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Nigel Cassidy

Share Radio Breakfast: It’s the world's biggest online shopping day of the year

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Share Radio Breakfast: It’s the world's biggest online shopping day of the year
Its China's Singles Day, also known as "bare sticks holiday". What began as an antidote to Valentine's Day has now become a spending fest, with Chinese consumers shelling out almost £6bn online last year. Matthew Crabbe is Director of Research in the Asia Pacific region for industry researchers Mintel. He told Share Radio that this year's singles day promises to put Black Friday in the shade.

Matthew Crabbe

Nigel Cassidy

“Advertising has grown out of all recognition” – Rupert Staines on the industry & digital fraud

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

“Advertising has grown out of all recognition” – Rupert Staines on the industry & digital fraud
As promotions and marketing activity shifts online, fraudsters are following suit. Advertisers are vulnerable because they have to rely on data detailing consumers visits to websites or clicks on ads. And it’s that data on online behaviour which is increasingly being faked - so advertisers pay for non- existent viewings of their messages. Recent studies have suggested that worldwide, markets could soon be wasting billions on digital advertising that is never seen. Rupert Staines, European MD of RadiumOne, joined Share Radio to talk on this.

Sara Sjölin, Rupert Staines
