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Programme: The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors
Presenter: Simon Rose
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Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: The consumer sector and investing in Vietnam

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: The consumer sector and investing in Vietnam
Neil Shah of Edison Group tells SImon Rose of Edison's study into the consumer sector, which has been affected by the hit to consumer confidence. There's plenty of value in the sector and the report lists companies which have had upgrades but not seen share reactions. The changed environment is exposing those companies which have weak business models. He also highlights Vietnam Holdings, an investment trust which has outperformed the market in that dynamic economy. At some stage, Vietnam will cease to be considered a frontier market and valuations will change as a result. Both reports are on the Edison website.

Neil Shah

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Why are mining stocks so unloved?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: Why are mining stocks so unloved?
Ever the contrarian, Russ Mould of A J Bell wonders why he is getting no questions at the moment about mining shares. They have underperformed growth stocks for a decade or so and it is true they are suffering cost input issues like so many other businesses. However, their balance sheets are pretty healthy, we still need the things they dig out of the ground and the renewables transition will exacerbate this. At some stage, they might come back into favour. However, unless investors have geological expertise, they might be best sticking with the majors.

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: The Middle East crisis & an investment trust to note

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: The Middle East crisis & an investment trust to note
Neil Shah of Edison Group looks at the possible ramifications of the Middle East crisis which, if it continues, could mean higher oil prices, a less optimistic picture for inflation and a boost for safe havens, perhaps with tech stocks stuffering. He points out that it's a binary switch, with the opposite happening if the situation improves. He also talks about the Abrdn UK Smaller Growth Trust. Despite a difficult year, the managers are sticking to their policy of holding quality stocks for the long term. It stands at a 14% discount to asset value and offers a 2.8% yield. There are more details in a note on the Edison website.

Neil Shah

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: What do conflicts mean for markets?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: What do conflicts mean for markets?
Russ Mould of A J Bell looks at the effect conflicts have had on financial markets using the All-Share Index since it was instituted in 1962. While recognising that much else is more important, he concludes that, by and large, the reaction of markets is not long lasting. The big exception was 1973's Yom Kippur War which led to the 73-4 oil price shock. While events may not be directly comparable, with inflation heightened and debt at astronomic heights, we have to hope that the US economy does not hit the buffers. Russ's Nostrodamic view is that as governments can't afford deflation, interest rates will be pushed lower. Please note: Russ's inability to access broadband means that sound quality is variable in places.

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: How investors should view share buybacks

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: How investors should view share buybacks
Russ Mould of A J Bell discusses share buybacks. Long popular in the United States, he notes that they are currently down by a fifth YOY, pointing out that previous peaks coincided with market tops. In the UK, many of our biggest companies have engaged in buybacks, particularly in the financial field. With the FTSE yielding 3.9%, buybacks are adding another 2.3%. While private investors don't usually participate directly, their equity stake rises. Russ explains the ins and outs of share buybacks from a private investor's point of view.

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook For Personal Investors: Inflation, interest rates, Team Internet & Baker Steel Resource Trust

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook For Personal Investors: Inflation, interest rates, Team Internet & Baker Steel Resource Trust
Neil Shah of Edison Group discusses the fall in inflation and the MPC's decision to pause interest rate rises with Simon Rose. He points out that a lot of money is going into the bond market, which should be positive for equities and offers advice about how to position your porfolio in the current environment. He points to two companies investors might find interesting, Team Internet (formerly CentralNic) and Baker Steel Resource Trust.

Neil Shah

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook For Personal Investors: Are a rash of CEO departures a worrying sign?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook For Personal Investors: Are a rash of CEO departures a worrying sign?
Russ Mould of A J Bell looks at the high rate of departures of FTSE 100 CEOs and, indeed, CFOs. 18 CEOs are going this year, with another 4 already known to be departing in 2024. The figures for CFOs are 31 this year, with another 6 planned next. Such elevated numbers were also seen in 2000, 2007, 2013 and 2020, none of them years investors will look back on fondly. Russ also answers the obvious question, "What does a CEO actually do?".

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook For Personal Investors: What is the underperformance of small caps telling us?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook For Personal Investors: What is the underperformance of small caps telling us?
Russ Mould of A J Bell points out that while stocks in tech, the US and Latin America have been doing well, markets everywhere have shunned small cap companies. He wonders why they aren't doing well in what is said to be a risk-on period. Having been trained in a bear market, it's making him feel cautious, even though the markets may think they're back in Goldilocks territory. However, he suggests some indicators worth keeping an eye on.

Russ Mould

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: How to invest in AI & energy efficiency

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: How to invest in AI & energy efficiency
With AI-chip maker Nvidia surprising the market, Neil Shah of Edison Group looks at ways investors who feel they've missed that particular boat can invest in AI. He singles out as possible AI beneficiaries credit reporter Experian, Ocado and Rightmove and he explains why. But he also looks at the importance of energy efficiency as we head towards Net Zero, highlighting SDCL Energy Efficiency Income Trust, which has gone from a premium to a substantial discount and has a substantial yield.

Neil Shah

Simon Rose

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: What's doing well this year on both sides of the Atlantic?

Simon Rose
Original Broadcast:

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors

The Financial Outlook for Personal Investors: What's doing well this year on both sides of the Atlantic?
Russ Mould of A J Bell takes a look at what's been driving markets on both sides of the Atlantic. In the US, it's largely been growth stocks with some element of travel as well. In the UK, it's largely been companies like Rolls-Royce, and Marks and Spencer, companies that had seemed very much out of favour at the turn of the year. Many of the best performers are consumer-led stocks, despite cost-of-living pressures. He feels that, in the UK, there's an element of vlue investing with companies like M&S rapidly reducing its debt position. The big question now is, how long can it last?

Russ Mould
