Share Sounds. presented by Georgie Frost related to Work

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Genre: Work
Strand: Share Radio Breakfast
Presenter: Georgie Frost
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Georgie Frost

This is Money: Base Rates, Property, and Parking Rage

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money: Base Rates, Property, and Parking Rage
Once again, it's time for the This is Money podcast. Every week, in partnership with NS&I, Financial Broadcaster of the Year Georgie Frost and Financial Website of the Year This is Money team up to go through all the finance stories you need to know this week. We're going to be talking about Base Rates remaining steady, despite indications to the contrary - is the Bank of England our unreliable boyfriend? And dreams of owning a home are disappearing for lower-income families, as small-deposit mortgages are drying up amid post-Brexit nerves. And that's not the only bad news for would-be buyers this week, sneaky estate agents are re-posting listings to make them look much fresher than they are. And finally, we'll be running through Parking Rage, the best cities to live and work, and certain coins that could make you a mint. This is Money is presented by George Frost, in partnership with NS&I.

Simon Lambert, Rebecca Rutt

Georgie Frost

Is it May Day for the pound? Ed Bowsher on the News Review

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Is it May Day for the pound? Ed Bowsher on the News Review
Time once again for the Consuming Issues news review, with Georgie Frost and Share Radio's Senior Analyst Ed Bowsher. And today, the pound is rallying behind the news that Theresa May will be the next PM, as David Cameron heads to his last PMQs. And on the subject of the pound, travelers exchanging currency at the UK's regional airports are apparently getting less for their pounds than those using London terminals. And bad news for London, as Cambridge is named best place in the UK to work. All this and more, on Consuming Issues, every day from 9am to Midday, right here on Share Radio.

Ed Bowsher

Georgie Frost

This Is Money: Pounds, Property and Pensions

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This Is Money: Pounds, Property and Pensions
On this edition of This Is Money, Editor Simon Lambert and Personal Finance Editor Rachel Rickard-Strauss are in to talk more Brexit fall-out, of course; will Mark Carney’s reassuring tones be enough to steady the ship, as Sterling falls further than we've seen since Walter Mondale was a relevant cultural reference? We’ll also be looking at property fund lockouts, and why you should NEVER trust them with your pension. And stay tuned to the end as we have a rare win for the little guy, to the tune of £19 Billion! This is Money is presented in partnership with NS&I, and hosted by Georgie Frost.

Simon Lambert, Rachel Rickard-Straus

Georgie Frost

This is Money - Brexit, Round 2.

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

This is Money

This is Money - Brexit, Round 2.
And we're back for round two of This is Money's Brexit Special, presented in partnership with NS&I. This week, we're going to be taking a closer look at how the referendum will be affecting your own personal finances. We'll also be looking at migration, travel costs, and Bank of England Governor Mark Carney's attempts at reassurance. But it's not all Brexit! Life does, after all, go on. We'll be taking a look at the ins and outs of buying a 2nd-hand car, wonder if the millennials will be able to survive the coming economy, and there'll also be a quiz for keen-eared listeners. This is Money, presented by Georgie Frost in partnership with NS&I

Simon Lambert, Lee Boyce

Georgie Frost

Consuming Issues: How important are job perks? Listen to Saurav Chopra, CEO at Perkbox

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Consuming Issues: How important are job perks? Listen to Saurav Chopra, CEO at Perkbox
What do you look for in a new job? Work life balance; decent pay; a supportive environment; a good pension scheme? What about free lunch; on site gym; mini golfing; slides instead of chairs? Recently though we've seen places like John Lewis, Caffe Nero and Zizzi roll back on theirs - citing the minimum wage increase as a factor. But how important are they anyway? Very according to Perkbox - who specialise in, helping employers and "invest in employees’ happiness"

Saurav Chopra

Georgie Frost

Can Nanna go on Grand-parental leave? Beverley Sunderland from Crossland Solicitors.

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Can Nanna go on Grand-parental leave? Beverley Sunderland from Crossland Solicitors.
Do grandparents have any right to paid or unpaid leave to spend time with their grandchildren? In the last budget Chancellor George Osborne announced the first consultation on the extension of shared parental leave to grandparents - so what does this mean? To go through it, Georgie is joined by our regular guest Beverley Sunderland, Director of Crossland Employment Solicitors.

Beverley Sunderland

Georgie Frost

Consuming Issues: Do you have Money issues affecting your state of Mind? Listen too Jane Clack from PayPlan

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Consuming Issues: Do you have Money issues affecting your state of Mind? Listen too Jane Clack from PayPlan
Do you have money worries? Is it affecting your state of mind? Personal debt for many is spiralling out of control with the levels topping £180bn in Britain. That's more than the annual budget for the NHS. Well one organisation is looking to help those who are in trouble by offering free debt advice and management plans. Jane Clack from PayPlan speak to Georgie Frost about how serious the debt in this country is, and how to overcome these issues.

Jane Clack

Georgie Frost

CONSUMING ISSUES: High Heels dress code at work. Time to update employment law? Listen to Beverly Sunderland

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

CONSUMING ISSUES: High Heels dress code at work. Time to update employment law? Listen to Beverly Sunderland
Dress codes at work... A woman who was sent home from work without pay for refusing to wear high heels has begun a petition to update employment law. Temp agency Portico says it's now changed its rules after Nicola Thorp complained. She says it's wrong that companies tell female employees which shoes to wear. Georgie speaks to Beverly Sunderland from Crosslands employment solicitors in Oxfordshire

Beverley Sunderland

Georgie Frost

Consuming Issues: Construction companies forced to payout for blacklisting. Listen to Beverley Sunderland @CrosslandEmpLaw

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Consuming Issues: Construction companies forced to payout for blacklisting. Listen to Beverley Sunderland @CrosslandEmpLaw
Workers who say they were blacklisted by construction companies have won millions in compensation after a long-running legal battle finally ended. The union Unite has reached a settlement with construction firms that will mean over 250 workers share more than £10 million pounds in compensation. Georgie speaks to Beverley Sunderland from Crossland Employment Solicitors

Beverley Sunderland

Georgie Frost

Consuming Issues: The average UK office worker sits 10 hours each day, so what are the health risks? Listen to Gavin Bradley from Active Working

Georgie Frost
Original Broadcast:

Consuming Issues

Consuming Issues: The average UK office worker sits 10 hours each day, so what are the health risks? Listen to Gavin Bradley from Active Working
The average UK office worker sits 10 hours each day, with almost 70% of sitting taking place at work and 73 per cent only leaving their desk for toilet or tea breaks. And new scientific findings indicate we may be at risk of multiple health risks. Gavin Bradley, Founding Director of Active Working CiC, runs an event that is happening on Friday - 'On Your Feet Britain' in order to inform on the health risks of sedentary working cultures .

Gavin Bradley
