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New Economics Foundation

NEF: Budget Special 2017

New Economics Foundation
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New Economics Foundation

NEF: Budget Special 2017
Chancellor Philip Hammond got out his red box again to let us know how the country’s finances are – or aren’t – holding up, and what the Government’s going to be doing with its money this year. Will the Chancellor’s proposals be enough to make our economy “fit for the future”? And with Brexit looming, is the Government doing enough to deal with the country’s economic problems? This week, NEF’s David Powell steps in for regular host Ayeisha Thomas-Smith. Dave is joined by Kate Bell, Head of Economic and Social Affairs at the Trades Union Congress, and Miatta Fahnbulleh, the new CEO of the New Economics Foundation.

David Powell, Kate Bell, Miatta Fahnbulleh

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Will Brexit boost Britain's fishing industry?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Will Brexit boost Britain's fishing industry?
Pro-Brexit campaigners have argued leaving the EU means Britain can “take control” of its fisheries. But what does Brexit really mean for fishing communities and for the future of our fish stocks? This week, Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by Fernanda Balata, Senior Programme Lead for Coastal Economies at the New Economics Foundation, Griffin Carpenter, NEF Senior Researcher, and James Wilson, a mussel farmer in Bangor, North Wales.

Fernanda Balata, Griffin Carpenter, James Wilson, Ayeisha Thomas-Smith

New Economics Foundation

NEF: How will Brexit affect our lives?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: How will Brexit affect our lives?
The single market. The customs union. Making a deal with the EU or leaving on WTO terms. There’s a lot of jargon to contend with when we’re discussing the economics of Brexit. Sometimes it feels like we get so caught up in pretending we know what it all means that we forget to talk about the impact it’s going to have on people’s everyday lives. When we leave the EU, will some people lose their jobs? Will the things we buy become more expensive? Will businesses do better or worse under new trading rules? This week, Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by Annie Quick, Subject Lead for Inequality at the New Economics Foundation and Sam Lowe, who leads on trade and Brexit at Friends of the Earth.

Annie Quick, Sam Lowe

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Are robots already stealing our jobs?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Are robots already stealing our jobs?
Politicians and economists have increasingly been talking about the risks of a future where robots make all of our jobs obsolete. But is that future already upon us? And in the meantime, are big companies using technology to create 21st century workhouses with bad conditions and even worse pay? In this episode, Stefan Baskerville, NEF’s Principal Director for Unions and Business, joins podcast regulars Alice Martin and Annie Quick to tackle the big issues – and the threat of robots revolting…

Stefan Baskerville, Alice Martin, Annie Quick

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Can we do better than Uber?

New Economics Foundation
Original Broadcast:

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Can we do better than Uber?
Last month, Transport for London announced it was withdrawing ride-hailing firm Uber’s license to operate in the capital. Despite complaints over passenger safety and poor treatment of drivers, many Londoners came to Uber’s defence, valuing its convenience. But what if we could build something better than Uber – something that is just as convenient and competitive on price, but treats its passengers and drivers with respect? This week host Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by NEF’s Principal Director for Unions and Business, Stefan Baskerville, and researcher Duncan McCann.

Stefan Baskerville, Duncan McCann

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Is there a political divide between cities and towns?

New Economics Foundation
NEF: Is there a political divide between cities and towns?
A characteristic feature of British society in 2017 is division. Leavers are pitched against Remainers, young against old, graduates against non-graduates. But perhaps the starkest way of understanding social division in the UK is to consider the places where people live. A new report by the New Economics Foundation and Professor Will Jennings shows how electoral divisions have opened up between towns and cities in England. To explore this more, Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is this week joined by Lisa Nandy MP and Will Brett, Director of News and Media at NEF.

New Economics Foundation

NEF: Will England ban fracking too?

New Economics Foundation
NEF: Will England ban fracking too?
After its recent ban in Scotland, fracking is firmly back on the media and political agendas. But is fracking a necessary economics boost for the country, or an environmental disaster we should avoid at all costs? In our first transmission from the New Economics Foundation, host Ayeisha Thomas-Smith is joined by NEF’s Environment Lead, David Powell, alongside Weekly Economics Podcast newbie Hanna Wheatley, Researcher at NEF.
