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Georgie Frost

Consuming Issues: The average UK office worker sits 10 hours each day, so what are the health risks? Listen to Gavin Bradley from Active Working

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Consuming Issues: The average UK office worker sits 10 hours each day, so what are the health risks? Listen to Gavin Bradley from Active Working
The average UK office worker sits 10 hours each day, with almost 70% of sitting taking place at work and 73 per cent only leaving their desk for toilet or tea breaks. And new scientific findings indicate we may be at risk of multiple health risks. Gavin Bradley, Founding Director of Active Working CiC, runs an event that is happening on Friday - 'On Your Feet Britain' in order to inform on the health risks of sedentary working cultures .

Gavin Bradley

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Business and Middle Management

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Business and Middle Management
This week's Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, focuses on the expanding world of business and how it affects its employees. Nick Peters also looks at the pressures of middle management and why BAME workers with degrees are more likely to be unemployed than white workers. Nick is joined by Douglas Rushkoff, Professor of Media Theory and Digital Economics at City University New York; Penny de Valk, Managing Director Penna Talent Practice; Natasha Owusu, from the TUC, and Maxine Hurley, Member Engagement Manager at ENEI.

Douglas Rushkoff, Penny de Valk, Natasha Owusu, Maxine Hurley


In partnership with

Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: Gojimo

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: Gojimo
As exam season draws closer and closer, a free new app is bringing a fresh new approach to studying and revision. Gojimo have over 160,000 practice questions on all popular subjects and offer tutoring via instant messaging, available 24/7. Linda Lewis meets the founder, George Burgess, and the young team behind Gojimo on Company Casebook who explain how it all started.

George Burgess

Georgie Frost

LISTEN: Kevin Charles on Jonas Gutierrez and Disability Discrimination

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

LISTEN: Kevin Charles on Jonas Gutierrez and Disability Discrimination
Jonas Gutierrez has been given his due by a tribunal for being illegally dismissed on the basis of a cancer diagnosis. Compensation will be coming later, but in the meantime, what does this mean for disability discrimination in the future? Kevin Charles of Crossland Solicitors joins Georgie Frost to unpack what effect this might have.

Kevin Charles

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Leadership and Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Leadership and Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst
This week Nick Peters visited Sandhurst where Shop Floor partners, the Inspirational Development Group, bring clients to the Academy to delve into their exclusive relationship with the Military Academy. Major General Paul Nanson explains how trainees are carefully selected and bring out their leadership potential; while Lieutenant Colonel Lucy Giles talks about the changes of the role of women cadets. In the second half of the show, IDG Founder and Chairman Stephen Bennett, explains analyses the role of leadership in the world of business; and Patrick Thomson, Senior Programme Manager at The Centre for Ageing Better, questions whether older workers being pushed out of the workforce.

Lucy Giles, Paul Nanson, Stephen Bennett, Patrick Thomson


In partnership with

Sarah Pennells (1)

Women And Money: State Pension

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Women & Money

Women And Money: State Pension
With the state pension age changing, it can be tricky to find out how much you can get. Is it giving women a better deal? Malcolm McLean, a consultant with the actuary firm Barnett Waddingham, Harry Rose, the editor of WhichMoney, and John Shearer, from The Pensions Advisory Service, discuss whether the new state pension will affect carers. Sarah will also look at what are the changes for women who take time out of the workplace to bring up their children. She also speaks Lin Phillips from WASPI who are campaigning for the government to offer concessions to women caught out by these rises who didn't get enough notice.

Malcolm Mclean, John Shearer, Harry Rose, Lin Phillips

Sue Dougan

Track Record: Abigail Austen

Sue Dougan
Original Broadcast:

Track Record

Track Record: Abigail Austen
Sue Dougan is joined by former journalist Abigail Austen who looks back at her fantastic career and musical favourites, including Aretha Franklin and Sammy Davis Jr. Abi discusses her new book, Lord Robert's Valet, based on her unique experiences as a senior advisor to the US army; her wedding next year and how she's been a catalyst for change in the media.

Abigail Austen

Sarah Pennells (1)

Ask Sarah: Commuting

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Ask Sarah

Ask Sarah: Commuting
Sarah Pennells is joined by Irina Iovita, Chief Operating Officer at Commuter Club, and Megan French, Consumer Writer from Moneysavingexpert, where they talk about how one can cut the costs of one's commute. Is it worth starting work later to save money on transport fairs? Do employers offer their staff season ticket loans? Sarah also discusses other alternative and efficient ways to get to travel to work.

Megan French, Irina Iovita

Nick Peters

Shop Floor

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor
In this week's programme, in association with IDG, Nick Peters looks at HR strategies that reward their staff with Ailsa Suttie, Operations Director at CSMA Club, who managed to bring a new and fresh approach to help its workers. Nick Howard, Executive Director at Edelman ENGAGE, explains the lack of trust between staff and their leaders and how the latter can build trust with their workers. Nick also speaks to Scott Stirrett, Executive Director and founder of Venture for Canada, a company that recruits and trains young graduates in start-up businesses. In contrast Andrew MacKensie, Policy and Research Manager at Reed in Partnership discusses their recent report, "Too Poor to Work", which looks at the cost of finding and sustaining work for the long-term unemployed in the UK.

Ailsa Suttie, Nick Howard, Scott Stirrett, Andrew MacKensie


In partnership with

Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: POD

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: POD
POD is a firm with a mission: to change the way people eat on-the-go, selling healthy fast food to busy office workers. The company was set up by Tim Hall and Kate Skerritt and they opened the first branch in 2005 in the City of London. Now under a new management team Linda Lewis looks at their ambitious plans to expand the business beyond their current 22 branches, but still keeping to the ethos of using innovative ingredients and unusual recipes.

Meg Ellis
