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Georgie Frost

Careers Clinic: The Benefits of Failure with Kate Tojeiro

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Careers Clinic

Careers Clinic: The Benefits of Failure with Kate Tojeiro
As JK Rowling releases her latest book Very Good Lives about the fringe benefits of failure, Georgie talks to executive and leadership coach Kate Tojeiro from X Fusion about how to take the positive even when things go wrong.

Kate Tojeiro

Georgie Frost

Careers Clinic: Does mentoring matter?

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Careers Clinic

Careers Clinic: Does mentoring matter?
What do Mark Zuckerberg; Richard Branson and Bill Gates have in common apart from being super successful - they all have or have had mentors. In this show Georgie takes a look at why it matters and the impact it can have on both you - and your business with Jackie Jenks the senior manager of enterprise mentoring at Lloyds Bank.

Jackie Jenks

Sue Dougan

Careers Clinic: Understanding Sexual Harassment Cases with Beverley Sunderland

Sue Dougan
Original Broadcast:

Careers Clinic

Careers Clinic: Understanding Sexual Harassment Cases with Beverley Sunderland
With celebrity sexual harassment cases making the papers, Sue Dougan talks to top employment solicitor Beverley Sunderland about what you can do as an employer or if you find yourself a victim.

Beverley Sunderland

Georgie Frost

Careers Clinic: Why more women are in low paid jobs with Helen Kersley

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Careers Clinic

Careers Clinic: Why more women are in low paid jobs with Helen Kersley
With women making up the majority of the low paid workforce – what can be done to bridge the gender pay and opportunity gap? Georgie talks to Helen Kersley from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills about their latest initiative.

Helen Kersley

Georgie Frost

Should you hire "disruptive talent"? with Paulo Moscuzza

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Careers Clinic

Should you hire "disruptive talent"? with Paulo Moscuzza
Now what kind of person would you choose to hire to run a business for you? Maybe someone that was stubborn and broke the rules? This might sound like a manager's nightmare, but research suggests that having a few employees just like this might be beneficial. Georgie chats to chartered psychologist and Management Consultant Paulo Moscuzza about why that is.

Paulo Moscuzza

Georgie Frost

Why bad management is one of the biggest struggles for small businesses

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Careers Clinic

Why bad management is one of the biggest struggles for small businesses
According to the Department of Business, Industry and Skills bad management is responsible for as much as 56% of small-business failures. Georgie Frost spoke to Hywel Roberts from Growth Business UK to talk through the issues faced by small businesses.

Hywel Roberts
