Share Sounds. presented by Simon Rose

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Simon Rose

Ian Dunt on his book ' Brexit: What The Hell Happens Now?'

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Ian Dunt on his book ' Brexit: What The Hell Happens Now?'
Editor of . Political editor of The Erotic Review. Author of Brexit: What The Hell Happens Now?

Simon Rose

The Federation of Small Businesses policy interventions are failing and that in the last five years the rate of late payments for small businesses has risen.

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Travel Guide

The Federation of Small Businesses policy interventions are failing and that in the last five years the rate of late payments for small businesses has risen.
Today The Federation of Small Businesses has published a comprehensive report looking at the way small firms and the wider economy are affected by poor payment practice. The report entitled 'Time to Act: The economic impact of poor payment practice' found that policy interventions are failing and that in the last five years the rate of late payments for small businesses has risen. To find out more Simon Rose was joined by Craig Beaumont spokesperson from the FSB.

Simon Rose

What makes a good leader? Sue Coyne author of a book entitled 'Stop Doing Start Leading'

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

 What makes a good leader? Sue Coyne author of a book entitled 'Stop Doing Start Leading'
What makes a good leader? Is it working as hard as possible at the expense of family life and health? Sue Coyne believes that it's the opposite- that the world's best leaders do LESS and not more. Sue is the author of a book entitled 'Stop Doing Start Leading' - to find out more Olivia Demetriades spoke to Sue and started by asking her what inspired her to write the book.

Simon Rose

2/3 of professional women go into lower-skilled or lower-paid role, when they return to work after a career break- according to PwC

Simon Rose
2/3 of professional women go into lower-skilled or lower-paid role, when they return to work after a career break- according to PwC
Two-thirds of professional women go into lower-skilled or lower-paid roles, or work fewer hours than they prefer, when they return to work after a career break. That's according to research published by PwC, in conjunction with Women Returners and 30% Club. To find out more about this I'm now joined by Jing Teow, the author of the report and senior economist at PwC

Simon Rose

Britain ranks among the worst performers in the developed world for spending on new technology, industrial machinery and transport equipment.

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Britain ranks among the worst performers in the developed world for spending on new technology, industrial machinery and transport equipment.
Britain ranks among the worst performers in the developed world for spending on new technology, industrial machinery and transport equipment. This is according to a study by the TUC on investment spending in the public and private sectors. The UK performed last out of the 34 members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development for spending on transport equipment. We also rank 20th out of 21 countries for which data is available in spending on IT systems and 23rd out of 27 countries for investment in other types of machinery.

Simon Rose

UK unemployment is at an 11-year low

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

UK unemployment is at an 11-year low
UK unemployment is at an 11-year low. In the first jobs figures entirely from the post-Brexit period, the Office for National Statistics reported that unemployment fell by 37,000, to 1.6 million, in the three months to September. The jobless rate fell to 4.8% in the period, while the number of people in work went up by 49,000. To discuss the figures in more detail, Simon spoke to John Hawksworth, chief economist at PwC.

Simon Rose

Our series looking at the most common scams and how to spot them, this week it's in your face scams

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Our series looking at the most common scams and how to spot them, this week it's in your face scams
As part of our series looking at the most common scams and how to spot them, Simon speaks to Financial Journalist and Author Rodney Hobson about in your face scams.

Simon Rose

Dame Esther Rantzen & Tony Neate, the CEO of Get Safe Online explains

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Dame Esther Rantzen & Tony Neate, the CEO of Get Safe Online explains
What would you do if you found yourself on the receiving end of a scam call? Well, you're not alone if you wouldn't know what to do - in fact, one in five of us have no idea. More startlingly, according to Get Safe Online, almost half of us wouldn't be able to spot a scam at all. As a nation, we pride ourselves on our good manners and chivalry, but are we too polite for our own good? Gregor Watt was joined by Dame Esther Rantzen & Tony Neate, the CEO of Get Safe Online.

Simon Rose

Have you ever been the victim of online fraud?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Have you ever been the victim of online fraud?
Have you ever been the victim of online fraud? New research, by internet security experts Kaspersky Lab, has revealed that a third of us have been targeted by fraud and two thirds have experienced it on more than one occasion. With the increased use of online banking and online shopping, many of us are now relying on banks in the event of financial fraud, to reimburse any money lost. Gregor Watt spoke to David Emm, Principal Security Researcher at Kaspersky Lab and began by asking whether we are being too complacent in expecting our banks to always foot the bill when we experience online fraud.

Simon Rose

Alex Deane Managing Director at FTI Consulting on Trump, Brexit and Farage

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Share Radio Evening Show

Alex Deane Managing Director at FTI Consulting on Trump, Brexit and Farage
Why he got it right on Trump when almost everyone else didn’t. What sort of president will Trump be? Does the UK Government have a plan for Brexit and what sort of Brexit will it be? How should the government treat Nigel Farage, given that he clearly gets on better with Trump than anyone else in the UK?

Alex Deane
