Share Sounds. presented by Adam Cox

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Strand: Morning Money
Presenter: Adam Cox
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Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Forest Mansion.

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Forest Mansion.
Reach forward, in this hypnosis session based on future pacing, to the life you would like to have. Adam Cox invites you to spend half an hour with him dwelling on how you can make it happen as you move forward through the years ahead.

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Jennifer White on Wool Free Winter

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Jennifer White on Wool Free Winter
Adam Cox is joined by Jennifer White to discuss PETA's new Wool Free Winter campaign. They look at how, despite public misconception, wool is both environmentally unfriendly and cruel to the sheep who it is sheared from. Jennifer explains how PETA are encouraging the public to go wool free this year and gives some tips on alternative ways to keep warm.

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Bobby Watkins on ‘Home Office Hunch’.

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Bobby Watkins on ‘Home Office Hunch’.
Adam Cox is joined by Bobby Watkins, Managing Director of Arthr, to discuss the issue of the 'Home Office Hunch' and how we can look after our musculoskeletal health. They look at how working at home has affected Brits musculoskeletal health, and Bobby explains Arthr and how it helps those effected by arthritis.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Money Time Machine

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Money Time Machine
We're all used to Quantitative Easing by central banks now, and the abundance of public money brought about by debt-fuelled economies: what a difference from the days of the Gold Standard and the rush to higher interest rates, supposedly intended to defend the currency and the banking system. But fear of money scarcity continues to be a very real issue for people, which can deter them from taking on risk in the form of investment or being entrepreneurial. In this episode Adam, Cox explores how fear can hold back people from being courageous - but is he right to draw a link between easy public money and personal risk appetite? We'll leave you to judge.

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Mathilde Mackowski on Intimacy over Christmas

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Mathilde Mackowski on Intimacy over Christmas
Adam Cox is joined by Mathilde Mackowski, leading “sexpert” and co-founder of the Sinful Group, to discuss why UK couples are having less sex around Christmas and why this trend may continue post-pandemic. They look at why it is so important to take time for both ourselves and our partners, even during busy periods, and Mathilde provides some advice on some of the ways in which couples can remain sexually intimate over the festive period.

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Hypnosis to Reconnect.

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Hypnosis to Reconnect.
We all have both good and bad memories: how often do you re-visit either? If you can focus on the former, it can lead to a sense of optimism and better decisions going forward. Adam Cox uses regression in this episode to help focus on those positive memories, so that they can act as conscious anchors on which to build better decisions for the future.

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: James Roberts and Gemma Singer on mOm Incubators

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: James Roberts and Gemma Singer on mOm Incubators
Adam Cox is joined by James Roberts, founder and CEO of mOm Incubators, and Gemma Singer, Design Engineer at mOm Incubators, to discuss how their company aims to make incubators more accessible to parents of premature babies around the globe. James speaks about his own journey, and why he came up with the idea, and they also speak further about the future for mOm.

James Roberts, Gemma Singer

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Christine Gouldthorp on Fake Black Friday Deals.

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Christine Gouldthorp on Fake Black Friday Deals.
Adam Cox is joined by Christine Gouldthorp, Consumer Expert at PriceRunner, to discuss new research from PriceRunner which revealed major concerns over pricing during Black Friday in the lead up to Christmas. They look at how concerned Brits should be about so-called ‘fake deals’ online ahead of Black Friday and is HGV driver shortages will affect prices this year. Christine also gives advice on what to do to ensure shoppers don't get ripped off while doing their Christmas shopping.

Christine Gouldthorp

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: Jo Bryant on the Importance of Taxi Etiquette.

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: Jo Bryant on the Importance of Taxi Etiquette.
Adam Cox is joined by Jo Bryant, British etiquette expert, to look at new research released by FREE NOW which reveals the top unexpected behaviours in taxis that impact a user's rating. They discuss how taxi users can ensure they are keeping in line with taxi etiquette and how to make the journey more enjoyable for both the driver and passenger.

Jo Byrant

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Releasing the Anchor.

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Releasing the Anchor.
Taking the plunge for starting your own business or becoming self-employed can be a big challenge, particularly if you've grown up in a family where the security that comes with reliable employment is seen as paramount. In this episode Adam Cox, who's been self-employed since the age of 23, helps you to release the anchor, to tap into your inner resources and build confidence in your future.
