broken” housing market. Decisive action or damp squib? We take a closer look at what the proposals will mean and what exactly is going on with property and rental prices, which experts claim could rise at least 20% in the next four years. Unpacking all this Georgie Frost is joined by Editor Simon Lambert and Personal Finance Editor Rachel Rickard Straus. Plus a special guest appearance from Consumer Affairs Editor Lee Boyce to reveal everything he learnt during an inside look at German discounter Aldi. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Simon Lambert, Rachel Rickard-Straus, Lee Boyce

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Housing Special - Everything You Need To Know About Buying A Home

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Housing Special - Everything You Need To Know About Buying A Home
Georgie Frost and the This Is Money team present a housing special which explains everything you need to know about buying property!

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Is a 99% mortgage really that bad?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Is a 99% mortgage really that bad?
The row over small deposit mortgage is the gift that keeps on giving. Hot on the heels of the Budget plan that never appeared arrives Yorkshire Building Society's new deal, that's been dubbed a 99% mortgage. But is it really one of those and does it have any redeeming features? And if it's cheaper than your rent, is there anything wrong with taking a 99% mortgage? Georgie Frost and Simon Lambert talk tiny deposit mortgages, negative equity and buying vs renting. Plus, gift card draining scammers, can your pension last retirement, and finally, where are the experts investing their Isa and how can you easily sort yours?

Georgie Frost

This is Money: It might save you money but does the mortgage price war spell trouble in the future?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: It might save you money but does the mortgage price war spell trouble in the future?
The mortgage price war claimed a high profile victim this week as Tesco Bank scrapped lending. Tesco Bank will continue with its other products, but why has it ditched mortgages, why have a string of other smaller players shut their doors in recent months, and why did building society behemoth Nationwide issue its own caution on home loans this week? On this week’s podcast, Simon Lambert, Sarah Davidson and Georgie Frost dive into what is currently a weird world of mortgages: where a greater supply of money to lend than demand to borrow it means there are some very cheap deals on offer. Also on this week’s show, the team look at a reader’s problem with a neighbour upstairs, who has stripped the floor back to floorboards and is creating noise issues, despite a lease that says there must be carpets. How do you enforce that? Thomas Cook’s troubles and what they mean for holidaymakers are under the spotlight too. And finally, ever wondered why sometimes drivers get a ticket but at others escape with just a warning, or what really drives police officers mad behind the wheel?

Simon Lambert, Sarah Davidson

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Look back on 2016- Larkin About

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Look back on 2016- Larkin About
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, brought to you in partnership with NS&I. It’s the last episode of the year and we’re looking back on the biggest financial stories we’ve seen in 2016- the year of the unexpected. In June in a poll defying result Britain voted by 52% to leave the EU. Since then Brexit has been a nearly constant presence in the headlines being blamed for everything from disappearing marmite to an abandoned sequel to the Mrs Brown’s Boys film. The surprises didn’t stop with Brexit though. Across the pond billionaire TV personality Donald Trump beat the odds to win the US Presidential Election. Looking back on the year Georgie Frost is joined by Editor Simon Lambert and Consumer Affairs Editor Lee Boyce. Also on the agenda they look at the ongoing woes of Britain’s housing market, the never ending story of the new plastic fiver and the third big surprise of 2016, Leicester City winning the Premier League.

Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Railmaggedon

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Railmaggedon
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, brought to you in partnership with NS&I. Are we seeing the end of an era for ultra cheap mortgages? HSBC is withdrawing its record low 0.99% deal which could usher in a new wave of price hikes. It’s not just mortgages undergoing price hikes though. Rail fares are set to rise 2.3% whilst growing commuter dissatisfaction with poor service has prompted Transport Secretary Chris Grayling to devise a new plan for better management. In the end though train times might be the last of our problems as we hear about one financial expert predicting major financial Armageddon just around the corner. Could we be in for the worst crisis yet? And what can people do to prepare? Gold is being tipped as a favourite but certainly not spread betting which is currently undergoing a crackdown. Georgie Frost is joined by Personal Finance Editor Rachel Rickard Straus and Consumer Affairs Editor Lee Boyce to find out more about this potential money meltdown. Also this week we take a look at Money Mail’s annual Wooden Spoon Awards and see which of Britain’s shambolic businesses have made it onto the shortlist.

Lee Boyce, Rachel Rickard-Straus

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Rishi the PM vs Rishi the Chancellor and how can landlords do better?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Rishi the PM vs Rishi the Chancellor and how can landlords do better?
The tense situation between tenants and landlords is escalating: the former have seen rents spiral but the latter have faced a big jump in costs jump too. Meanwhile regulation has become a bugbear between the two sides, is there not enough of it or too much? What can be done to improve things in the rental market and have we come down too hard on buy-to-let? That’s the question asked on this week’s episode, as Georgie Frost, Helen Crane and Simon Lambert debate the problems in the rental market. But before that, it’s time for Rishi Sunak. He was once the Chancellor tasked with calming our nerves during the pandemic, but now Rishi is the Prime Minister expected to settle things down after a bout of financial chaos. Will he be able to pull that off, soothe jittery markets, navigate Britain through a painful cost of living crisis winter, and somehow please the nation while taking money off people instead of dishing it out? The team look at what Prime Minister Rishi could mean compared to Chancellor Rishi – and what the implications for our finances could be. Also on the agenda, there was good news for savers from NS&I this week, as rates were raised across the board, but they can get better deals elsewhere, so what should they do? Plus, what can you do to track down old pension pots and why is John Lewis annoying its loyal credit card customers?

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Spreading the Jam

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Spreading the Jam
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, presented in partnership with NS&I. This week of course the top financial story was Philip Hammond’s first, and indeed last, Autumn Statement. Just what state are the country’s post-Brexit finances in, and crucially what would the Chancellor offer to help his much referenced ‘Jams’? In the end those ‘just about managing’ certainly received a few headline policies but with predictions pointing towards low growth, high borrowing and high inflation many argue Jam spending has been spread too thin. There were also some losers with those enjoying salary sacrifice perks and letting agents coming into the crosshairs, as well as in fact the Autumn Statement itself which will now be scrapped. So what will all this mean for the pound in your pocket? Georgie Frost joins editor Simon Lambert and reporter Becky Rutt to answer just that. Also on the agenda this week they discuss Black Friday and for a slightly different purchase the opportunity to buy a road legal Formula 1 car. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Trumpanomics

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Trumpanomics
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, presented in partnership with NS&I. Last week we brought you the shock news of Donald Trump’s poll defying victory in the US Presidential Election. One week later how has the world responded and what can we expect looking forwards? Despite fears of Trumpageddon the markets rallied delivering many investors with a surprising Trump bump. Many are now questioning what a Trump presidency will mean for post-Brexit Britain but a clue of financial news to come is on hand next week when the Chancellor will deliver his Autumn Statement. Philip Hammond has promised measures to help the so-called “Jams”- those just about managing- but is he likely to deliver or will he find resources spread too thin? Editor Simon Lambert and personal finance editor Rachel Rickard Straus join Georgie Frost to look through the latest financial figures and see just what the Chancellor is up against. Also on this week’s show they look at the pressures on young people and first time buyers from the housing crisis as well as the cost of coffee and the latest collectable car purchase on offer. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.
