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Genre: Work / Topic: Case Studies
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Sarah Lowther

Why is the UK building 15% fewer homes than it was prior to 2008?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Why is the UK building 15% fewer homes than it was prior to 2008?
The UK is building 15% fewer homes than it was in the five years before the downturn in 2008, according to a new report by Carter Jonas that has laid bare the disjointed residential construction industry. For more on this, Lee Layton, a Research Analyst at Carter Jonas, joined Share Radio Breakfast to offer an insight into the research.

Paul Sedgwick, Paul Layton

Nigel Cassidy

“It puts Russia back on the map in terms of energy deals”

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

“It puts Russia back on the map in terms of energy deals”
Analysts say that Glencore could add an extra £63m a year to profits after buying a 19.5% stake in Russian energy giant Rosneft for £8.6bn. One of the key conditions was Glencore agreeing to sell 220,000 barrels of Rosneft’s oil a day over the next five years. It comes as Russian president Vladimir Putin tries to plug a budget deficit by privatising state assets. James Brydges spoke to Michael Moynihan, Research Director for Russia at Wood Mackenzie, to find out more.

James Brydges, Michael Moynihan

Nigel Cassidy

EU start legal action against the UK for failing to take action against VW

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

EU start legal action against the UK for failing to take action against VW
The European Union has started legal action against seven nations, including the UK and Germany, for failing to take action against Volkswagen for cheating emission tests. The German car giant has had huge fines in the US over its use of "defeat devices" used to hide true levels of emissions. More than one million cars in the UK are involved, and Paul Simpson, CEO OF CDP, who run global disclosure systems for investors and companies to manage their environmental impacts, joined Share Radio to bring the latest.

Sara Sjölin, Paul Simpson

Nigel Cassidy

Train fares in Britain to go up by 2.3% from January

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Train fares in Britain to go up by 2.3% from January
Train fares in Britain will go up by 2.3%, on average, from January the 2nd. The Rail Delivery Group says the vast majority of the cash gets pumped back in to running services. But campaign groups say some passengers are "finding themselves priced off the railways". Tony Miles, Contributing Editor from Rail Business Intelligence, joined Share Radio Breakfast to offer his reaction.

Tony Miles

Sarah Lowther

Ofcom pushes for legal separation of BT from Openreach - Dave Millett brings us the latest

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Ofcom pushes for legal separation of BT from Openreach - Dave Millett brings us the latest
British telecoms regulator Ofcom is preparing to go to the European Commission to try to force BT to legally separate its networks division Openreach. It comes after months of talks failed to deliver a voluntary agreement. Dave Millett is the Founder and Managing Director of telecoms broker Equinox, and he joined Share Radio Breakfast to discuss the latest developments.

Chris Bailey, Dave Millett

Sarah Lowther

GB Energy Supply collapse: Why have wholesale energy prices gone up recently?

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

GB Energy Supply collapse: Why have wholesale energy prices gone up recently?
There are calls for Ofgem to look at how to better protect energy consumers from their supplier going out of business. It comes as 160,000 energy customers face uncertainty, after GB Energy Supply was forced to shut down. USwitch is calling on the regulator to look at how suppliers can cope with fluctuating wholesale energy prices more effectively. James Brydges spoke to Claire Osborne, an energy expert from USwitch, about the increase in wholesale prices.

James Brydges, Claire Osborne

Nigel Cassidy

Apple are the UK’s coolest brand – but what makes a cool brand?

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Apple are the UK’s coolest brand – but what makes a cool brand?
Every year since 2001, the British public and a self-appointed CoolBrands Council have voted for the UK's coolest brands. Apple tops the list with the Glastonbury Festival in second. But is this list anything to go by, or is it just a gimmick? Adrian Day, a brand and communications consultant, who’s also Non-Executive Director of Adrian Day Advisors, joined Share Radio to discuss the concept of a cool brand.

Rachel Winter, Adrian Day

Nigel Cassidy

A new niche for tech companies – Chris Green looks at tech privacy protection in the UK

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

A new niche for tech companies – Chris Green looks at tech privacy protection in the UK
A number of companies which provide VPN's (Virtual Private Networks), or encryption services, are reporting a growth in the number of UK customers. One catalyst for this increased interest is the Investigatory Powers Bill. This will oblige internet providers to record which websites and services their user’s devices connect to. As a result, some UK based users are choosing to use tech companies which can hide their browsing habits. Matt Cox has been hearing more from tech consultant, Chris Green.

Matt Cox, Chris Green

Nigel Cassidy

Chinese online travel agent Ctrip agrees to acquire Skyscanner

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Chinese online travel agent Ctrip agrees to acquire Skyscanner
Leading Chinese online travel agent Ctrip has agreed to acquire the price comparison site Skyscanner for approximately £1.4 billion. Under the terms of the agreement, Skyscanner’s current management team will continue to manage its operations independently as part of the Ctrip group. Our correspondent in Scotland, Maurice Smith, has been looking into the deal.

Paul Sedgwick, Maurice Smith

Sarah Lowther

Can companies market to millennials? Brand expert Adrian Day spoke with Matt Cox

Sarah Lowther
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Can companies market to millennials? Brand expert Adrian Day spoke with Matt Cox
The Westminster Media Forum is debating trends in marketing towards millennials and Generation Z – young people aged around 18 to 34 years old. But some industry experts believe old advertising models aren't appropriate for the new era of consumers, so what can be done? Matt Cox has been speaking to Adrian Day, an Independent brand, marketing, and communications strategy consultant, to find out.

Matt Cox, Adrian Day
