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Genre: Property & Mortgages / Topic: Selling Property
Strand: Market Wrap and Evening Show
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Sue Dougan

Russell Quirk and Jeremy Raj discuss how the Autumn Statement will affect the property market

Sue Dougan
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Russell Quirk and Jeremy Raj discuss how the Autumn Statement will affect the property market
What did the Chancellor have in store for the housing market in the Autumn statement? Yesterday we heard from Russell Quirk, CEO of, on what he wanted to hear from the Chancellor. But were those expectations met? We also hear from Jeremy Raj from Wedlake Bell's Residential Property Team, for his reaction on Philip Hammond's policies towards the housing market.

Russell Quirk, Jeremy Raj

Georgie Frost

This is Money: Trumpanomics

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Trumpanomics
Welcome to the This is Money and Share Radio podcast, presented in partnership with NS&I. Last week we brought you the shock news of Donald Trump’s poll defying victory in the US Presidential Election. One week later how has the world responded and what can we expect looking forwards? Despite fears of Trumpageddon the markets rallied delivering many investors with a surprising Trump bump. Many are now questioning what a Trump presidency will mean for post-Brexit Britain but a clue of financial news to come is on hand next week when the Chancellor will deliver his Autumn Statement. Philip Hammond has promised measures to help the so-called “Jams”- those just about managing- but is he likely to deliver or will he find resources spread too thin? Editor Simon Lambert and personal finance editor Rachel Rickard Straus join Georgie Frost to look through the latest financial figures and see just what the Chancellor is up against. Also on this week’s show they look at the pressures on young people and first time buyers from the housing crisis as well as the cost of coffee and the latest collectable car purchase on offer. This is Money is presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I.

Nigel Cassidy

Is the post-Brexit property market stabilising? Oliver Knight on the House Price Sentiment Index

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Is the post-Brexit property market stabilising? Oliver Knight on the House Price Sentiment Index
After a summer which saw more uncertainty, annual UK house price growth suggests the post-Brexit property market is stabilising. We’ve now had three months of figures showing price growth has remained robust, and households across the UK perceive that the value of their home rose in November. That’s according to the latest House Price Sentiment Index (HPSI) from Knight Frank and IHS Markit. To discuss the data, Oliver Knight, an Associate at Knight Frank, joined Share Radio Breakfast.

Paul Sedgwick, Oliver Knight

Simon Rose

"Dire shortage" of housing in the UK is continuing to drive up prices- RICS's chief economist Simon Rubinsohn.

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

"Dire shortage" of housing in the UK is continuing to drive up prices-  RICS's chief economist Simon Rubinsohn.
Surveyors have warned of a "dire shortage" of housing in the UK, which is continuing to drive up prices. The warning, from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors comes ahead of a government White Paper on housing supply, expected this month. Rics said that house hunters were returning to the market after the EU referendum in June, but there was not enough property for them to buy. Simon Rose speaks to RICS's chief economist Simon Rubinsohn for more.

Georgie Frost

Could you be owed hundreds of pounds in compensation for being overcharged for your mortgage? Listen here to find out

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Could you be owed hundreds of pounds in compensation for being overcharged for your mortgage? Listen here to find out
More than 750,000 mortgage borrowers could be in line for compensation because of their bank overcharging them when they fell behind on repayments. It means borrowers who fell into arrears after June 2010 could receive several hundred pounds. To explain more, Georgie was joined on the line by Rachel Springall, mortgage expert from Moneyfacts.

Rachel Springall

Georgie Frost

Financial planner David Braithwaite from Citrus Financial on The News Review 08/09/16

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Financial planner David Braithwaite from Citrus Financial on The News Review 08/09/16
Georgie Frost is joined by financial planner David Braithwaite from Citrus Financial. Today they discuss allegations the governor of the Bank of England over-egged economic warnings over Brexit as well as future predictions for house prices. Plus with the ongoing controversy over Sports Direct they look at the rise of zero hour contracts. All these stories and more on The News Review.

David Braithwaite

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Business as usual for SME house builders post-Brexit?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Business as usual for SME house builders post-Brexit?
Following up from Barclaycard telling Morning Money that consumers were demonstrating a 'Business as usual' approach to their spending, the same phrase has been echoed for 2/3rds of SME house builders. Research by the Federation of Master Builders says that these organisations claim that not much has changed post-Brexit. Brian Berry, Chief Executive of the Federation joined the Morning Money team to discuss the research further.

Chris Bailey, Brian Berry

Sarah Pennells (1)

Sara Benwell, digital editor of Pensions Insight and Engaged Investor on The News Review 01/09/16

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Sara Benwell, digital editor of Pensions Insight and Engaged Investor on The News Review 01/09/16
Sarah Pennells is joined in the studio by digital editor of Pensions Insight and Engaged Investor Sara Benwell. Today they discuss the latest league tables of UK energy suppliers as well as the growing popularity of contactless payment. Plus could viewers be fined for using BBC iPlayer without a licence? All these stories and more on The News Review.

Sara Benwell

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: British households remain confident in the value of their homes, even after Brexit

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: British households remain confident in the value of their homes, even after Brexit
British households remain confident in the rising value of their homes, even after the vote to leave the European Union. That's according to Knight Frank's Sentiment Report, which shows 15% of homeowners surveyed by Knight Frank believed the price of their own house had risen last month... more than the ratio who believed house prices had fallen. Grainne Gilmore, head of Knight Frank UK Residential Research joined the team to discuss further.

Sara Sjölin, Grainne Gilmore

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Asking prices for homes have seen their biggest monthly drop since November - Miles Shipside discusses.

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Asking prices for homes have seen their biggest monthly drop since November - Miles Shipside discusses.
The price of homes for sale in England and Wales have seen the biggest drop since November, according to the property website Rightmove. Asking prices fell by a monthly 1.2% average between July and August. With the biggest falls seen in London and the Southeast. This comes after a dip of just under 1% the previous month. Miles Shipside, housing market analyst at Rightmove, joined the team to explain what's caused this drop.

Emma Wall, Miles Shipside
