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Strand: Morning Money
Presenter: Adam Cox
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Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: How craft boxes can help children struggling with their mental health during the pandemic

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: How craft boxes can help children struggling with their mental health during the pandemic
Adam Cox is joined by founder of The Happy Craft Box, Lynda Phoenix, to discuss the mental health issues faced by children during the pandemic – and how The Happy Craft Box hopes to alleviate some of them. Lynda explains why she created the company, what she hopes to achieve by bringing mindfulness activities straight to kids in lockdown, and the differing ways in which children experience and deal with mental health compared to adults.

Lynda Phoenix

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: How to speak, influence and sell

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: How to speak, influence and sell
Adam Cox is joined by Elliot Kay, best-selling author and the co-founder of Speaker Express. Elliot details what it takes to build a great stage presence, and how he teaches business owners to transform their messages into a powerful growth tool. He shares some great tips for how to become a powerful speaker with the ability to influence an audience.

Elliot Kay

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Losing Weight Playfully

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Losing Weight Playfully
Adam was working with a gentleman that wanted to lose weight but thought of the process as a difficult struggle. Adam uses regression, direct suggestions, and metaphors to access the resources necessary so that weight loss is more like a game to be played. This will be an ideal session for anyone that wants to lose weight in a more playful and fun way.

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: How hot tubs and saunas can help treat chronic pain

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: How hot tubs and saunas can help treat chronic pain
Adam Cox is joined by Emma Staniforth from Inca to look at how hot tubs and saunas are more than just a luxury item for some, and in fact can be utilised for the treatment of chronic pain. They delve into Emma’s own use of heat to treat her endometriosis, and how infra-red saunas work when it comes to helping treat pain.

Emma Staniforth

Adam Cox

The Hypnotist: Hypnosis from the Loop - Stasis

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

The Hypnotist

The Hypnotist: Hypnosis from the Loop - Stasis
This hypnosis session is inspired by the TV show Tales from the Loop and the episode Stasis. In that episode a teenage girl finds a device that enables her to stop time, making a moment last forever. Adam takes that premise and creates a hypnotic journey where the listener can freeze time at 4 moments in life. Your best day from childhood. A day you were in Love (perhaps for the first time). Your worst ever moment (to take away negative emotions and re-frame to a useful experience). Your best ever day!

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: Why new year resolutions don’t work

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: Why new year resolutions don’t work
Adam Cox is joined by father and daughter team Trevor and Monique Bolland from Nuzest, to discuss the story behind the company's beginnings and why exactly health is so important to them. They talk about why new year resolutions don’t work and what people need to do to achieve long-term health improvements, ranging from exercise regimes to diet changes. This conversation delves into the benefits of including more plant-based options into a person’s diet, and how Nuzest use natural products to be inclusive to those with dietary restrictions.

Trevor and Monique Bolland

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: Working from home and employer responsibility

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: Working from home and employer responsibility
Adam Cox is joined by Max Vialou-Clark, from AJ Products, to discuss the findings from a report which reveals an increase in Brits’ sedentary behaviours over lockdown. They look at the implications for physical wellbeing whilst working at home, and how this has also affected the nation’s mental health and productivity. Max gives some “Dos and Don’ts” for working at home for prolonged periods, and explains what responsibilities employers have towards their staff working from home.

Max Vialou-Clark

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: Could this new app be the future of the trades and services industry?

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: Could this new app be the future of the trades and services industry?
Adam Cox is joined by TJ Supreme, CEO of the TuKo app, to discuss how TuKo aims to bring every on-demand service into one easy to use application, and what the inspiration behind the company was. They delve into how the older generation may benefit from an app such as this, and how it can protect users from “cowboy” tradespeople.

TJ Supreme

Adam Cox

Modern Mindset: How to stay true to yourself online

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Modern Mindset

Modern Mindset: How to stay true to yourself online
Adam Cox is joined by digital leadership strategist, Jono Poon. Jono explains why the biggest mistake people make online is being fake and having a persona disconnected from reality – and why clarity and authenticity are crucial when using online platforms like social media, podcasting, and YouTube. For more details on Jono visit:

Jono Poon

Adam Cox

Mini Mindset: How has the pandemic affected debt?

Adam Cox
Original Broadcast:

Mini Mindset

Mini Mindset: How has the pandemic affected debt?
Adam Cox is joined by Matt Dronfield, head of the fully-funded debt advice charity Debt Free London, to discuss how the pandemic has affected debt and the worrying trends that are arising from those ignoring debt during the pandemic. They look at the reasons Brits may feel they don’t need to worry about debt right now, and how this may affect them in the future. Matt also gives some great advice for those who want to seek help before they hit a real crunch point.

Matt Dronfield
