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Nigel Cassidy

The annual Master Investor Show begins on March 25th – Director Swen Lorenz tells Share Radio more

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

The annual Master Investor Show begins on March 25th – Director Swen Lorenz tells Share Radio more
In today's world of financial uncertainty, a growing number of people are taking their financial future into their own hands. However, investing can be a bit of a financial minefield even for the most savvy investor. So, what's out there to help those deciding to take the plunge and invest? Master Investor, the monthly e-magazine and daily blog, is there to give a helping hand with investment ideas and analysis. Alongside this, around 4,000 private investors will gather in London on March 25th to attend their annual Master Investor Show. To discuss this, Swen Lorenz, Director at Master Investor, joined Share Radio Breakfast.

Swen Lorenz

Nigel Cassidy

Company information platform Duedil receives EU grant to expand its activities – Co-Founder Justin Fitzpatrick discusses

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Company information platform Duedil receives EU grant to expand its activities – Co-Founder Justin Fitzpatrick discusses
DueDil, the company information platform, has today announced it’s expanding the coverage of its company data, which is set to enable new trade opportunities for millions of companies across the UK and Europe. Justin Fitzpatrick, Co-Founder of DueDil, joined Nigel Cassidy on Share Radio Breakfast to discuss the expansion and how the company can reboost trade in a post-Brexit world.

Justin Fitzpatrick

Georgie Frost

How will Brexit impact Britain's rural economy?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

How will Brexit impact Britain's rural economy?
With the clock ticking on Britain's two year negotiation period the Brexit debate is proving far from over. So what could the outcome mean for Britain's rural economy? In this special report Share Radio's Tom Hill looks at the hopes and fears of the country's farming and fishing industries.

Tom Hill, Guy Smith, Wyn Grant, Alan Hastings

Sarah Pennells (1)

Is too much jargon putting off young job seekers?

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Is too much jargon putting off young job seekers?
Complicated jargon could be putting many young job seekers off applying to vacancies according to research out today from the City and Guilds group. Terms such as 'fulfillment service' and 'KPIs' are amongst the most confusing with two thirds of young people claiming they don't understand the language used by employers in their job adverts. To find out more Share Radio's Sara Macham spoke to Michael Osbaldeston, special advisor at the City and Guilds Group.

Sara Macham, Michael Osbaldeston

Nigel Cassidy

Ofcom to investigate Sky and 21st Century Fox merger

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Ofcom to investigate Sky and 21st Century Fox merger
Culture secretary Karen Bradley's referred the Fox/ Sky bid to Ofcom and the Competition and Markets Authority. 21st Century Fox is offering £11.7bn for the 61% stake in Sky it does not already own. The company said it was "confident" the takeover would be approved. Critics of the merger fear it will mean Rupert Murdoch has too much control of the UK media. So can the takeover succeed after failing in 2011? James Brydges recaps the issues the regulators will be looking into.

James Brydges

Georgie Frost

What basic rights do gig economy workers have?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

What basic rights do gig economy workers have?
Recently we had another case testing the rights of gig economy workers. Self-employed cycle courier Andrew Boxer took the firm Excel to an employment tribunal arguing that he was a "worker" as defined by the Employment Rights Act - therefore, should get basic rights including holiday pay and the national minimum wage. His claim was backed by the Independent Workers Union of Great Britain and the employment tribunal agreed with him. To find out what rulings such as this will mean for the gig economy Georgie Frost was joined by Kevin Charles, Director of Crosslands Employment Solicitors.

Kevin Charles

Georgie Frost

What can employees do about sexist dress codes?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

What can employees do about sexist dress codes?
The government has rejected calls to ban employers from forcing women to wear high heels, arguing that existing laws against sex discrimination already outlaw such dress codes. So what can employees do if they're faced with sexist dress codes?

Beverley Sunderland

Sarah Pennells (1)

What makes us happiest at work? Matt Weston from Robert Half explains.

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

What makes us happiest at work? Matt Weston from Robert Half explains.
How happy are you in your job? A recent survey found the average UK employee ranked themselves at 67 out of 100 on the happiness scale, and that four fifths think employers are just as responsible for ensuring happiness at work. To find out what things make us happiest at work Share Radio's Sara Macham spoke to Matt Weston, director at recruitment consultant Robert Half.

Sara Macham, Matt Weston

Sarah Pennells (1)

Why are so many employers struggling to recruit skilled workers?

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells

Why are so many employers struggling to recruit skilled workers?
A lack of skilled workers is increasingly forcing many employers to offer higher wages and lower requirements for candidates. That's according to research from The Recruitment & Employment Confederation which found nearly half of employers struggling to recruit for permanent roles. To find out more about what's causing this Share Radio's Tom Hill spoke to REC Director of Policy and Professional Services Tom Hadley.

Tom Hill, Tom Hadley

Sarah Pennells (1)

Women and Money: Will new gender pay reporting regulations make a difference?

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells

Women and Money: Will new gender pay reporting regulations make a difference?
Last week saw the introduction of new gender pay reporting regulations forcing companies employing more than 250 people to publish information about their pay. So, what will this information really tell you, what can you do if you think you're not being paid the same as men in your organisation and what happens if you don't comply with the rules?

Kevin James, John Palmer, Rose St Louis
