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Nigel Cassidy

“It puts Russia back on the map in terms of energy deals”

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

“It puts Russia back on the map in terms of energy deals”
Analysts say that Glencore could add an extra £63m a year to profits after buying a 19.5% stake in Russian energy giant Rosneft for £8.6bn. One of the key conditions was Glencore agreeing to sell 220,000 barrels of Rosneft’s oil a day over the next five years. It comes as Russian president Vladimir Putin tries to plug a budget deficit by privatising state assets. James Brydges spoke to Michael Moynihan, Research Director for Russia at Wood Mackenzie, to find out more.

James Brydges, Michael Moynihan

Nigel Cassidy

McDonald's is to move its non-US tax base from Luxembourg to the UK

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

McDonald's is to move its non-US tax base from Luxembourg to the UK
McDonald's is to move its non-US tax base from Luxembourg to the UK, the company has said. The new holding company will pay UK tax on the royalties the firm receives outside the US. McDonald's said it had chosen the UK due to the "significant number of staff" it has in London. The Luxembourg tax affairs of the burger giant are currently under formal investigation by the European Commission. Clive Gawthorpe, Tax partner at UHY Hacker Young, joined Share Radio to discuss the move.

Sara Sjölin, Clive Gawthorpe

Nigel Cassidy

“Once again we are reporting record results” – Gabriel Pirona on Photo-me Int’s half-year results

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

“Once again we are reporting record results” – Gabriel Pirona on Photo-me Int’s half-year results
Gabriel Pirona, Group Finance Director at Photo-me International, the instant service equipment group, joined Share Radio Breakfast to discuss the company’s latest interim results. Once again the results were positive and Gabriel reflected on the performance.

Sara Sjölin, Gabirel Pirona

Nigel Cassidy

EU start legal action against the UK for failing to take action against VW

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

EU start legal action against the UK for failing to take action against VW
The European Union has started legal action against seven nations, including the UK and Germany, for failing to take action against Volkswagen for cheating emission tests. The German car giant has had huge fines in the US over its use of "defeat devices" used to hide true levels of emissions. More than one million cars in the UK are involved, and Paul Simpson, CEO OF CDP, who run global disclosure systems for investors and companies to manage their environmental impacts, joined Share Radio to bring the latest.

Sara Sjölin, Paul Simpson

Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: Back Me Up

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: Back Me Up
Back Me Up, part of the Ageas insurance group, is a new insurance platform that offers cover for 'stuff' for £15 a month. Aimed at millennials, it looks to get young people to insure their valuables in an affordable and simple way. Paul Lynes, MD of Back Me UP, meets with Linda to talk about how it works and what their aims are for the future.

Paul Lynes

Linda Lewis (1)

Company Casebook: ParentPay

Linda Lewis (1)
Original Broadcast:

Company Casebook

Company Casebook: ParentPay
ParentPay is an online platform that allows parents to pay online for school activities, lunches, after school clubs, and more. They have helped over 2 million parents pay school bills safely and quickly since their launch. Linda heads down to meet Chief Executive Clint Wilson, to find out how the business works and what's next for them.

Clint Wilson

Nick Peters

Shop Floor: 04/12/16

Nick Peters
Original Broadcast:

Shop Floor

Shop Floor: 04/12/16
This week on the Shop Floor, the world we live in is about to become super-connected to the Internet of Things, Nick explores some of the issues this raises with Nigel Upton. Do you fancy a career in wine? Nick visits the one place in the UK where you can actually get a wine qualification, Plumpton College on the Sussex Downs to meet Paul Harley. We discuss corporate governance with Laurie Fitzjohn Sykes, director of research at Tomorrow's Company and finally Nick finds out about the leadership lag the UK is facing with John Yates from the ILM

John Yates, Laurie Fitzjohn Sykes, Nigel Upton, Paul Harley

Sarah Pennells (1)

Women and Money: Financial help for Carers

Sarah Pennells (1)
Original Broadcast:

Women & Money

Women and Money: Financial help for Carers
Caring for a family member can be a high toll on your life, both emotionally and financially and research recently conducted by the Carer's Trust show that over half of carers in the UK were missing out on the financial support they should be entitled to, negatively effecting their lives and the lives of those who they care for. To talk to Sarah about what you can do if your looking after someone, she is joined by Sarah Mitchell from the London-based Carers Network, Caroline Shola Arewa, a wellness coach and Steve Webb, from Royal London.

Steve Webb, Caroline Shola Arewa, Sarah Mitchell

Nigel Cassidy

Train fares in Britain to go up by 2.3% from January

Nigel Cassidy
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Breakfast

Train fares in Britain to go up by 2.3% from January
Train fares in Britain will go up by 2.3%, on average, from January the 2nd. The Rail Delivery Group says the vast majority of the cash gets pumped back in to running services. But campaign groups say some passengers are "finding themselves priced off the railways". Tony Miles, Contributing Editor from Rail Business Intelligence, joined Share Radio Breakfast to offer his reaction.

Tony Miles

Sue Dougan

Bianca Miller - Apprentice Finalist and Founder of The BE Group on young female start ups.

Sue Dougan
Original Broadcast:

Share Radio Morning

Bianca Miller - Apprentice Finalist and Founder of The BE Group on young female start ups.
It seems young women appear to have the magic touch when it comes to starting successful businesses. According to new research, 'young businesses' run by those women under 35 are three times less likely to make a loss than those owned by over 55's. To get the inside story Sue Dougan was joined by Bianca Miller, Apprentice finalist and founder of The BE Group.

Bianca Miller
