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Genre: Work / Topic: Case Studies
Presenter: Nick Peters
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Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: Artisan Craft Based Advertising, Iconic Ads and the New Blood Shift

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: Artisan Craft Based Advertising, Iconic Ads and the New Blood Shift
Copywriting Expert, Nick Parker, joins Nick Peters explaining the new phenomenon of artisan craft based advertising, questioning why it has become so popular in today's corporate and technology-led society. John Donovan, GumGum's UK Vice President, looks back at some iconic ads of the 70s and 80s and debates how they would perform in today's media environment, while Paul Drake, Director of D&AD, discusses his new scheme, New Blood Shift, which aims to recruit more young people from more diverse backgrounds into the creative industries.

Nick Parker, John Donovan, Paul Drake

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: Marketing and Brand Transparency

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: Marketing and Brand Transparency
Nick Peters speaks to Debbie Morrison of ISBA, which represents British advertisers, about how advertising agencies must be much more transparent in their dealings with brands. Nick also discusses with Ian Barber, of Advertising Association, that the industry needs to persuade society of the value advertising delivers, to counter growing public and political mistrust. While, Marketing Week Magazine journalist, Mindi Chahal looks at the reasons why UK companies lag behind their US counterparts when it comes to customer service.

Debbie Morrison, Ian Barber, Mindi Chahal

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: Productivity and Pay

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: Productivity and Pay
This week Nick Peters looks at bold stunts from Carlsberg, such as the pop-up chocolate bar in London. Dharmesh Rana, Carlsberg Senior Brand Manager, tells Nick Peters why they pitched the idea to attract new customers. As well as talking about April Fools Adverts, Nick looks at the changing face of digital media with Nigel Clarkson, Managing Director of Yahoo UK.

Dharmesh Rana, Nigel Clarkson

Nick Peters

Shop Floor

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor
In this week's programme, in association with IDG, Nick Peters looks at HR strategies that reward their staff with Ailsa Suttie, Operations Director at CSMA Club, who managed to bring a new and fresh approach to help its workers. Nick Howard, Executive Director at Edelman ENGAGE, explains the lack of trust between staff and their leaders and how the latter can build trust with their workers. Nick also speaks to Scott Stirrett, Executive Director and founder of Venture for Canada, a company that recruits and trains young graduates in start-up businesses. In contrast Andrew MacKensie, Policy and Research Manager at Reed in Partnership discusses their recent report, "Too Poor to Work", which looks at the cost of finding and sustaining work for the long-term unemployed in the UK.

Ailsa Suttie, Nick Howard, Scott Stirrett, Andrew MacKensie


In partnership with

Nick Peters

Shop Floor 13 Mar 2016

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor 13 Mar 2016
What challenges do women face in their careers and how do they overcome them? Nick Peters looks at three women who work in predominately male-dominated areas and explores how they worked their way up in the industry. Max Steuer from LSE explores the role of head hunters and their role to present CEO candidates to boards and Andrew McKenzie, Policy and Research Manager from Reed in Partnership, talks about the cost of getting a job.

Kathie Knell, Sabrina Gidda, Fiona Lee, Max Steuer, Andrew Mackenzie


In partnership with

Nick Peters

Shop Floor with Nick Peters May 29 2016

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor with Nick Peters May 29 2016
Johnny Mercer MP on his campaign for a nationally coordinated support network that will ensure wounded ex-service personnel are helped into jobs. While defending the Prime Minister’s commitment to the services, he says more must be done at government level to protect the military covenant. Since the advent of the smartphone, we are increasingly subject to the tyranny of time, cramming more activity into every second of the day – checking email, checking Facebook, sending texts – that we rarely give ourselves the chance to stop and focus on one thing. Tony Crabbe, business psychologist and author of ‘Busy’ says we are damaging our productivity and ourselves. A new disruptive technology is shaking up the temporary employment market. Called Catapult, it is an online app/platform that connects people who want temp jobs with employers who need help. Unlike the clunky temp agency system, employers can fill shifts within one hour inside the M25. The record is 24 minutes. Workers set their own pay (no lower than NLW) and Catapult collects holiday pay and NI on their behalf. Nick talks to co-founder Oli Johnson. In our monthly look-back at the stories we’ve covered, IDG consultant Jake Meyer looks at time efficiency, productivity, the changing face of capitalism and work for the wounded ex-service personnel.

Johnny Mercer, Tony Crabbe, Oli Johnson, Jake Meyer


In partnership with

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Leadership and Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Leadership and Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst
This week Nick Peters visited Sandhurst where Shop Floor partners, the Inspirational Development Group, bring clients to the Academy to delve into their exclusive relationship with the Military Academy. Major General Paul Nanson explains how trainees are carefully selected and bring out their leadership potential; while Lieutenant Colonel Lucy Giles talks about the changes of the role of women cadets. In the second half of the show, IDG Founder and Chairman Stephen Bennett, explains analyses the role of leadership in the world of business; and Patrick Thomson, Senior Programme Manager at The Centre for Ageing Better, questions whether older workers being pushed out of the workforce.

Lucy Giles, Paul Nanson, Stephen Bennett, Patrick Thomson


In partnership with

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Marxist Capitalism, Discontented workers, The 30 Minute Meeting and Culture Hacking

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Marxist Capitalism, Discontented workers, The 30 Minute Meeting and Culture Hacking
On Shop Floor, with the Inspirational Development Group, Nick Peters speaks to Simon Biltcliffe who runs his company, Webmart, on the principles of Marxism and Capitalism combined. Nick also discusses with Nadim Choudhury, Head of Career Development at the Institute of Financial Services University College, the latest CIPD report on job satisfaction. Peter Bregman, CEO of Bregman Partners in New York, explains how to get more out of your day, while Daniele Fiandaca, Co-Founder of Creative Social, discusses his recent article on creative and time-saving ways to make your business and workers more efficient.

Simon Biltcliffe, Nadim Choudhury, Peter Bregman, Daniele Fiandaca


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, Unnecessary Admin and Working Environments

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, Unnecessary Admin and Working Environments
Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, opens with an insight into the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering. Lord John Browne, QE Prize Trustees and former Chief Executive of BP, explains what the award represents for the profession and why there needs to be a social change to encourage children to become engineers. Neil Pickering, Industry and Customer Insight Manager at Kronos, analyses how British businesses can avoid wasting over £60 billion a year on unnecessary admin, while Leeson Medhurst, Head of Workplace Consultancy at 360 Workplace, explains why office space can affect a company's productivity.

Lord John Browne, Neil Pickering, Paul Jackson, Leeson Medhurst


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: School of Hard Knocks, Inclusive Leadership and HR

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: School of Hard Knocks, Inclusive Leadership and HR
On this week's Shop Floor, in partnership with the Inspirational Development Group, Ken Cowen, founder of the charity The School of Hard Knocks, explains how young men and women who have been neglected by society are given a chance to regain esteem and drive, to help them get a job. Nick Peters discusses the importance of Inclusive Leadership, a new Inspirational Development Group workshop, with Senior IDG Consultant, Johanne Malin. Paul Harris, Co-Founder of Bright HR, explains why many HR policies are not beneficial to employees; and Katie Jacobs, Editor of HR Magazine, looks back at the evolution of HR and the publication in the last 25 years.

Ken Cowen, Johanne Malin, Paul Harris, Katie Jacobs


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group