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Simon Rose

Employment outlook continues to grow in the UK but at a slower pace and real wages look likely to fall amid continued Brexit uncertainty

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Employment outlook continues to grow in the UK but at a slower pace and real wages look likely to fall amid continued Brexit uncertainty
Employment outlook continues to grow in the UK but at a slower pace and real wages look likely to fall amid continued Brexit uncertainty That's according to the CIPD/Adecco Group Labour Market Outlook report which highlights finds that employers don't want and aren't ready for a hard Brexit To find out more about this I'm now joined by Gerwyn Davies, Labour Market Analyst at the CIPD

Simon Rose

Research shows that 30% of people admit to being victims of bullying in the workplace- according to byrne·dean training

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Research shows that 30% of people admit to being victims of bullying in the workplace- according to byrne·dean training
Today is the start of Anti-Bullying Week which aims to shine a spotlight on bullying and encourage people to take action against bullying throughout the year. And it's not just an issue for the playground. Research shows that 30% of people admit to being victims of bullying in the workplace. To find out more about this Jinan Rahma spoke to Victoria Lewis - Chief Executive byrne·dean training and started by asking what counts as bullying in the workplace.
