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Genre: Technology / Topic: Apps
Strand: Morning Money
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Sue Dougan

Co-Founder of TantrumXYZ, Ben Wynne Simmons looks at parenting trends for 2017

Sue Dougan
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Co-Founder of TantrumXYZ, Ben Wynne Simmons looks at parenting trends for 2017
A website for fashionable mums and dads has compiled a list of 10 key parenting trends for 2017. TantrumXYZ say gender-neutral clothing and toys will be top of the shopping lists, while homeschooling and flexible working will become more popular for the mums and dads. Meanwhile Parents apparently believe their children are more confident than them at operating home entertainment technology by the time they're 10. Sue Dougan was joined by Co-founder of TantrumXYZ, Ben Wynne Simmons, to find out more.

Ben Wynne Simmons

Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: Blippar

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: Blippar
Blippar are a leading visual discovery app using augmented reality and artificial intelligence to unlock interactive experiences from the physical world. Linda visits Covent Garden for an innovative AR shopping experiment and to meet with Danny Lopez, to find out how this British company is leading the way in AR branding and merchandising.

Danny Lopez

Sarah Pennells (1)

Women and Money: Digital revolution in finance

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Women & Money

Women and Money: Digital revolution in finance
Over recent years, finance has been moving into the online world, most of us now bank online, we can get financial advice online, invest online and even sort out a mortgage online. So how is financial technology developing and what does the future of finance look like? To answer this Sarah is joined by Gemma Godfrey founder of Moola, Victor Trokoudes, CEO and co-founder of Plum and Chris Skinner, a writer, commentator and chairman of the Financial Services Club.

Gemma Godfrey, Chris Skinner, Victor Trokoudes

Nigel Cassidy

What are the consequences for Yahoo after its latest hacking revelations?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

What are the consequences for Yahoo after its latest hacking revelations?
Internet giant Yahoo has revealed more than one billion user accounts may be affected by a hacking attack. This marks the biggest cyber hack to date, with the attack dating back to 2013. It’s separate from a data loss in 2014 when 500 million accounts were accessed. The news comes at a critical juncture for Yahoo, who is trying to sell its core businesses to the telecoms and media company Verizon. Matt Cox spoke to Peter Church, Counsel specialising in data privacy at law firm Linklaters, to find out the consequences.

Matt Cox, Peter Church

Sarah Lowther

"Every board member across the world needs to have a higher level of knowledge of cybersecurity"- Paul Van Kessel on the 19th EY Global Information Security Survey

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

"Every board member across the world needs to have a higher level of knowledge of cybersecurity"- Paul Van Kessel on the 19th EY Global Information Security Survey
In its 19th year, the survey of 1,735 organizations globally examines some of the most compelling cybersecurity issues facing businesses today in the digital ecosystem. The 19th EY Global Information Security Survey has been released and it revealed that, despite the growing risks, three quarters of global organizations do not have a threat intelligence programme, more than half lack the ability to identify vulnerabilities and 44% do not have a security operating centre to continuously monitor for cyber attacks. Paul Van Kessel, global cybersecurity leader at EY, joined Share Radio to discuss the survey.

Chris Bailey, Paul Van Kessel

Sarah Lowther

Is YouTube paying the music industry enough in royalties?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Is YouTube paying the music industry enough in royalties?
YouTube says its paid the music industry $1bn (£794m) in royalties this year. But that's still not enough according to record companies. They say YouTube does not pay a fair rate to musicians and record labels, and is slow to police illegal and pirated material uploaded by its users. Nine of the 10 most-watched clips on YouTube are music videos, topped by Psy's "Gangnam Style." James Brydges has been finding out more from music law expert Elliot Chalmers.

James Brydges, Elliot Chalmers

Sarah Lowther

“Fraud protection needs to be improved – it needs to be real-time” – Tech Consultant Chris Green

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

“Fraud protection needs to be improved – it needs to be real-time” – Tech Consultant Chris Green
A new report claims it’s “frighteningly easy" for cybercriminals to get security details for a Visa debit or credit card. According to research published by Newcastle University, fraudsters used a form of "guesswork", called a Distributed Guessing Attack, to work out expiry dates and security code numbers by making multiple invalid attempts. Share Radio’s Matt Cox spoke to tech consultant Chris Green to understand the research better.

Matt Cox, Chris Green

Georgie Frost

Share Radio technology editor, Steve Caplin talks about the latest Google app

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Share Radio technology editor, Steve Caplin talks about the latest Google app
How many times have you turned up to your local bar or restaurant, only to be turned away because it is too packed or been forced to stand waiting for a seat. We've got used to relying on the internet to find out location opening hours of shops and venues but what about how busy it is. Well now Google has a new feature which tells users just that. Our reporter Mary Newman spoke to Share Radio technology editor, Steve Caplin.

Steve Caplin

Georgie Frost

Andrew Cameron-Webb, founder of Welikeit explains his product

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Andrew Cameron-Webb, founder of Welikeit explains his product
Social media sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook are crucial nowadays in getting your business out there and seen by customers. But how to you do it, especially if your grasp of modern technology and networking sites is somewhat limited. Well what better than get Artificial Intelligence to do your advertising. That's exactly what marketing platform Welikeit has set out to do. Our reporter Tom Hill spoke to Andrew Cameron-Webb, founder of Welikeit.

Andrew Cameron-Webb

Georgie Frost

Money Blogger Andy Webb explains Giving Tuesday

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Money Blogger Andy Webb explains Giving Tuesday
After Black Friday and Cyber Monday you may be suffering a spending hangover. Feeling guilty? Well why not get involved in Giving Tuesday. What is it? Well, it's global day calling on people to 'do good stuff' for charity by giving their time, voice or cash, to a good cause. To get more of an insight, Georgie was joined in the studio part of the Money Blogger Community - Andy Webb of the Be Clever With Your Cash blog.

Andy Webb
