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Programme: Morning Money at 6:00
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Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: Accessing news on smartphones

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Accessing news on smartphones
Joseph Evans is a Media Analyst and Subhajit Banerjee is The Guardian's Mobile Editor. They speak to Billy Bambrough about the adaptations news organisations are taking because of increasing mobile phone use.

Billy Bambrough, Joseph Evans, Subhajit Banerjee

Sandra Kilhof

Morning Money: Can Apple break into the TV market?

Sandra Kilhof
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Can Apple break into the TV market?
Apple are having another attempt at the global TV sector, despite an initial unsuccessful launch in 2007. Billy Bambrough speaks to Nick Zarb, Director at Simon-Kucher & Partners, and Stuart Miles, Founder and CEO of Pocket-lint, about whether they can break into the TV market this time around.

Billy Bambrough, Nick Zarb, Stuart Miles

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Chris Green gives his analysis of the Apple iPhone 7 unveiling.

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Chris Green gives his analysis of the Apple iPhone 7 unveiling.
Chris Green, tech journalist and consultant, on the brand new iPhone7, the reception to the new features, and what it means for Apple as a company going forward.

Louise Cooper, Chris Green

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Cybercrime is bigger than any other type of traditional crime - so how can businesses protect themselves?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Cybercrime is bigger than any other type of traditional crime - so how can businesses protect themselves?
The ONS has released its latest data on cybercrime, showing that there have been more than 5.8 million incidents in the last 12 months. One in ten adults have been a victim in the past year, and it's expected that the crime rate is set to double. So whats the impact of such crimes on businesses? Joe Aldridge found out from Charlie McMurdie, Senior Cybercrime Advisor at PwC.

Joe Aldridge, Charlie McMurdie

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Is “Open Source” the future of technology?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Is “Open Source” the future of technology?
Govnet is set to host its Open Source 2016 conference later, where issues in this area of software development will be discussed. So what exactly is open source, and why do some people think that this is where the future of tech development lies? Matt Cox spoke to Oliver Smith, Senior Tech Reporter at The Memo, to find out.

Matt Cox, Oliver Smith

Sarah Lowther

Morning Money: Tech is top – David Brear speaks about the world’s most valuable industry

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 6:00

Morning Money: Tech is top – David Brear speaks about the world’s most valuable industry
Research by PwC revealed that the biggest tech businesses in the world are now worth $2.9 trillion, overtaking the world's biggest financial companies with just $2.7 trillion of value. Matt Cox has been finding out what this means for tech companies by speaking with David Brear, Co-Founder and CEO at fintech expertise group, 11FS.

Matt Cox, David Brear
