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Genre: Work / Topic: Careers
Strand: Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells
Programme: Shop Floor
Presenter: Nick Peters
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Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Apprentices, preparing workers for retirement, social business networking

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Apprentices, preparing workers for retirement, social business networking
This week Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, talks to the creator of ecademy, the precursor to LinkedIn. Nick will also be looking at the 'image problem' of apprenticeships and how to prepare older workers for retirement.

Andrew Mackenzie;, Dr Matt Flynn;, Penny Power


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: The Effect of Brexit on HR and Microbusinesses, the Importance of Business Communities and Men's Mental Health

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: The Effect of Brexit on HR and Microbusinesses, the Importance of Business Communities and Men's Mental Health
On Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, Nick Peters analyses the effect of Brexit on Microbusinesses with Tony Robinson OBE in this time of uncertainty. Kate Jacobs, Editor of HR Magazine, explains how HR departments can provide a vital role in leadership for businesses in the post-Brexit climate. Despite these unsteady times Charlotte Cassedanne, Communications Manager at Power to Change, says Business Communities can unite others and have a positive impact on local people. Charlotte Hollins, who runs the community business Fordhall Farm, explains the story behind the farm and the financial obstacles she had to face to make the it a success. Finally, Kirsten Samuel, Managing Director of Kamwell, highlights the impact of men's mental health problems, particularly suicide, on businesses.

Tony Robinson OBE, Charlotte Cassedanne, Charlotte Hollins, Kirsten Samuel


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Presenteeism, Grit and Employee Value Proposition

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Presenteeism, Grit and Employee Value Proposition
On this week's Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, Nick Peters looks at presenteeism- people who turn up to work but are not fully engaged in their tasks- with Professor Derek Mowbray of the Management Advisory Service. Michelle McQuaid, psychologist and writer, explores the concept of grit and how it can be applied to the workplace; meanwhile Tony Nevin, Director of Employee Benefits at Mazars, discusses how the Employee Value Proposition can be used as a tool to recruit new talent in businesses. Craig Preston, Managing Director at IDG, expresses his opinions on Brexit and looks over the some of the topics that were covered on the programme this month.

Professor Derek Mowbray, Michelle McQuaid, Tony Nevin, Craig Preston


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Bullying at Work, Emails and Productivity and Why did Microsoft buy LinkedIn?

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Bullying at Work, Emails and Productivity and Why did Microsoft buy LinkedIn?
On this week's Shop Floor, with the Inspirational Development Group, Nick Peters looks at bullying at work with Joeli Brearley, founder of Pregnant Then Screwed, who provide support and advice for women who have been badly treated at work either on returning from maternity leave, or when announcing their pregnancy. Beverley Sunderland, from Crossland Employment Solicitors, debates whether managers are armed with the right tools to deal with cases of bullying. Professor Sir Cary Cooper, of the Manchester Business School and the CIPD, explains how emails can affect our productivity and well-being, while Barry Dudley, of Green Square, discusses the Microsoft's recent purchase of LinkedIn.

Joeli Brearley, Beverley Sunderland, Professor Sir Cary Cooper, Barry Dudley


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: The Precariat, Sports Direct, Unions and Employee Passions

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: The Precariat, Sports Direct, Unions and Employee Passions
This week on Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, Nick Peters looks at the role of unions in business with Tony Devlin, National Officer for Unite the Union, and Luke Primarolo, Regional Officer for Unite the Union. Guy Standing, Professor of Development Studies at SOAS, discusses zero-hour contracts and the rise of a new social class, the precariat, whose working lives are filled with uncertainty and doubt. Craig Preston, Managing Director at IDG, explains why businesses should nurture their staff's passions in order to learn new skills about leadership and teamwork.

Tony Devlin, Luke Primarolo, Guy Standing, Craig Preston, Jake Meyer, Giles English


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: The Leadership Gap, Freelancers & Late Payments, and the Moaning Culture

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: The Leadership Gap, Freelancers & Late Payments, and the Moaning Culture
On this week's Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, Nick Peters looks at how Plant Manager John Reid saved Michelin plant in Dundee from failing. Grant Jamieson, MD of Winkworth Machinery, explains why there is a large leadership gap in the manufacturing industry, while Martin Campbell of Credit HQ discusses their recent survey on how much difficulty late payment can cause to small businesses. Finally, Mike Beesley, RSG’s Managing Director, explains how dangerous it can be to let a moaning culture develop in the workplace.

John Reid, Grant Jamieson, Martin Campbell, Mike Beesley


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: School of Hard Knocks, Inclusive Leadership and HR

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: School of Hard Knocks, Inclusive Leadership and HR
On this week's Shop Floor, in partnership with the Inspirational Development Group, Ken Cowen, founder of the charity The School of Hard Knocks, explains how young men and women who have been neglected by society are given a chance to regain esteem and drive, to help them get a job. Nick Peters discusses the importance of Inclusive Leadership, a new Inspirational Development Group workshop, with Senior IDG Consultant, Johanne Malin. Paul Harris, Co-Founder of Bright HR, explains why many HR policies are not beneficial to employees; and Katie Jacobs, Editor of HR Magazine, looks back at the evolution of HR and the publication in the last 25 years.

Ken Cowen, Johanne Malin, Paul Harris, Katie Jacobs


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, Unnecessary Admin and Working Environments

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, Unnecessary Admin and Working Environments
Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, opens with an insight into the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering. Lord John Browne, QE Prize Trustees and former Chief Executive of BP, explains what the award represents for the profession and why there needs to be a social change to encourage children to become engineers. Neil Pickering, Industry and Customer Insight Manager at Kronos, analyses how British businesses can avoid wasting over £60 billion a year on unnecessary admin, while Leeson Medhurst, Head of Workplace Consultancy at 360 Workplace, explains why office space can affect a company's productivity.

Lord John Browne, Neil Pickering, Paul Jackson, Leeson Medhurst


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Marxist Capitalism, Discontented workers, The 30 Minute Meeting and Culture Hacking

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Marxist Capitalism, Discontented workers, The 30 Minute Meeting and Culture Hacking
On Shop Floor, with the Inspirational Development Group, Nick Peters speaks to Simon Biltcliffe who runs his company, Webmart, on the principles of Marxism and Capitalism combined. Nick also discusses with Nadim Choudhury, Head of Career Development at the Institute of Financial Services University College, the latest CIPD report on job satisfaction. Peter Bregman, CEO of Bregman Partners in New York, explains how to get more out of your day, while Daniele Fiandaca, Co-Founder of Creative Social, discusses his recent article on creative and time-saving ways to make your business and workers more efficient.

Simon Biltcliffe, Nadim Choudhury, Peter Bregman, Daniele Fiandaca


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: CV's and Networking

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: CV's and Networking
This week Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, discusses the importance of a CV in the recruitment process with Darren Harlock, who runs a new recruitment company based on technology. The company, Covocate, ran experiment with CVs a few weeks ago and demonstrated that we may need to find an alternative to it. Nick Peters also speaks with Roger Gorman, a technologist and entrepreneur who is making significant waves in the HR technology sector with his ProFinda service- a revolution in resourcing.

Darren Harlock, Roger Gorman, Lisa Unwin, Johanne Malin


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