Share Sounds. presented by Nick Peters related to Work - Pay & Conditions

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Genre: Work / Topic: Pay & Conditions
Strand: Share Radio Morning with Sarah Pennells
Presenter: Nick Peters
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Nick Peters

Shop Floor: CV's and Networking

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: CV's and Networking
This week Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, discusses the importance of a CV in the recruitment process with Darren Harlock, who runs a new recruitment company based on technology. The company, Covocate, ran experiment with CVs a few weeks ago and demonstrated that we may need to find an alternative to it. Nick Peters also speaks with Roger Gorman, a technologist and entrepreneur who is making significant waves in the HR technology sector with his ProFinda service- a revolution in resourcing.

Darren Harlock, Roger Gorman, Lisa Unwin, Johanne Malin


In partnership with

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Business and Middle Management

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Business and Middle Management
This week's Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, focuses on the expanding world of business and how it affects its employees. Nick Peters also looks at the pressures of middle management and why BAME workers with degrees are more likely to be unemployed than white workers. Nick is joined by Douglas Rushkoff, Professor of Media Theory and Digital Economics at City University New York; Penny de Valk, Managing Director Penna Talent Practice; Natasha Owusu, from the TUC, and Maxine Hurley, Member Engagement Manager at ENEI.

Douglas Rushkoff, Penny de Valk, Natasha Owusu, Maxine Hurley


In partnership with

Nick Peters

Shop Floor

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor
This week Nick Peters focuses on pay and productivity on Shop Floor, in association with the IDG. Nick discusses with Ian McVey, UK Manager at Qualtrics, why levels of productivity are so low in the UK. How can companies keep up to date with with performance, happiness and training of their workers? Sussex-based Dinamiks may have the answer as Nick talks to the co-founder Shirley Barnes. He also looks how the National Living Wage with Charles Cotton, Performance and Reward Specialist at CIPD, and how it will affect small businesses and the self-employed with Microbusiness Champion, Tony Robinson OBE. Nick Peters looks back at some of the issues covered on the show with Lance Gerrard-Wright from IDG.

Shirley Barnes, Charles Cotton, Tony Robinson OBE, Ian McVey


In partnership with

Nick Peters

Marketing Watch: Productivity and Pay

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Marketing Watch

Marketing Watch: Productivity and Pay
This week Nick Peters looks at bold stunts from Carlsberg, such as the pop-up chocolate bar in London. Dharmesh Rana, Carlsberg Senior Brand Manager, tells Nick Peters why they pitched the idea to attract new customers. As well as talking about April Fools Adverts, Nick looks at the changing face of digital media with Nigel Clarkson, Managing Director of Yahoo UK.

Dharmesh Rana, Nigel Clarkson

Nick Peters

Shop Floor 06 March 2016

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor 06 March 2016
Nick Peters open Shop Floor by analysing how some company bosses can turn abusive over time, despite being understanding and fair with their staff at first. With Russell Johnson, from Michigan State University, they talk about a recent research into what causes the mood switch for many employers. Should the state take control over the lives of the self-employed? Bright Blue think tank recommend a change in policies that will benefit those who run their own business as much as those regular employees. Nick speaks to David Kirby on the matter. Nick also looks at the absence of ethnic minorities in top jobs, particularly the British Muslim communities. In a report called Rising, published by the think tank Demos, its author Louis Reynolds explains why many individuals are missing out on job opportunities. Finally, Nick looks at low wage levels. TUC low pay adviser Paul Sellers discusses why the wages market is so tight.

Russell Johnson, David Kirby, Louis Reynolds, Paul Sellers


In partnership with

Nick Peters

Shop Floor 21 Feb 2016

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor 21 Feb 2016
This week, Nick Peters hits the Shop Floor to discuss why ever high levels of employment are not translating into higher wages with Steve Lewis, a former army officer and businessman who runs the Number 18 coffee shop in Crickhowell. Steve is one of the leaders of the Fair Tax Town programmes. Nick looks at why leaders need to listen to their followers in order to close the digital skills gap inside corporations with Colin Sloman, Managing Director of Accenture, a consultancy firm who conducted a major survey of global businesses to assess how they are keeping up with the pace of lightning fast technological change. Despite unemployment levels falling, and more people striking out on their own to add to the country's growing micro-business community, Nick Peters hears from Gerwyn Davies, the Labour Market Advisor at the CIPD about why this good news isn't necessarily good for wages and productivity levels. And the good, the bad, and the ugly, Nick takes a closer look at workforce surveys to find out the do's and don'ts when it comes to writing them with Anthony Hughes of recruitment specialists Coburg Banks. Plus, the first in our series of IDG Insights is launched, bringing you the stories that matter.

Steve Lewis, Colin Sloman, Gerwyn Davies, Anthony Hughes


In partnership with

Nick Peters

Shop Floor 14 Feb 2016

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor 14 Feb 2016
Nick Peters hits the shop floor for another packed edition on workplace issues. This week, social mobility, the goal of productive work and enterprise, comes under attack. Nick Peters talks to Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of the RSA, about the idea that social mobility could be cruel or even evil. Digital skill levels among young people mean employers are finding it harder to get qualified staff and many young people risk missing out on good jobs - Nick Peters finds out more from Nigel Walsh at CapGemini. The Prime Minister says he wants ex-offenders to have much more support moving from jail into jobs and productive lives. It’s already happening - Nick Peters discovers how from Jane Gould, a trustee of Christian charity CleanSheet. And we head east to Vietnam to meet the "Digital Nomads", young people who are taking the idea of remote working to extraordinary lengths.

Matthew Taylor, Nigel Walsh, Jane Gould


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Open Culture

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Open Culture
Shop Floor with Nick Peters talking with Daniel Tenner about how businesses built on an Open Culture can generate enthusiasm, commitment and profits. And how his own business, Grant Tree, has flourished as a result.

Daniel Tenner

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Growing Discontent Among Young Professionals

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Growing Discontent Among Young Professionals
Shop Floor with Nick Peters talking to Dom Jackman, co-founder of Escape the City, about the growing discontent among young professionals with life on the treadmill and how he and his team help them escape into a life of great fulfilment.

Dom Jackman

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Advantages of Well-Off Parents

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Advantages of Well-Off Parents
Nick Peters hits the Shop Floor this week to talk to Duncan Exley, Executive Director of the Equality Trust about the massive advantage children of well-off parents enjoy compared with children of equal ability from less advantaged backgrounds.

Duncan Exley
