Share Sounds. presented by Gavin Oldham related to Shares - USA

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Genre: Shares / Topic: USA
Presenter: Gavin Oldham
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Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Customer Stock Ownership to the Rescue?

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Customer Stock Ownership to the Rescue?
At first sight the challenges facing TikTok and John Lewis appear very different. For the former, it's the risk of being denied access to much of the free world as regulators clamp down over concerns of it becoming a major security threat. For the latter, John Lewis's need to raise investment is threatening the partnership which staff and customers hold in such high regard. These very different problems could, however, both be solved by applying customer stock ownership — in TikTok's case, in return for the immense wealth creation made possible by data harvesting; in John Lewis's case, in return for that £2 billion which they urgently need to update their business model. In each case, disintermediation leading towards a more egalitarian form of capitalism. Background music: 'On Hold' by Silent Partner

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Investing in Energy

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Investing in Energy
Dire warnings about the damage from climate change, plus the war in Ukraine, mean that we need to wean ourselves quickly off fossil fuels. However the investment markets are very slow in re-aligning opportunities in quoted investment markets: personal investors need to be able to invest in massive renewable energy projects such as Xlinks, but private equity and institutions have got in there first. We need a thorough overhaul of the investable energy sector to provide socially acceptable alternatives to fossil fuels. Background music: 'Boundless Energy' by Nate Blaze

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Solving the AI Challenge to Wealth, Control and Intelligence

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Solving the AI Challenge to Wealth, Control and Intelligence
The huge take-up of ChatGPT over recent weeks has brought the challenge of Artificial Intelligence into sharp relief. As the Chief Executive of its creator, OpenAI, said in one of his blogs, 'Artificial Intelligence will bring unimaginable wealth but, unless something changes, most of us will get none of it. We need a radical solution'. Conventional wisdom sees Universal Basic Income as the way through this dilemma, but this will only bring us more state intermediation and human subservience. We can put forward a better solution, by enabling all to share in the wealth that technology brings and to play their part in its future governance. Background music: 'Digital Solitude' by Silent Partner

Gavin Oldham

Thought for the Week: Understanding Stock Ownership

Gavin Oldham
Original Broadcast:

Thought for the Week

Thought for the Week: Understanding Stock Ownership
The first SHARE conference in Cambridge last Friday provided much food for thought, and comments particularly drew attention to the need for widespread understanding of stock ownership if 'Stock for Data' is to take hold. In financial terms and because equity stock in companies is a surrogate for human enterprise, earnings from capital growth and dividends massively outperform bonds and cash over the long term; meanwhile stock owners have a key role in contributing to the governance of their companies, as employee shareownership has shown. All this needs straightforward and intelligible communication. Background music: 'Communicator' by Reed Mathis
