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Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Presenteeism, Grit and Employee Value Proposition

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Presenteeism, Grit and Employee Value Proposition
On this week's Shop Floor, in association with the Inspirational Development Group, Nick Peters looks at presenteeism- people who turn up to work but are not fully engaged in their tasks- with Professor Derek Mowbray of the Management Advisory Service. Michelle McQuaid, psychologist and writer, explores the concept of grit and how it can be applied to the workplace; meanwhile Tony Nevin, Director of Employee Benefits at Mazars, discusses how the Employee Value Proposition can be used as a tool to recruit new talent in businesses. Craig Preston, Managing Director at IDG, expresses his opinions on Brexit and looks over the some of the topics that were covered on the programme this month.

Professor Derek Mowbray, Michelle McQuaid, Tony Nevin, Craig Preston


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: Pockit

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: Pockit
Pockit is a Digital bank alternative for low income, under served bank consumers in the UK. They've already got over 60,000 customers and are processing more than a quarter of a million transactions every month. Linda Lewis meets its founder, Virraj Jatania, who explains how the company works, how it was set up and their company values.

Virraj Jatania

Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: EnergyNet

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: EnergyNet
Linda Lewis meets Simon Gosling, Managing Director of Energy Net, a conference company which has been producing events and investment summits for Africa for nearly 20 years. Simon explains his latest initiative, Off the Grid Club, which aims to connect poor areas of Africa to the electricity grid. Linda also meets the supporters and founder members, taking part in the Off the Grid Club, such as the Solar Turtle Company.

Simon Gosling

Sue Dougan

Share Food with Sainsbury's Magazine: Episode Ten

Sue Dougan
Original Broadcast:

Share Food with Sainsbury's Magazine

Share Food with Sainsbury's Magazine: Episode Ten
On Share Food with Sainsbury's Magazine Sue Dougan and digital editor Lisa Harris start the programme with...mussels! They speak to Robin Dunlop about how he started his business and his inspirations behind Mussel Men. Elizabeth Newman, Head of BWS at Sainsbury’s, discusses why rosé wine sales are doing so well. Meanwhile Ross Shonhan, founder of Bone Daddies, talks about his passion behind the ramen dish and Faizan Iqbal, of JAN, gives us a taste of Caspian cuisine.

Lisa Harris, Robin Dunlop, Elizabeth Newman, Ross Shonhan, Faizan Iqbal

Nigel Cassidy

Morning Money: Sales at Majestic Wine increase to £402.1 million in the year to March

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Morning Money at 7:00

Morning Money: Sales at Majestic Wine increase to £402.1 million in the year to March
Majestic Wine’s retail business Managing Director, John Colley, and Group Chief Financial Officer, James Crawford, joined Nigel Cassidy and Louise Cooper to discuss their company’s full year results to March 2016. After the recent acquisition of Naked Wines, how did the pair assess the performance and what does the future hold?

Louise Cooper, John Colley, James Crawford

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: Bullying at Work, Emails and Productivity and Why did Microsoft buy LinkedIn?

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: Bullying at Work, Emails and Productivity and Why did Microsoft buy LinkedIn?
On this week's Shop Floor, with the Inspirational Development Group, Nick Peters looks at bullying at work with Joeli Brearley, founder of Pregnant Then Screwed, who provide support and advice for women who have been badly treated at work either on returning from maternity leave, or when announcing their pregnancy. Beverley Sunderland, from Crossland Employment Solicitors, debates whether managers are armed with the right tools to deal with cases of bullying. Professor Sir Cary Cooper, of the Manchester Business School and the CIPD, explains how emails can affect our productivity and well-being, while Barry Dudley, of Green Square, discusses the Microsoft's recent purchase of LinkedIn.

Joeli Brearley, Beverley Sunderland, Professor Sir Cary Cooper, Barry Dudley


In partnership with

Inspirational Development Group
Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: Full Fact

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: Full Fact
With less than a week to go until the EU referendum Linda Lewis meets Will Moy, Director of Full Fact, and his team in action. Fact-checking as an industry is growing, and Britain is in the lead when it comes to finding innovative ways to pay for it. Will explains why it was important to set the company up, and how they work with journalists, academics and political parties on a daily basis to deliver accurate facts and figures.

Will Moy

Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: Robomagic

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: Robomagic
Linda Lewis meets the team behind Robomagic, an independent music company with the desire to make the lives of established and aspiring artists fairer and more equitable at its core. Rob Hallett, CEO and founder, explains how he set up the company, their future plans, and the Fold Festival, produced and curated by Nile Rodgers, which is being put on in conjunction with the company.

Rob Hallett

Sue Dougan

Track Record: Tony Wheeler

Sue Dougan
Original Broadcast:

Track Record

Track Record: Tony Wheeler
Tony Wheeler, Co-Founder of Lonely Planet, joins Sue Dougan on the programme this week. He tells Sue how he set up the company with his wife Maureen. Speaking of his adventures all over the world, Tony shares some of the tracks that accompanied him along his travels.

Tony Wheeler

Sarah Pennells (1)

Women and Money: Gender Pay Gap

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Women & Money

Women and Money: Gender Pay Gap
Gender pay gap is still alive and kicking, with women earning 12% less than men. So how do you go about getting a pay rise or a promotion? Sarah Pennells is joined by Fiona Davis, Director for Women in Retail; Penny Parker, from Laurence Simons; and Vanessa Vallely, founder of WeAreTheCity and WeAreTheCity. Together, the guests discuss why women are less likely to ask for a pay rise, and why they are reluctant to come forward.

Fiona Davis, Penny Parker, Vanessa Vallely
